This is what I’ve been doing quite a bit of today. It’s a nice game that requires no concentration, so good for when my brain isn’t working 😛
Spent a lot of today sitting up. First was doing Netherwing dailies to try and get my drake in World of Warcraft. They take ages, but now I’ve finished everything I want in the Molten Front it’s okay finding the time. I also went and did a Firelands trash run this evening.
In between I went to the library for some books, and for my weigh in at Slimming World. Stayed the same, which is okay. Hopefully I’ll lose some next week 🙂
Been a bit off all day- feeling really bloated and ill, and took painkillers while out. Apparently I was in a lot of pain- I’d just not identified it as such, because the painkillers made me feel a lot better. Tomorrow I have no morning carers, so will sleep as long as I need.