Java Fail

For some reason Java keeps crashing on my computer when I’m running Minecraft. Very annoying but I’m not with it enough to fix it today. Maybe tomorrow.

I’ve played Minecraft with Sammie today (when I could stay in) and then went into World of Warcraft for more levelling. The queues were much shorter today (about 20 minutes) and there was a lot less lag. Yay! I’ve managed to get to level 96 which isn’t bad going for me 🙂 Much of the guild are close to or level 100 now, which is awesome. Johan is the best geared in the guild, which is cool (though it’s only heroic level stuff so it’ll probably change when raiding starts).

I’m well enough for my computer (obviously) which I’m super happy about but touch and stuff is being really problematic. I want computer a bit more right now but if it continues for more than a few more days I’ll have to sort something out.

Got a letter from my consultant today. Mentioned I’d a previous positive ANA test (news to me) and now have probable POTS (not surprised). Also says fatigue of unknown origin, which is fair enough. I’ve been referred to Professor Julia Newton so hopefully she’ll be able to help (I know a lot of people who have asked to be referred to her so I’m feeling very lucky it has happened for me without having to ask, and that she’s not far away).

I’ve got a couple of blog drafts I want to finish, but all brain power currently going into computer gaming related stuff (or talking to very important people). I’m sure I’ll manage it at some point 🙂

Long Wait

I’m used to waiting for things. Waiting for appointments, waiting for a hoist, waiting for drinks, waiting for painkillers, being ill involves a lot of waiting. Today my long wait has been to get into World of Warcraft.

It’s been 2 hours so far since I joined the queue, and I’m still not in (though it’s saying I’m 54th and there should only be a 2 minute wait… hopefully). I’m getting rather impatient 🙂

Other than trying to get into WoW, today I’ve eaten salad and fruit (probably not the best since I’m losing weight, but I wanted it), and played Minecraft with Sammie and her friend. I built a maze 🙂

Tomorrow I hope to play again with her, but we’ll see how I am. I’ve been lucky to manage the computer so much with this cold the last few days 🙂

Level Up!

Warlords of Draenor Collector's Edition box
Warlords of Draenor Collector’s Edition box

So last night I did eventually get onto World of Warcraft and start the quests for the new expansion. I’m really enjoying it. I probably stayed up far too late doing so and got to sleep again about 11am, after my Collector’s Edition arrived. The art book is very heavy so I’ll need help to look at it, but I’m really looking forward to it. I’m using my new Blackhoof mouse mat with my computer and Johan is going to rip the soundtrack for me 🙂

When I came off the computer this morning, I was level 92. I’m still in Shadowmoon Valley, and keep being distracted by Garrison quests and Archaeology (which I’ve already got to 700). I’ve still not got any gear upgrades but that’s okay as I did have (old) flex raiding stuff from Mists of Pandaria.

This evening I woke up about 7pm feeling pretty good for me. I had a few problems getting in at first, so I played a game of Hearthstone while I was waiting for it to calm down. It seems the lag is getting better now. I’m really happy I’ve been able to go on the computer and play two days in a row. I’m hoping this will continue, though I won’t be upset if it doesn’t. These have been really good days and I want them to continue 😀

Johan only slept about 3 hours this morning. He fell asleep about 7am and woke up for the postman just after 10am 😛 He seems happy though.

When I eventually crash or reach level 100 I might blog about something else, but until then I’ve got more levelling to do 🙂

Warlords of Draenor!

Today was much better than yesterday. Woke up about 4.30am needing painkillers again, so Johan gave me them then we spent an hour or so talking about random stuff. I went back to sleep about 7.30am and woke up around 2.30pm feeling much better than I had.

I went on my computer about 5pm and spoke to Sammie for a bit, then suddenly felt really ill and needed an anti-emetic or I was going to throw up 🙁 I think there was too many noises for my head to process, so I’ll find a way to talk to her without that next time. After that kicked in the carer was due so played Cards against Humanity with Esther and Johan on the telly, then the carer came and I changed into a clean nightie.

I went back on my computer again and started downloading the lollipop image for my Nexus 10. It’s so pretty! I’m hoping to get root on it later with a modded kernel, so I can put all my backups on.

World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor was released at 11pm, but this is all I get:

You have been disconnected from the server.
You have been disconnected from the server.

So I’m not happy. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get on before I need to come off. Luckily with waking up so late I should be okay for a couple of hours. At least I’ve got setting my tablet to keep me occupied while I wait…

Edit 11.47pm: I’m on Draenor! Yay!

Funny Nurse

The district nurse was out today, for my regular checkup (I’m assessed as high risk for pressure sores, which is why they keep coming). She was awesome. We spent as much time talking about penguins as about my health stuff. She told me that because I’ve lost weight (lying on my hips is getting painful quicker due to less padding, and a couple of carers have noticed) and I’ve got a reduced appetite I’m now at a higher risk of malnutrition, so she’s going to contact the dietician for a review.

I didn’t sleep well at all last night. I kept waking up because my nose was blocked, and I had to wake Johan up at 4.30am for painkillers, which is unusual (I can normally get back to sleep without them, or wait until later if not). I’ve been more drowsy than normal all day, probably because of lack of decent sleep and being bleh. I can’t wait for this cold to disappear.

I think I’ll be sleeping early tonight. Hopefully it’ll go better than last night. Right now I am listening to the music my brain is making up (I’ve got ear plugs in) and since it’s nice music I’m just going to enjoy it. Warlords of Draenor is out 11pm tomorrow, but if I’m still like this I won’t be playing at launch. I’m hoping Johan gets to though 🙂