Still no rotas for my care calls. Most of the week has been spent anxious and panicky around the times of the calls. I’m not happy, but also not able to do much about it myself. Johan is planning on helping but he’s got other things as well (he did email the care agency but got no response).
Despite the anxiety about things I can’t do much about, I’ve mostly had a decent week. I have a new nephew who is very cute, managed to play lots of WoW (mostly in the middle of the night as that’s my best time at the moment), spoke to Sammie, and watched the new Doctor Who. Johan ran the Kielder Marathon on Sunday, and did extremely well, finishing in 3 hours 31 minutes 36 seconds and placed 44th out of 648. As it has gentle contours (read: some pretty big hills) he is really happy with this.
This cold is starting to get a bit annoying. I’ve discovered that I have septum perforation in my nose, which explains the whistling noise when I breathe. Not sure how long it’s been there but it can’t have been that long as the whistling has only been there about a week and I’d have noticed it. It probably doesn’t help that my nose is incredibly dry (as are my mouth and eyes) so it’s been difficult clearing it out (especially when I ran out of saline nasal spray). Another thing to add to the doctor discussion list but it’s definitely minor and maybe I could get some nose jewellery to put in it 😛 Hopefully at least the cold will go away soon.
- Overall mood – Mostly awesome and good, excluding around the care calls where I went between okay if I had an idea who was coming and awful when I didn’t. High symptoms all week, probably because of the cold.
- Average daily sleep – 8 hours 38 minutes (I wasn’t really sleeping well this week)
- Longest sleep – 14 hours 23 minutes, from Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday morning
- Clothes changed – 1
- Wipe wash – 1
- Water wash –
- Hair wash – 0
- Books read – 0
- TV watched – Doctor Who! Was excellent.
- Streams watched – 0
- Youtube watched – 0
- Music listened to – Daughter of the Sea on repeat
- Podcasts listened to – Episode 57 of Welcome to Night Vale
- Blog posts written – 2 (catching up)
- Penguins cuddled – Yup
- Johan hand holds – Sometimes
- Johan hugs – Too much pain and blehness
- Time on Twitter – 8 hours 26 minutes (average 1 hour 12 minutes a day)
- Time on Reddit – 21 hours 20 minutes (average 3 hours 2 minutes a day)
- Time on Facebook – 1 hour 46 minutes (average 15 minutes a day)
- Other –
- Panic attacks are not fun.
- New care worker on Sunday lunchtime came in yelling and woke me up. Ended up needing extra medication and feeling rubbish. Johan had to wake me up to watch Doctor Who (was worth it).
- I’m so happy there’s a canonically disabled companion in Doctor Who! And that it’s dyspraxia! The new doctor is awesome as well. I want her rainbow top.
- Worrying about a couple of people at the moment. Wish I could help them but being stuck in bed makes it hard.
Gaming Stuff
- Games played – 5
- Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
- Cross Stitch
- Neko Atsume
- Godville
- World of Warcraft
- AC: Pocket Camp Level – 128
- Godville Heroine Level – 50 (4% done)
- Godville wood for ark – 43.9%
- Godville savings – 1 million, 960 thousand
- Cross stitch completed – 0 (But worked on one)
- Most played game – World of Warcraft (19 hours 16 minutes, average 2 hours 45 minutes a day)
- Other –
- Managed lots in WoW this week. Old raids I completed were Ulduar, Trail of the (Grand) Crusader, Ice Crown Citadel and Firelands. Ulduar and Firelands I did twice (before and after the Wednesday reset).
- Got both Argussian Reach and Army of the Light reputations to exalted.
- Completed the questlines to unlock the Dark Iron Dwarves, Lightforged Draenai and Void Elves. Not made any yet though.
- Levelled my enchanting a bit more. It’s expensive so it’ll probably be the last profession to 150 Kul Tiran.
- Animal Crossing was all about the bat flower event. I completed the hard mode on Saturday and have barely been in since.
- Games are an awesome distraction from feeling rubbish.