Am I Well Enough For College?

So, this last week I have been at college.

Correction: I was at college on Monday, too ill to go in on Tuesday (and lost the ability to speak for much of the day), in on Thursday, then my limbs stopped working just before I got into my flat, which required Johan to lift me up the stairs then drag me into the flat, lift me onto my wheelchair then get me into bed, while I couldn’t move my arms or legs.

Luckily it was only an hour or two before I could move my arms again, and a few more hours before I could move my legs, but it made life very difficult while I couldn’t move them. For the first time, Johan had to wipe my bottom after I’d been to the toilet, which was something I was hoping he’d never have to do.

Since then, I’ve stayed pretty ill, though I did get my bath on Friday, and was able to sit up for a couple of hours on my computer. I know this is more functioning than a lot of people with severe ME, but still, this is worrying if I want to be able to continue at college, as my body is really protesting it.

I can’t rest at college as I can’t lie down.

Sitting up is now classified as high energy. It makes me feel really ill, and get a lot of unpleasant symptoms, really quickly. To do college, I have to manage it for 2 hours travelling each way, on top of my time at college. It’s often more than 6 hours in a day.

It’s too much.

So, what to do.

I could continue being stubborn, and keep going into college. Either I’ll stay as I am at the moment, or I’ll get worse. Worse means not being able to get out of bed at all, more instances of not being able to move limbs, more losing speech, and maybe new things that I’ve not experienced yet. That’s on top of the tiredness and pain getting a lot worse. I’m already struggling to cope with it, though I’m able to try and deal with it using positivity and plenty of painkillers.

I could give up college. That would mean never being able to finish A Level Computing, as South Tyneside College has discontinued it, and no other college in the area does it. I’m good at it.

Of course, getting the A Level isn’t necessary to go to uni or get a job. I can get there through other methods. It helps a lot though, and it fits my style of learning.

I’m not going to decide now. I’m going to give it another week, talk to my Computing lecturer, and see how things go. I’ll report back next Friday.

Yeah, About That M.E. Thing…

Dear Danni,

Please remember that you are ill. Specifically, don’t spend hours and hours on high activity things like sitting up when you should be resting in preparation for college, otherwise you will spend the next <insert time scale here> in bed, in a lot of pain after painkillers, trying not to be sick and so dizzy you feel like you’re on a rollercoaster. It’s not pleasant.

Yours sincerely,

Your Body.

Project 365: Day 62: 18th August 2011 – Results


I think I’m allowed to be happy with them šŸ™‚

Long day. Picked up results at about 8.40am, which meant I left at silly o’clock. My appointment at the CFS clinic was at 11.30am, so we decided to go into Gateshead. On the way to the Metro station one of my footrests fell off. I was able to hold it in place with my foot until we bought some duct tape in Gateshead, where we bodged it back together.

Went around the shops until my appointment. Didn’t buy much, just shampoo, conditioner, duct tape and chicken Bovril (it’s for a recipe).

Went to my appointment, and it went well. They agreed that my mental health problems/autism are not my main issue (though they’re contributing), and there was a definite onset of new symptoms following the bout of Swine flu I had in August 2009. They have offered me Graded Activity Therapy, which looks good. Combines pacing and activity with the aim of gradual improvements. They’re also going to contact my social worker over me getting a walking frame, as I need something more steady if I’m going to be starting to walk again. I also have colour charts and activity diaries to fill in.

Went to the MetroCentre after the appointment, which was okay, but stayed out too long. Spent all day since then in or on my bed, alternating between resting and messing around on the laptop. Johan has also spent the time feeding me and taking me to the toilet.

Project 365: Day 34: 21st July 2011 – Stripy Socks

Stripy Socks

Didn’t sleep much last night, as in too much pain (toothache on top of normal pain in arms and legs) and wasn’t well enough to go across the room to find painkillers.

Had to be up early this morning because I had my appointment at the CFS clinic. Threw up on the bus (I was prepared with bags, luckily) and felt really rotten travelling, but wasn’t too bad when I got there. They wanted to go through all my history, and there’s a lot of it, so I have another appointment in a month.

The photo was taken on the way back- the man sitting near us was wearing a shirt, tie and smart trousers, with colourful stripy socks šŸ˜€ It was good.

