Another year has passed. I am not at all ready for the start of 2014, but time carries on whether I want it to or not.
2013 was a strange year for me. I felt mostly at a standstill- I guess not really getting out of bed for over a year would do that. I’ve been up and down healthwise, and moving things into my room so I could access them from bed definitely improved my quality of life, even if it did feel a bit like giving in at times.
I’m doing better than I was a few days ago. As is not uncommon for me, I improved as rapidly as I deteriorated, so I’m able to deal with the normal level of lighting in my room again, normal (quiet) sounds, raising my head in bed, and I’m rolling over and eating better (though still not as good as normal). I even got dressed into clothes today ๐ My speech went weird for a bit, but I think it’s finally back to relative normal (speaking is hard work but I can do it).
So, resolutions. Last year’s were all technology related:
- Comment more on blogs. ย – I think I’ve done okay on this. Not commented anywhere near as much as I’d like, but I have commented on quite a view blogs I like to read. Unfortunately some of the ones I like have captchas that mean I just can’t comment on them, but I managed it overall.
- Sort out my emails. ย – My emails are nicely sorted, with filters into different labels (on GMail used in place of folders) for all my different types of email. Not perfect, but it’s an awful lot better than it was. I’ve also managed to stop using my dannimatzk.co.uk email address completely. That’s a success then ๐
- Sort out my Google Reader and Pocket. ย – Google Reader died! That was unexpected at the time. I ended up moving to Feedly, and overall it’s working a lot better for me than Google Reader was at the beginning of the year. My Pocket is mostly clear of stuff to read now, and while it’s almost empty I’m thinking of setting up the tags to make it even better for me. Took a long time but I managed this one ๐
- Try and communicate better with my friends. – This one has been a bit more hit and miss. I wasn’t expecting to be so ill for the entire year. I think I did better than 2012 but I want to carry on trying to improve.
Overall I did quite well on them. I’m going into 2014 with my technology more sorted. So now it’s time to decide on new ones for this year ๐
- Have a bath or a shower.ย I’ve not had a shower for nearly 18 months, and it’s been about 2 years since my last bath. I have a wet room but no suitable shower chair, which they won’t give me until I have a hoist, which they won’t give me until I’ve had the case conference, which I can’t have until I’ve seen the consultant, who I can’t see until I can get transport sorted (but is meant to be happening in February). Yeah, complicated. Anyway, I have a massive build up of dry skin on various parts of my body, and wipes and the occasional bed bath just isn’t cutting it now. I want to be properly clean. I have an entire year to figure out getting a bath or shower, so hopefully it’ll happen ๐
- Sort out health book/care plan.ย This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a couple of years now, but I’ve not actually got around to doing it. Recent issues with my current carer have shown that I really need to have my needs at different times down in writing, as when I’m particularly ill (and Johan is as well) that’s not the best time to be trying to explain stuff. I also want to include an alphabet board for communication when I can’t speak or type. The main issue I can see with this resolution is that I need help with printing, and whenever I ask Johan to print something for me he meows and panics. Luckily I have all year to think of a solution to that (though the sooner the better :P).
- Be kind to others.ย Sometimes when I’m not doing so well I forget that other people can be hurt by what I say or do. I’ve been incredibly touched by how kind people have been to me the last few years, and I want to try and pass that on in any way I can, and try and think of how my actions can affect others. In the event I do hurt someone else (no-one is perfect, least of all me) then I hope I will be able to apologise and try and make things right.
- Be kind to myself.ย ย This has been my resolution before (I think for 2011) but it’s one of those that I think I could do with a reminder of. I’m slowly learning that sometimes to be kind to myself I don’t have to do what others want of me, and I shouldn’t be any harder on myself than I am on anyone else. I also don’t have an obligation to keep in touch with people who ultimately make me feel worse (either about my self or generally health-wise) and so I need to work on being more assertive when it comes to that.
I think that will do. Two rather practical resolutions, and two that are going to be harder to quantify but are ultimately more important. I also have some goals for the year that aren’t resolutions, such as getting an iPad with Proloquo2Go, trying to blog at least once every month and getting out of bed again, but one of those is funds related and the others are very much health dependent so I’ll have to wait and see. I’m praying this year will be better healthwise for all my spoonie friends, and as good a year as possible for everyone I know ๐
@Dannilion Hey, me too http://t.co/ud3XWTYOu6
Happy New Year Danni – hope it’s a better one.
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I love #4. I’m always amazed at how beautifully you write. You have a real gift for words. I don’t know if anyone has told you that lately, but I wanted you to know. {{{squishes}}}
@Dannilion well sounds like a plan Danni I hope you achieve them love n squishes x
@Dannilion good luck with you resolutions and happy new year to you and Johan *hugs*