Project 365: Day 41: 28th July 2011 – Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate

Appointment at the doctors in the morning. He gave me tablets for nausea. He wanted to examine my abdomen but I panicked from the noise of the step.

Went into Newcastle afterwards, and had lunch at a café. The hot chocolate was nice, though I want too keen on the meatball sandwich.

I had hospital appointment in the afternoon. It went okay, right up to the point where they took blood. That in itself wasn’t a problem (I don’t like it, but I can tolerate it) but they broke all three rules in how to deal with Danni when she’s having a panic attack, so it was torture.

Went home via Blaydon library, and got Elisaveta to level 70 before falling asleep without taking my night-time meds. Whoops.

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