Some Days

Some days are good.

Some days are bad.

Some days I really look forward to.

Some days I don’t.

Today is a good day. I am on my computer distracting myself from the pain and blehness by being a Night Elf Priest, helping people and smiting demons. I ate a meal and it’s only being annoyingly painful, not exceedingly so.

I’m looking forward to days in the near future, where I’ll play games with Sammie or watch a film. Where I’ll plan presents for her and my friends. Days where the pain stays at a level I can cope with with just my normal painkillers and stuff.

I’m hoping this December will be different from the last few, where I’ve got really ill and been paralysed. They were no fun. But I was still able to be happy because I know I have friends and family who love me, and penguins exist.

Penguins always make me happy. Even when I forget who I am because of illness.

A lot of the things people think are important aren’t. A person’s worth is not based on what job they do, what exams they pass. It’s based on how much they love. And every human is capable of love. It can be very hard sometimes, but I’ve never met anyone who couldn’t love. It might not be expressed how people expect, but even if they only love themselves, that counts. Every human has worth.

I hope that I’ll be out of bed soon, able to go into my wheelchair and out of this flat. But even if that doesn’t happen, I know that my life is worth living. Even when the pain is more than I can bear. Even when I don’t know who I am. My life is worth living. I don’t like it when people suffer, but we should try to reduce the suffering, not make them feel they’re not worth life, at least until it’s time for them to go.

I’m not scared to die. I don’t want it to happen for a very long time, but some things are out of my hands, and when I die is one of them. As it should be. I know that although there’s many things I want to do, I’ve done the most important, which is love and be loved. I hope I have much more time to do so, especially as I want to see Sammie continue to grow into her own, amazing person. But if I were to die soon, I know that things will be okay because of love.

Sleep is?

Maybe good? My sleep is opposite right now. Sleep during day, awake during the night. Sleep means nightmares and pain, which I not like. Broken sleep makes Danni grumpypants.

Before I went to sleep this morning I read a book, called Wakefield. I enjoyed it, even though some of the language was problematic. I’ll have to get the next book in the series at some point.

No WoW tonight. Too tired. Rest is good.

I think best just before I go to sleep. I’m usually too tired to write down what I’m thinking about, then I’ve forgotten it when I wake up again (only remembering I wanted to remember something). Is annoying.

Maybe I sleep again soon and wake up during day. That sounds like plan. My plans rarely work how I want them to, but I’ll keep trying. I’m Alliance, after all 🙂

Java Fail

For some reason Java keeps crashing on my computer when I’m running Minecraft. Very annoying but I’m not with it enough to fix it today. Maybe tomorrow.

I’ve played Minecraft with Sammie today (when I could stay in) and then went into World of Warcraft for more levelling. The queues were much shorter today (about 20 minutes) and there was a lot less lag. Yay! I’ve managed to get to level 96 which isn’t bad going for me 🙂 Much of the guild are close to or level 100 now, which is awesome. Johan is the best geared in the guild, which is cool (though it’s only heroic level stuff so it’ll probably change when raiding starts).

I’m well enough for my computer (obviously) which I’m super happy about but touch and stuff is being really problematic. I want computer a bit more right now but if it continues for more than a few more days I’ll have to sort something out.

Got a letter from my consultant today. Mentioned I’d a previous positive ANA test (news to me) and now have probable POTS (not surprised). Also says fatigue of unknown origin, which is fair enough. I’ve been referred to Professor Julia Newton so hopefully she’ll be able to help (I know a lot of people who have asked to be referred to her so I’m feeling very lucky it has happened for me without having to ask, and that she’s not far away).

I’ve got a couple of blog drafts I want to finish, but all brain power currently going into computer gaming related stuff (or talking to very important people). I’m sure I’ll manage it at some point 🙂

Long Wait

I’m used to waiting for things. Waiting for appointments, waiting for a hoist, waiting for drinks, waiting for painkillers, being ill involves a lot of waiting. Today my long wait has been to get into World of Warcraft.

It’s been 2 hours so far since I joined the queue, and I’m still not in (though it’s saying I’m 54th and there should only be a 2 minute wait… hopefully). I’m getting rather impatient 🙂

Other than trying to get into WoW, today I’ve eaten salad and fruit (probably not the best since I’m losing weight, but I wanted it), and played Minecraft with Sammie and her friend. I built a maze 🙂

Tomorrow I hope to play again with her, but we’ll see how I am. I’ve been lucky to manage the computer so much with this cold the last few days 🙂

Level Up!

Warlords of Draenor Collector's Edition box
Warlords of Draenor Collector’s Edition box

So last night I did eventually get onto World of Warcraft and start the quests for the new expansion. I’m really enjoying it. I probably stayed up far too late doing so and got to sleep again about 11am, after my Collector’s Edition arrived. The art book is very heavy so I’ll need help to look at it, but I’m really looking forward to it. I’m using my new Blackhoof mouse mat with my computer and Johan is going to rip the soundtrack for me 🙂

When I came off the computer this morning, I was level 92. I’m still in Shadowmoon Valley, and keep being distracted by Garrison quests and Archaeology (which I’ve already got to 700). I’ve still not got any gear upgrades but that’s okay as I did have (old) flex raiding stuff from Mists of Pandaria.

This evening I woke up about 7pm feeling pretty good for me. I had a few problems getting in at first, so I played a game of Hearthstone while I was waiting for it to calm down. It seems the lag is getting better now. I’m really happy I’ve been able to go on the computer and play two days in a row. I’m hoping this will continue, though I won’t be upset if it doesn’t. These have been really good days and I want them to continue 😀

Johan only slept about 3 hours this morning. He fell asleep about 7am and woke up for the postman just after 10am 😛 He seems happy though.

When I eventually crash or reach level 100 I might blog about something else, but until then I’ve got more levelling to do 🙂