Went to the MetroCentre on the way back, heading to Asda. Found (and bought) a new penguin!It’s one of the ones from Madagascar. In Asda bought a new pair of wellys (they’re a size 9! and purple! and girly!) and a new dress that should be long enough to wear by itself šŸ˜› Also got a salad, cherries and shortbread, but was feeling really ill by this point so we paid and went home.

Went for a nap when we got back, as I was knackered and in agony. Woke up and took painkillers, then had a bath. Also cancelled carers as I was in too much pain to deal with the one I don’t like.

After my bath, lay on my bed for a bit, then went on my computer to do dailies. Completed the Filling the Moonwell part of the Hyjal dailies, and did an epic storyline to kill Leyara šŸ˜€ Also was sad after doing the locket quests šŸ™

Still in a lot of pain after full dose of painkillers. I need to make an appointment with the dentist (though I’m waiting to have the tooth removed) and see the doctor about the nausea and vomiting as it’s getting a bit difficult to cope with now.

An Early Morning Blog Post

The plan was to go to sleep earlyish (around 2am), so Iā€™d be able to wake up before the afternoon. That didnā€™t exactly happen, as my hand and arm decided that they were going to be too painful to sleep.

I have given up now, taken some painkillers, tried (and failed) to distract myself in World of Warcraft (turns out I use my right hand a lot to play it :-p) and am now writing this.

Despite me being up all night, my M.E. isnā€™t playing up too much. I donā€™t have the massive leg/arm jerks that launch me off the bed. Instead I get little ones that last only a few minutes, rather than a few hours. Much more manageable. The pain is normally bearable, and if itā€™s not, painkillers normally bring it down to that level. Iā€™m normally awake 12-14 hours a day, which is great. Iā€™m normally out of bed a few hours a day. The best thing is, this is without causing relapses. I do have to spend more time in bed if Iā€™ve gone out, or had a cold or a tummy bug, but thatā€™s okay.

I still canā€™t walk, really. I can sometimes take a couple of steps across the living room, but by the second step Iā€™m starting to fall, so I only do it to get to my bed when I feel I can (I can cross the living room in one or two steps normally). This is because I think itā€™s important for me to test myself on what I can do, so I donā€™t get deconditioned from not walking, and so I donā€™t forget how to.

Standing up happens sometimes. Again, itā€™s normally me testing myself, often when Iā€™m trying to use the toilet or something. Often I canā€™t do it at all, and thatā€™s okay as well. Iā€™m trying to listen to my body- push it a little bit, but not so much I relapse. It seems to be working.

The carers is still an issue. Most of them now Iā€™m fine with. My favourite carer is absolutely amazing, and I get her most mornings and the occasional evening. If I could, Iā€™d steal her to be my carer all the time. She can do in 45 minutes what it would take me when well a week to do šŸ™‚Ā There are others that I get on with quite well, like the one who came and did my bath last night. I didnā€™t find her as easy to get on with as favourite carer to begin with, but Iā€™m now quite comfortable with her helping me and things. To be honest, I wouldnā€™t mind stealing her if I couldnā€™t have favourite carer, as sheā€™s lovely and does things, just maybe not as quickly as favourite carer :-p

There are other carers though that make me very anxious, just by them being here. One of them makes me outright panic just by being on the rota. So far, I’ve manage to spot it and cancel whenever sheā€™s on it. There are some that Iā€™m okay with coming to help with just getting changed and housework, but who make me really anxious when they help me with my bath. I donā€™t know why that is- Iā€™m about as unembarrassed about my body as I can be (Iā€™m quite happy to be naked in front of other people, including males, though Iā€™m aware now that they may not be (and it took me until I was over 16 to learn thatā€¦) so I try not to be) though I do get a little self conscious when washing myself, more because I always feel Iā€™m doing it wrong when Iā€™m being watched :-pĀ Thatā€™s easily solved though by asking the carer to leave the room for a few minutes while I do so (Iā€™m too big to drown in the bath once Iā€™m in safely). I dunno- maybe Iā€™m picking up on anxiety on their part?

