Hell’s Kitchen

Working on my anxiety about the carers. Luckily was two nice ones so was able to get stuff done. Had to ask Johan to come home at lunchtime which is annoying but luckily he was able to get out early and make me more comfortable.

Have been watching stuff on Netflix today. Finished watching The Hunger Games: Catching Fire which I’d started a few months ago but had to stop. I prefer the book but it was still a good film.

Was making a very long fishtail chain (ended up being 1000 bands and over 10 feet long) so put Hell’s Kitchen on as something in the background. It’s the US one and it is not a very good competition format but it’s hilarious as a reality entertainment show. Made Johan jealous as he wanted to watch it while he was raiding πŸ˜› He’s now watching it with me while I’m writing this. It’s funny though the amount of undercooked chicken, salmon and pork is scary πŸ˜›

Tomorrow I’m going to be doing most of my Christmas and birthday shopping. I have a plan and hopefully my body will let me keep to it. If not it’s not the end of the world and it can be done later. I also might be going out for a hot drink with my sisters in the evening if we’re all well enough. Physically I’m doing okay other than pain and my digestive system hating me which is a good sign.

Penguins are amazing and people are really nice to me and I don’t really understand why but it makes me happy and keeps me going when my brain is being nasty to me. Hopefully my brain will stop being mean to me.

The Feels

Watched Doctor Who with Esther. Too many feels. Argh that episode. *Sniff*

Anxiety is still bad but I managed to let the carers help me a bit today. I know what my brain is telling me is completely irrational but it’s hard to argue with your own brain. I went on my computer and managed to organise some tickets to see the Enchanted Park next month, even sending emails to sort out a carer ticket and why mine was broken. Also played some World of Warcraft where the guild boosted me through heroic Archimonde so I’ll be able to get a moose mount. Thank you Trivial πŸ™‚

Also tried the Tavern Brawl in Hearthstone with Sammie. She was winning then I got a great set of cards which changed it so I won. Hopefully we’ll get another game in before it finishes.

Got out of bed while evening carer was here so my bedding could be changed. It was nice πŸ™‚ Johan gave me hugs from behind. Stayed in my chair for about an hour.

Digestive system is now being very mean to me so I’m gonna curl up in a ball and ask for penguins to be heated. That seems like a good idea. If anyone knows how to make a brain stop telling me I’m evil, please let me know.

Anxiety Pwns Joo

Anxiety is ebil. Not being able to sleep at night because scared someone will break in or have a violent fight or other silly things that aren’t likely but my brain insists will happen when I’m asleep. I stayed awake for the morning carer and no-one showed up. It was about 12pm before I managed to fall asleep.

Being asleep most of the day means I’ve done nothing productive. Pain levels have been higher than normal and I’m not sure why. I need to do a food shop but it requires more brain power than I have right now. Decided I’m not getting out of bed until Friday and we have a plan for if I’m still hurting so much then.

I’m getting a bit obsessed with Neko Atsume. My current strategy is to buy the most expensive items first. I’m starting to get lots of mementos which is awesome πŸ™‚

Johan is helping by sitting in my room, dosing me up on painkillers and heating penguins. We found a hole in Nicky’s wing so I’ve bought her a new body and Patricia (Johan’s penguin) is helping in the meantime. I’ve noticed it’s the newer penguins developing holes which is concerning. I hope the new one lasts longer. I also took the opportunity to buy noise cancelling headphones, a second Rainbow Loom and 2100 loom bands for 46p. The advantage of getting into it late πŸ™‚

I’m ho
I’m hoping tomorrow will be better. At least there are penguins πŸ™‚

Zombified Danni

Had a very long sleep- from just after 8pm last night to 9.40am this morning. Unfortunately I’ve been feeling rather zombified and boaty today, so not been able to do much. What doesn’t help is my index finger on my left hand is sore from holding in the power button on my tablet yesterday. I’ve also been in more pain than is normal for me which is making me a tad grumpy.

Had two decent carers today. Yay! We got a phone call from the agency (Communication! Yay!) saying it would be a new carer and she’d be here about 10.30am as the one I was meant to have had called in sick, then the carer arrived just after 10am so we were a bit confused but it was okay. Had bacon for breakfast as Johan had dropped the last two duck eggs πŸ˜›

Spent most of the day reading articles online and blog posts, with a bit of tablet game playing as well. Luckily I’d backed up all my apps before changing the rom on my tablet so I didn’t lose any progress πŸ™‚

Ow. Someone just slammed the communal door and the noise has made me lose my voice πŸ™ Boo. Hopefully it’ll come back soon. Also made me nauseous but I’m hoping not to need cyclizine because I’m zombie enough.

The evening carer was one of my favourite ones from this agency. She made me salmon and chips for tea and helped me get into pyjamas and stuff. Was good. She’s meant to be coming on Friday evening so I was able to warn her I might not be in as seeing Becca. I hope the zombiness is gone by then.

I probably shouldn’t have started reading The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer yesterday. I thought it was one of my young adult dystopian books, not one about someone with mental illness. What I’ve read is good but maybe I’ll save finishing it for when I’m a bit less anxious and panicky. I read Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson HaddixΒ before that which I’d been wanting to read for years. That was good and I’m wanting to continue the series.

Brains. Grr. Argh.