Yesterday I went into hospital to have my teeth sorted under a general anaesthetic. Considering I have severe ME, it went about as well as it could have.
The ambulance with the stretcher was late, but we were expecting that and I was second on the list because we knew I’d not be getting in for 8am (I probably would have been first otherwise). The journey was horrible but I listened to music to help cope with the noise (along with wearing my earplugs and ear defenders) and used Google maps to see how long it would be. Got there and was put in a side room which was good.
Not too much later we went through what was going to happen, consent and stuff. Johan filled in the forms and signed for me (I gave verbal consent for him to do everything) and they took my blood pressure and heart rate. Blood pressure was normal (higher than my normal but I was anxious) but my heart rate was bouncing around, but only between 99 and 120ish bpm so not too bad for me. When I say my heart is doing funky dances, that’s part of what I mean. Once I told them that was normal for me they accepted it.
I’d made up a personal information sheet that was two sides of A4, that we laminated as we could only find A3 lamination sheets and I was also making a communication board so put them in the same sheet 😛 I based it off a friend’s version and I think it really helped them understand me. It explained my normal difficulties, medication, what to do if certain things happened (if I go nonverbal, if I have a panic attack, etc.) and what not to do, especially sitting me up (which is normal procedure). It’s generic enough that it’ll be useful as a normal emergency sheet, and will just need updating if anything changes.
After that stuff we had a little wait, then got told off for my chocolate consumption (I think keeping my weight up is more important, and the acid reflux is probably more damaging in the long run). Johan struggled to get compression socks on me (I ended up doing one and hurt my hands, he managed the second after being shown how) and I had a gown put over my pyjamas and it was off to theatre. I took Po with me as I knew having a penguin there when I woke up would help. I also wore my sunglasses as it was really bright.
In theatre it was the usual confirmation of who I was, and then I was asked if the signature on the consent forms was mine. When I said no the guy jumped backwards and some of the other staff laughed. Then he confirmed that it was Johan’s signature and that we both knew what was happening, the risks and stuff. Next everyone but the anaesthetists left and one of them started looking for a vein in my hand. Because I had already hurt my hands earlier, the tapping on the back of my hand was absolute agony. I think it hurt more than the canulla being inserted and that’s bad enough. Fluids and meds were given, then they gave me some oxygen, then they told me they were putting me to sleep and injected a stinging liquid. Not too much later I was asleep.
Waking up I was very groggy. I remember feeling Po under my hand which helped with my anxiety, then being very shivery and then had warmed blankets put on me. That felt really nice as I became aware of it. Johan came in, and I asked for my eye mask because it was too bright with just my sunglasses. He was talking to me but I can’t really remember anything of it. They removed two teeth and filled 4 more, mostly at the back. I’m down to two wisdom teeth now.
Got wheeled back to the side room (the movement was horrendous) and the light was turned off which helped. Was still very fuzzy and I think I drifted off to sleep a few times. Was asked about pain, said my face was okay (it hurt but not too much) but my body was really bad. Was told I could have my normal tramadol and a drink and that helped. After a bit more time I was able to swap to my sunglasses and talk to Johan a bit. Asked about my teeth pain again and it was okay, so they called for the ambulance and they turned up.
The journey home was not exactly fun. They kept the main lights off in the back of the ambulance, and I listened to music with my ear plugs and defenders on. I also watched the map so I could tell how long it would be before we got home, which helped as I don’t like not knowing what is going on. When it said 1 minute from home I started feeling really nauseous, but was able to cope knowing it wouldn’t be long.
Ambulance guys got me back into my room, and Johan hoisted me back into bed (the hoist sling had stayed under me the entire time, which isn’t too bad if I’m not sitting on it). One of the ambulance guys asked us to let them know when I next need them so they can take the day off (the path and ramp from the road to our flat is very steep- everyone who has to push me up it complains) then they left. Johan gave me some more water and some jelly which helped me be a bit less hungry and thirsty, then some cyclizine a little later as the nausea wasn’t improving.
I spent the rest of the day on my tablet as so long as I didn’t move, I didn’t feel too bad. The worst pain was in the hand the canulla had been in, which I took as a good sign. It also seems my contact allergy to adhesives has improved, as the sticker around the canulla was fine (unlike last time where it was a horrible itchy rash). The ECG pads were still a bit red and itchy but not too bad.
I woke up a few times during the night, and my main problem was thirst as I was too tired to call Johan and as I’m not allowed to suck I didn’t have my hydrant (or can be used without sucking but we were worried I’d forget if tired, and I really want to avoid dry socket if possible). I was able to ask Johan eventually for some water (plus electrolyte tablet as the salts are good). He gave me my meds and once they kicked in my pain levels were back to Danni normal, which is still really bad pain but bearable.
Ended up sleeping again for a bit, then woke up as the carer came in and got annoyed that she put the washing machine on as it was too noisy. (To be fair to her, if the doors are closed it usually doesn’t disturb me too much, and she hadn’t been told not to put it on). Put my ear defenders and sunglasses on (my eye mask has ear muffs but they don’t block as much noise as my ear defenders) and that helped. I didn’t feel up to having any personal care done and wasn’t allowed to have my teeth brushed yet, so just said a few words and I’ll see her this evening.
We had our new dryer delivered this morning, after the guy who came out to do the repair due to the big fire risk thing said it would still be a fire risk after. As I wasn’t feeling too bad once I’d woken up a bit and stuff I told Johan he could test it, and though it’s pretty noisy for the first couple of minutes it then goes really quiet (to the point where the wind was disturbing me more). As I can put ear plugs in and ear defenders on we’ll be able to use it so long as I’m not in payback or relapse. It has a wetness sensor and seems to work faster than our old one, so I’m looking forward to soft warm towels and pyjamas again.
Other than a bit more tired I’m not too bad right now. Have been eating jelly, soup and milkybar desserts, and finally tried out my new cup which is designed for use lying down, has two handles and needs less tilting. I can manage it myself if I’m passed it so I’m really happy with it. Once I’m over the worst of this recovery I think I’ll be using it for hot drinks as I don’t really like using a straw for them. Until then it’ll be sugar free juice with electrolyte tablets.
I read that tomorrow will be the worst day as that’s when the swelling kicks in, and is also when my payback tends to start. I’m hoping it’s not too bad, but need to ask Johan to get some ice packs in the freezer in preparation. I’m also getting rather tired now so might nap again.