Project 365: Day 60: 16th August 2011–The Sims Social

The Sims Social

This is what I’ve been doing quite a bit of today. It’s a nice game that requires no concentration, so good for when my brain isn’t working 😛

Spent a lot of today sitting up. First was doing Netherwing dailies to try and get my drake in World of Warcraft. They take ages, but now I’ve finished everything I want in the Molten Front it’s okay finding the time. I also went and did a Firelands trash run this evening.

In between I went to the library for some books, and for my weigh in at Slimming World. Stayed the same, which is okay. Hopefully I’ll lose some next week 🙂

Been a bit off all day- feeling really bloated and ill, and took painkillers while out. Apparently I was in a lot of pain- I’d just not identified it as such, because the painkillers made me feel a lot better. Tomorrow I have no morning carers, so will sleep as long as I need.

Project 365: Day 58: 14th August 2011 – Poorly Johan

Poorly Johan

We now know why we needed to come home last night. Johan seems to have come down with some sort of bug, and has not been feeling well at all 🙁 He’s spent most of the day sleeping on and off on the sofa.

Because of this, we didn’t go back to BarCamp today. Although I am sad to have missed it, Johan needed rest, and we had been to the longer of the two days so it’s not too bad. I spent most of the day reading TV Tropes.

Favourite carer came to give me my bath, and I also asked her to get my tea as Johan wasn’t well. She did so, and even made it look pretty for me 🙂 It is a sign of how much I trust her that I felt comfortable asking for her to do something that isn’t on my care plan, as with anyone else I wouldn’t have been able to do so. She is awesome though, and my bath was nice 🙂 She’s also the only one who lets me rest in between each stage of having a bath/getting dried/getting dressed/getting hair sorted.

Hopefully Johan just has a 24 hour bug type thing, and will be better tomorrow. He’s not sure if he’s sleeping on the sofa or upstairs yet, as he doesn’t know if his legs will get him there.

Project 365: Day 57: 13th August 2011–Bar Camp Day One

Danni at Bar Camp

Two big things today. The first one is it being our first wedding anniversary! 😀

The second was BarCamp North East 4. I’d loved the previous two, so we thought it would be nice to go for our anniversary (as well as because we’re geeks and generally like it anyway). It did mean we had our anniversary announced during the introduction 😛

Day 1 was a lot of fun. The picture is of me just after watching a presentation (Handy Tools for IT Pros I think- either that or the Hack Day one). I had warned people that if I was lying randomly on the floor, I was fine 😛 The bean bag made it quite comfortable really.

Other sessions I enjoyed were How To Win At Hack Day (which really made me want to get on with my coding so I can enter things like that), How Big Is The Internet (which was really interesting what I saw of it, but I came in late so missed the beginning), and suggestions for Rescuing Mr Duck (who is stuck down a long hole/shelf thing…).

The food was good (plenty of salad and ham and stuff for sticking to Slimming World… right up until I ate the sweets- well, it is my anniversary), then fish and chips where I ate the fish without batter :P) and then it was onto the evening sessions: Presentation Karaoke, Dr Horrible’s Sing-along Blog, and Torchwood in the cinema. It was awesome 😀

We were originally planning to stay there overnight, but we thought it was probably best to come home and sleep on proper beds. We are planning on going back in the morning 🙂

Project 365: Day 56: 12th August 2011 – Letter


Got up when favourite carer arrived today, as had my housing medical assessment. Went on my computer for a bit, but spent most of the day in bed again.

I think the medical assessment went well. The woman who came understood what I wanted, and thinks it should be possible. I told her I wanted a bath rather than a shower because of my feet turning blue 😛 I’ve also been told to bid on anything that looks vaguely suitable, as they’ll get an OT to assess whether it is before offering it to me.

I also received this lovely letter from my Slimming World consultant today 😀 I’m definitely glad I decided to go back.