Busy March

Although the beginning of the month took me by surprise (yesterday I woke up late after a 16 hour sleep and was convinced it was still February until I got my Brew of the Month club mail in World of Warcraft) it’s shaping up to be quite a busy one for us.

Becca is staying with us next weekend as she’s going to Newcastle Film and Comic Con and we live much closer than she does (she lives in the middle of nowhere with a rubbish bus service and worse internet connection, we’re quite central with decent buses, walking distance from Newcastle if necessary, and awesome internet). I wish I could go with her as it looks to be amazing but will have to experience it second hand. Her staying here should make that easier though πŸ™‚

Vicky has invited Johan to go see the ballet in Leeds the week after, and he’s going to go down a couple of days early to see his parents and friends and so on. Becca has kindly offered to look after me so I don’t have to go into a care home πŸ™‚ After the ballet Vicky is going to come back with Johan so I can see her before she goes gallivanting across the world. It’s been a while since I last saw Vicky in person so it will be awesome. She’s a low energy person so I’m hoping to be able to chat while she’s here πŸ™‚ (Different people require different levels of energy for me to be able to be around them- it’s not a bad thing, or related to how much I like the person, just something I have to take into account when it comes to visits and things.)

The week after that I have the CFS team coming out to see me. It was meant to be to discuss my visit to see my consultant but since that hasn’t happened I’m not sure what we’ll be discussing. They are helpful but exhausting so that is also a big event in my calendar.

I am not doing amazing at the moment. The curtain has been up for a while and today I’m non-verbal again. Moving causes my back to go into spasm so I’m trying to remain very still. Johan has dosed me up on painkillers and an antiemetic to help with the nausea and heated penguins so I’m as comfortable as I can be, which is good.

Yesterday my carer went to Primark for me to get me a penguin onesie. Although I have one, it’s huge (XL men’s) and I wanted one that would fit a bit better. They were reduced and since she was going to be in there anyway she offered to get one for me. I love it and can’t wait to be well enough to try it on πŸ˜€

My World of Warcraft playing is good at the moment. Not well enough to do any raids (not even LFR) so I’ve been concentrating on levelling. My blood elf paladin Catalia is now level 73, and my recruit a friend character that I’m levelling with Becca, Caitlyna, has reached level 60. We’ll be going to Outland when we next play together πŸ™‚ It’s interesting trying to teach her- she wasn’t doing well on DPS in dungeons (she was asked about it during one of the runs- once I explained she was new they were fine though) and I discovered it was mostly because she wasn’t using charge (her character is a fury warrior). I’m also trying to teach her not to click the abilities and to use the keyboard instead, but she’s finding it difficult. Unfortunately unlike me she’s unable to touch type which helps a lot for being able to use key bindings without looking, but I’m hoping with practice she’ll be able to manage it at least some of the time. I showed her where the training dummies were in Stormwind and asked her to install a damage meter so she’ll be able to practice πŸ™‚

I’ve been watching a lot of Foster Kitten CamΒ recently. The Ghostbuster kittens are so cute! It was sad last night though as Peter, one of the kittens, died in Foster Dad John’s hands. It upset me quite a bit even though it’s not uncommon for kittens to not survive. He was so active, constantly trying to escape, and I know he will be missed by a lot of people. His litter mates, Egon and Ray, are also really active and keeping their mamma Janine busy. Earlier today one of them escaped the box and mamma had to carry him back in πŸ˜›

I tried to watch some Hearthstone earlier but not quite got the concentration for it. I think I’ll go do some easy levelling or something in World of Warcraft. I’m hoping my body starts behaving better soon but until then I’ll just do what I can to not get worse and distract myself from the worst of the blehness.