I’ve tried writing two different blog posts in the last couple of days but they’re not coming out how I want them to. Silly brain.

I went out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in my new wheelchair. Monday I already talked about. Tuesday I went into Newcastle, bought a hat to wear as the sun was getting in my eyes, and then went to McDonalds. It was as hot and sunny as it had been on Monday.

On Wednesday I went into Newcastle again, this time to meet my friend Little Feet (her blog is at Chaos and Control and is well worth checking out). We’d only really spoken on Twitter before, but she is as lovely in real life as she is online. We had a drink in a coffee shop before she had to go to the airport to go home (she’d been in Newcastle for work). Afterwards we went to pick up Johan’s prescription for an inhaler (he’s been having breathing problems) then went and ate pizza. The bus home went over the High Level Bridge which I was very happy about.
Johan has been getting me birthday presents and giving them to me early. I now have a Lego Penguin keyring, some penguin drink chillers (you use them instead of ice cubes), and a penguin pillow pet, which is just the right size to use with the wheelchair 🙂
I may have overdone it as I was feeling the effects of the adrenaline on Thursday and Friday and was finding it hard to sleep, then on Saturday I slept all day after being up all night. I got paid on Friday due to the double bank holiday (something to do with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee) so have bought some communication cards, some hair washing stuff for use while I’m still ill, and will also be getting some clothes for both of us and a media mount for my Trabasack.
I’m hoping that if I rest lots I’ll be feeling better again soon. Friday night Johan accidently set the smoke alarm off and my body responded by jerking violently and I couldn’t speak. I’m also in slightly more pain and more nauseous than I was. Silly Danni for doing too much.