Today was much better than yesterday. Woke up about 4.30am needing painkillers again, so Johan gave me them then we spent an hour or so talking about random stuff. I went back to sleep about 7.30am and woke up around 2.30pm feeling much better than I had.
I went on my computer about 5pm and spoke to Sammie for a bit, then suddenly felt really ill and needed an anti-emetic or I was going to throw up 🙁 I think there was too many noises for my head to process, so I’ll find a way to talk to her without that next time. After that kicked in the carer was due so played Cards against Humanity with Esther and Johan on the telly, then the carer came and I changed into a clean nightie.
I went back on my computer again and started downloading the lollipop image for my Nexus 10. It’s so pretty! I’m hoping to get root on it later with a modded kernel, so I can put all my backups on.
World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor was released at 11pm, but this is all I get:

So I’m not happy. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get on before I need to come off. Luckily with waking up so late I should be okay for a couple of hours. At least I’ve got setting my tablet to keep me occupied while I wait…
Edit 11.47pm: I’m on Draenor! Yay!