Project 365: Day 40: 27th July 2011 – Purple Suede Shoes

Purple Suede Shoes

Since I can’t walk, I seem to be spending a lot of time looking at and buying new shoes 😛 It does mean I’ll be able to get rid of all the ones that are falling apart, though 😛

Woke up about 2.30pm today, feeling really rotten. Took antibiotics and got up, but had to go back to bed after doing my dailies because I felt so dizzy and ill. Panicked again when the carer came at bath time, which didn’t help at all.

Had a bath a bit later, but realised I wasn’t strong enough to get out. This meant that Johan had to drag me out, which he found exceptionally difficult. Lay on the floor in the bathroom for a bit before I was strong enough to get in my wheelchair and go back to bed. Being stuck in the bath has now made me scared of having one again, as it was very painful trying to get out. Need to speak to social worker to find out what’s happening to my OT assessment.

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