Today is Guy Fawkes’s Day, where the entire country sets off fireworks and sets effigies of the Prime Minister with a pig on fire (okay, the last one might just be Brighton). I managed to go out on the ramp and see the higher fireworks from the official display at Saltwell Park, as Johan was raiding and we weren’t sure how we’d get down there if I went in my chair.

My Blizzcon goody bag arrived this morning and I am happy with it. Johan had already told me he was stealing the bag, but I get to keep the rest of the items including the Psi Blade. I have whacked Johan over the head with it as that’s what penguins do 😛 (He is okay with this as it didn’t hurt). I’ll probably attach the Diablo keyring and Illidan badge to my Trabasack. I’m really excited for Blizzcon!
Johan decided he needed a laptop for going to the day service he goes to (as nearly everything he does is computer based and there aren’t enough computers) so he bought a Chromebook today. I agreed to pay for half if I’m allowed to use it for blog posts and stuff when I’m in my chair, and he agreed so I’m typing this on the new Chromebook 🙂 Johan put the Overwatch decal I got in the Blizzcon bag on the laptop which looks awesome 😀
I found it funny that I got into my chair at 6.30pm and managed fine, including watching fireworks outside (with music and ear defenders), watching telly and being hoisted back into bed after 10pm, but taking my hoodie off while lying down made me feel really dizzy and ill. My body makes no sense to me. I hope to figure it out at some point 😛
Tomorrow is the start of Blizzcon so my plan is to change my sleeping pattern to fit it. Whether that works or not I don’t know 😛 Until then, I guess I’ll hang out and bed as normal 🙂