Week 35 Review

A box with a picture of a woman wearing an eye mask with ear muffs, titled Hibermate, saying, "Luxury Eye Mask with Ear Muffs for Sleeping", 

Below in smaller letters, "The world's first soft ear muffs for sleeping. Generation 6"

There is a sticker saying navy blue.
The only photo I took this week. My new eye mask!

You’ll never guess what I got up to this week. It definitely didn’t involve a massive multiplayer online role playing game that I’m a bit obsessed with, honest 😛

Yeah, another WoW week. Last week I did the Jaina storyline, but had stop before the end as to finish it you needed to go into a mythic only dungeon (which is the hardest standard difficulty level). On Tuesday some people in my guild talked me into healing said mythic dungeon, so I managed to get to the end but also learnt I’m really not well enough to heal mythics. If it hadn’t been a guild group I would have been kicked really early on as I kept dying and wiping the group as I just didn’t have the concentration needed to heal and remember the mechanics at the same time.

It did mean I completed the Jaina storyline completely though. Will put the last spoilers below in a spoiler thingy, but I got very emotional again finishing it.

End of Jaina Questline In between the constant deaths and wipes, our group of adventurers fought against Lady Priscilla Ashbane’s most powerful allies, including the Irontide pirates in the Siege of Boralus dungeon. As the name suggests, we’re fighting to retake the city back from her. As it’s pirate themed, there’s a lot of gun fire and cannons, and a sea monster.

Once you’ve defeated them all, you speak to Jaina which spawns a cinematic, where Lady Ashvane’s ships are heading towards the shore. Katherine Proudmoore gives Jaina the Kul Tiras pendant that her father used to have, and using it and her magic she was able to call the Kul Tiran fleet home from the mist (where they’d been hidden for reasons). Lady Ashvane is surrounded, and she surrenders.

Afterwards you go to Unity Square and watch as Katherine declares Jaina the new Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, and the other houses pledge their allegiance to her and the Alliance. Lady Katherine remains the leader of the Proudmoore Admirality and Tiragarde Sound, but Jaina is now in charge.

We also find out that Taelia is the daughter of Bolvar Fordragon, who was a great hero of the Alliance. Not sure she wants to know he’s now the Lich King though…
After the Siege of Boralus

Once I completed the questline, I mostly concentrated on doing side quests and working on my reputations, especially the war campaign. I also went back and cleared Firelands on 25 heroic as it’s trivial content now, and it’s annoying me that I don’t have the reputation at exalted. I got lucky and won the mount from Alysrazor which made me happy. I also managed to complete the achievement Ready for War which was the end of another, less emotional storyline (though petable baby dinosaurs were involved afterwards).

I didn’t go on my computer everyday though. Thursday and Friday I ended up feeling rather rotten, and became really moody (and not as a response to anything). Based on the cramping pain I then got, we’re pretty sure that it was hormones, which was reassuring as it meant we knew it would be temporary. I had to ask Johan to send the carers away Friday night as I just couldn’t cope and was worried if they touched me then I’d end up hitting them. Panic attacks, paranoia and hallucinations are not fun. (I’m feeling better now.) Once it calmed down a bit I was able to go back on puter and play WoW as a distraction, which helped. I also listened to the song Daughter of the Sea from Warbringers: Jaina, the story of how Jaina became a traitor (from the Kul Tiran point of view), on repeat a lot. The first video is the animated story version, the second is just the song.

Beware, beware, the daughter of the sea…
  • Overall mood – Mix of awesome, good and poor on Friday. High symptoms because of hormones and weather changes. 
  • Average daily sleep – 10 hours 43 minutes
  • Longest sleep – 17 hours 49 minutes, from Sunday morning to Sunday night.
  • Clothes changed – 0
  • Wipe wash – 0
  • Water wash – 0
  • Hair wash – 0
  • Books read – 0
  • TV watched  – 0
  • Streams watched – 0
  • Youtube watched – Jessica Kellgren-Fozard (I actually looked up how to spell her name this time)
  • Music listened to – Warbringers: Jaina (about 50 times) and A Turtle Made It To The Water! (about 15 times)
  • Podcasts listened to – Episodes 46 to 50 of Welcome to Night Vale
  • Blog posts written – 0
  • Penguins cuddled – Definitely
  • Johan hand holds – Indeed
  • Johan hugs – Nope, too ill
  • Time on Twitter – 10 hours 18 minutes (average 1 hour 28 minutes a day)
  • Time on Reddit – 19 hours 32 minutes (average 2 hours 47 minutes a day)
  • Time on Facebook – 1 hour 7 minutes (average 9 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • I am so grateful I don’t go through the hormonal premenstrual stuff monthly now. I don’t think either of us could cope.
    • I found out how to see what percentage of my time I spend on things. For this week, it was 45% sleeping, 17% on social media, 15% on World of Warcraft, 6% on other games (mostly Animal Crossing) and the rest was most other stuff. Only problem is my tracker can’t deal properly when I’m doing two things at once (such as on World of Warcraft on my computer and twitter on my tablet).
    • I had been planning on changing my clothes and having a wash at the weekend. That didn’t happen.
    • I’m so glad I had Johan while I wasn’t coping. He helps a lot. 
    • My new eye mask is awesome. I’m hoping to do a full review at some point, but that might be a while.

Game Stuff

  • Games played – 5
    • Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
    • Cross Stitch
    • Neko Atsume
    • Godville
    • World of Warcraft
  • AC: Pocket Camp Level – 120
  • Godville Heroine Level – 58 (69% done)
  • Godville wood for ark – 39.5%
  • Godville savings – 1 million, 686 thousand
  • Cross stitch completed – 2
  • Most played game – Animal Crossing Pocket Camp (17 hours 2 minutes, average 2 hours 26 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • New bug catching event in Animal Crossing, this time Bumbledrops.
    • Finished the first part of the bug event in just over a day, thanks to very active friends.
    • Remembered that cross stitch is good, especially when listening to podcasts.
    • WoW is still favourite game.

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