Project 365: Day 50: 6th August 2011 – The Shattering

The Shattering

Was vaguely aware of the carer arriving this morning, but was too shattered to get up. Was also woken up when Johan was going to the Linux User Group, but went back to sleep. Was woken up properly by the thunder about 3pm and realised it wasn’t going to be a good day when I fainted after using the commode (luckily I’d made it back onto my bed by then).

Had a day of dizziness, pain and feeling crap 😛 Started throwing up after taking painkillers and anti-nausea tablets, but it calmed down and I was able to eat something. So long as I stayed lying down I was okayish, so have stayed in bed all day. Despite feeling crap, my mood has been pretty good, and I half-watched Chicken Run and Paragon raiding on the telly.

Also today I received the book I’d ordered from Amazon. I’m looking forward to reading it when I feel a bit better 🙂 Still waiting on the rest of the order though, which are speakers (so I can give Johan his back) and some bright pink ear defenders.

Having an early night, so tomorrow will be a better day.

Project 365: Day 49: 5th August 2011–Starcraft 2 Epicness

Starcraft 2 Epicness

Spent most of the day in bed again. Went in Second Life for a bit, though, spending time in The Shelter. Also watched more Starcraft 2 from bed, including the most epic match I’ve seen in a tournament. It lasted about 45 minutes, both players reached the supply cap of 200, and it was won with carriers (which you don’t see much of because they’re vulnerable to anti-air). For those who have even less knowledge of Starcraft 2 than me (as mine is terrible)- it was long, exciting, and not seen normally 😛

Project 365: Day 48: 4th August 2011 – Johan in my Chair

Johan in my Chair

Travelled back from Leeds today, though spent an hour with Johan’s parents before getting the train. The train was okay, though I found it difficult to sit up because of overdoing it. When we got home I spent most of the day in bed, watching Starcraft 2 on the telly. Johan stole my chair to watch it 😛

When I was feeling a bit better I went into Second Life, and worked on getting my avatar out of 2007 and into 2011. She looks very different now, but still feels like me 🙂

Project 365: Day 46: 2nd August 2011 – Scary Google

Scary Google

Travelled to Leeds today. It wasn’t too bad, apart from there being a police officer on the train from Durham to York, so I spent the entire time panicking. Found the hotel okay, where we discovered that somehow I’d booked a double room, rather than a disabled one. Managed to get it swapped though.

I was on my laptop using my phone, when I was looking for places to eat near where we were. Google knew where we were 😛 Decided to go to McDonalds after going to Sainsburys for fruit and Mountain Dew.

Spent the evening watching telly in the hotel room, before going to sleep.