As my most recent Project 365 showed, I have received my Blue Badge! This means whoever is driving me places (such as Colin or staff at college) will be able to park in disabled bays without bother, and wonā€™t have to pay parking costs a lot of the time. Iā€™ve also got my application in for a disabled bus pass, which will give me a lot of freedom when Iā€™m well enough for day trips, as Iā€™ll be able to use it to go into Northumberland without paying the earth. Prudhoe watch out :-p

Weā€™re going to Leeds next month as itā€™s my father-in-lawā€™s 70th birthday. Heā€™s nearly as old as my nana :-pĀ I still need to book train assistance, but the hotel is booked for two nights, and Iā€™ve paid for the train tickets. Staying two nights should mean less pressure on rest and things, and I may even get to see something while Iā€™m there (other than Johanā€™s family, of course).

Iā€™m hoping some of my other parcels arrive today. Iā€™m expecting some shoes, some egg cups, and some micro USB cables. Iā€™m also waiting for a Wreck This Journal and a purple Blue Badge holder, but they may take a bit longer to arrive. I also need to do an Asda order, or at least a shopping list so that Johan can go and get some items. I really fancy watermelon.

World of Warcraft has been a bit iffy. Iā€™m still enjoying it, but Iā€™ve had a couple of bad groups in there that donā€™t help my very low confidence in my healing abilities. I know theoretically that Iā€™m actually not that bad at healing, but it doesnā€™t stop me being knocked everytime I get yelled at. Today it was because I didnā€™t feel comfortable trying to use my crowd control (mind control and shackle undead) as everytime I try to use it, I die. I even did today. We did have a DPS shaman and druid in the group, so it wasnā€™t like we didnā€™t have any, but they kept insisting. I ended up dropping group because it was making me that anxious. I felt really guilty afterwards, especially since Iā€™d queued with a guildie (the druid) but they said they understood why Iā€™d dropped group. The guildie covered for me by saying I had a raid :-pĀ I have killed some raid bosses though, so Iā€™m happier with that.

Since I finished college, Iā€™ve noticed Iā€™ve had more concentration for things like television shows and reading childrenā€™s books. Itā€™s still not great and Iā€™m not taking much in, but at least I can do it now without my mind wandering every few seconds (itā€™s every few minutes instead). Iā€™m going to watch the Harry Potter films in time for the last one coming out. If I watch one or two a day, Iā€™ve got plenty of time. I can even watch them from bed, so use less physical energy šŸ™‚

Iā€™m still majorly struggling to write emails, comments and letters. Iā€™m also overwhelmed by Twitter and Facebook, though I still look at them. Iā€™m also on Google+, which is cool šŸ™‚Ā I donā€™t know if itā€™ll replace Facebook, as there arenā€™t that many people using it yet, but itā€™s fun to mess with at the moment.

Oh, I also am very very slowly starting to use the phone again šŸ˜€Ā This is a big thing, as my phobia got so bad I wasnā€™t even able to talk to people I know very well on it without a panic attack. Iā€™m starting with scripted calls, but will hopefully expand that as I get more used to it. Iā€™ll probably never be fully comfortable with it, but being able to use it if I need to would be awesome.

Iā€™ve also been very naughty and taken myself off my antidepressant. I donā€™t think it was ever doing anything for me, other than making me sleep. Iā€™ve not noticed a decrease in mood since coming off it, though both Johan and I are monitoring it closely. Iā€™m also slightly more alert when I get up, which is a bonus šŸ™‚Ā Iā€™m not coming off the antipsychotic yet, as that was doing a lot for me and I want to see how things go. At some point I should probably tell my doctor Iā€™m not taking the antidepressantā€¦

Project 365 is going well, though Iā€™m starting to run out of things to take photos of in my living room. I donā€™t get much in the way of interesting post unless I buy something (I do get the odd bill though) so Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™ll be photographing soon. Itā€™s been fun though, and itā€™s been a way to blog daily without it feeling like a big effort.

Johanā€™s not doing so great though šŸ™Ā  His anxiety is really bad, as is mine (it was before coming of the antidepressant- itā€™s been no worse since then) and they seem to be feeding each others, which is bad. Heā€™s also struggling to find the motivation to do things. His emergency referral since being in hospital still hasnā€™t been completed though, which is getting ridiculous. Iā€™m worried heā€™ll end up that ill again (especially since the stress of the carers isnā€™t helping) though heā€™s adamant that heā€™s not going back into hospital. I think it may be time for me to start chasing things.

The pain has now eased enough that I may be able to sleep, so I think Iā€™m going to leave it there.