This will be a short post as I am super tired and about to sleep.
Today I started my Christmas shopping. I got Sammie a Nintendo 3DS in pink as that’s what she wants. I hope she likes it š I’ve also started looking at what other presents she wants for both Christmas and her birthday (on Boxing Day). I also was told some of the sweet things she has been saying- one of them made me cry.
I also sent an email to an Amazon seller who wanted more information about an order I’d placed, received my new laptop battery which hopefully will make it run a bit better, and wrote a list of things for the hospital on Friday. I was hoping to get a wash and some clean pyjamas, but that didn’t happen. Maybe tomorrow. I also had lots of cuddles, then discovered that cuddles are exhausting and make me feel ill š
Tomorrow Johan is at the doctors in the morning and the carer’s association people are coming in the afternoon. Hopefully it will be okay.