Project 365: Day 38: 25th July 2011 – Shoes


(Please ignore the state of the carpet…)

As the Shoutcraft Invitational didn’t finish until nearly 2am, I slept through the carer this morning. Woke up about 2pm, and was still not feeling great, though the nausea didn’t end up in vomiting. Have been exceptionally anxious all day, because of the carers being early on Saturday evening and Sunday morning.

Spent most of the day in bed feeling rotten, and watching stuff on 4 On Demand. Got up to raid in World of Warcraft, and ended up panicking when it was close to when the carers were due because one of them was the one who was early on Saturday, and I couldn’t cope with not knowing when they were going to arrive, and then having to deal with being touched and stuff. They arrived late (which normally I’d be able to deal with fine) and Johan sent them away as there was no way I’d be able to deal with them. Raid didn’t go too well, but it wasn’t my fault for once- one of the healers was having lag problems, and even when that was sorted out there were other little problems that meant we couldn’t get Cho’gall down.

Spoke to Vicky on MSN for a bit, and she gave me a link to a pair of purple shoes on eBay. I bought them 😛 Being ill is turning me into such a girl 😛

Project 365: Day 37: 24th July 2011 – Shoutcraft


Morning carer was early by a few minutes, and because of last night I couldn’t cope at all so didn’t get up. Turned out to be a good idea anyway because I was really ill. Pain was a lot worse than normal and was making me nauseous, then I started vomiting a few minutes after taking painkillers 🙁 Managed to scare Johan a little bit by there being blood in my vomit, but there wasn’t that much and it’s probably just being sick so much over the last few weeks.

Since I had to spend the day in bed I watched Shoutcraft on the telly. It was fun, and a good distraction. I was too ill to have my bath when the carer came, but I had one a lot later with Johan to try and get my temperature regulation under control, as I was going from hot to cold and back again so quickly I didn’t know what to do. It helped a bit.

Project 365: Day 36: 23rd July 2011 – TV Stand

TV Unit

Yesterday, while I was watching League of Legends on telly, Johan went out to Ikea to buy a new TV stand, as my old cheap coffee table looked like it was going to collapse. Today, we put it together (well, Johan did most of it). I sorted out the cables, vacuumed the space where the old one had been (it was a bit disgusting) and rewired everything. I like it 🙂

I also was able to walk a little today! I noticed while standing that I was less wobbly than normal (I stand a bit to transfer), so walked a little bit to see if I could. I didn’t fall over and my legs didn’t collapse! It felt weird though being that high up, after being at seated level for so long.

Played World of Warcraft (as always- may stop mentioning it in every post and just mention when I don’t play it :P). Was healing in Bastion of Twilight, causing quite a few wipes because of brain lapses.

I also panicked because the evening carer arrived 35 minutes early, and then asked if I was ready. I don’t cope with people being early at all, and being that early and expecting me to be ready to get ready for bed is just too much. It really upset me all evening.

Project 365: Day 35: 22nd July 2011 – Catreina

Didn’t get any sleep last night, as took painkillers with the drink I had for taking night time meds with. Messed around on the internet in bed most of the night. Got up when favourite carer arrived, then got dressed in my new dress 🙂

Played on WoW for a bit, then watched Catreina playing League of Legends on the telly 🙂

Fell asleep about 7pm, as I was a bit tired after being up 24 hours.

Project 365: Day 34: 21st July 2011 – Stripy Socks

Stripy Socks

Didn’t sleep much last night, as in too much pain (toothache on top of normal pain in arms and legs) and wasn’t well enough to go across the room to find painkillers.

Had to be up early this morning because I had my appointment at the CFS clinic. Threw up on the bus (I was prepared with bags, luckily) and felt really rotten travelling, but wasn’t too bad when I got there. They wanted to go through all my history, and there’s a lot of it, so I have another appointment in a month.

The photo was taken on the way back- the man sitting near us was wearing a shirt, tie and smart trousers, with colourful stripy socks 😀 It was good.

Went to the MetroCentre on the way back, heading to Asda. Found (and bought) a new penguin!It’s one of the ones from Madagascar. In Asda bought a new pair of wellys (they’re a size 9! and purple! and girly!) and a new dress that should be long enough to wear by itself 😛 Also got a salad, cherries and shortbread, but was feeling really ill by this point so we paid and went home.

Went for a nap when we got back, as I was knackered and in agony. Woke up and took painkillers, then had a bath. Also cancelled carers as I was in too much pain to deal with the one I don’t like.

After my bath, lay on my bed for a bit, then went on my computer to do dailies. Completed the Filling the Moonwell part of the Hyjal dailies, and did an epic storyline to kill Leyara 😀 Also was sad after doing the locket quests 🙁

Still in a lot of pain after full dose of painkillers. I need to make an appointment with the dentist (though I’m waiting to have the tooth removed) and see the doctor about the nausea and vomiting as it’s getting a bit difficult to cope with now.