Being Dependent

Today I’ve been rather frustrated at being so dependent on other people for most things. Woke up early in pain and as I need help taking medication (too small and fiddly for my hands) I had to wake Johan up. Then I had to wake him up again a few hours later because I needed a drink. I can only get certain things done (such as a wash or teeth brushed) when the care workers are here, and if I’m not well enough at the time they arrive I just have to do without, even if I’m feeling up to it a few hours later. My mealtimes are based around when Johan is able to make me food more than anything, unless I happen to be hungry and able to tolerate food while the care worker is here, and able to say what I want without access to the kitchen to see what we have.

I’m frustrated I can’t keep my room tidy. On one side of my bed you can’t see the floor as it’s covered in blackout sheet, curtain and pillows. Would take me about 2 minutes to pick up and put away if I weren’t stuck in bed. My pill box is missing some boxes so I can’t use it. My bedside table is covered in food wrappers and empty blister packs as they don’t get cleared up unless I’m able to ask the care workers to do it, which unless it’s a very regular worker requires explanations on where the bin bags are (I don’t get told), what exactly to do, how to open a bag without the noise making me ill, and other stuff that means it uses up most of my spoons for the day.

Then there’s the constant open questions. What do I want doing? What do I want to eat? What do I want to drink? Each one makes my brain have a mini explosion, yet I have to figure out what exactly is being asked, what answers are acceptable to give (“I don’t know” is normally unacceptable, even if it’s the truth) and how to respond so I’m understood and don’t make the person asking frustrated. I’ve tried asking for closed questions but that’s beyond most people’s ability (Johan can normally manage it, but some days he can’t and if I say I don’t know he gets anxious).

I want to do things for myself. I don’t want to be dependent on others for everything. I am technically able to get out of bed, but I can only make it as far as the floor and then need someone to help me back into bed. I’ve tried washing myself but doing so means I don’t have enough energy left to eat. There have been days where I’ve only eaten snacks because I’m too tired to work out what else I can eat. I’m losing weight again and don’t really know what to do about it, as I’m dependent on others to get the medication that lets me keep food down and maybe even digest it. I keep forgetting to take one of them.

I’m not asking for advice in this post. I know about various solutions to these problems but don’t have the spoons to put them in place right now. We’re still waiting for Johan’s support to happen, along with my hoist and other stuff. I’m normally happy and am definitely glad to be alive but it doesn’t mean I don’t get frustrated sometimes. I wish I were healthy.

Breathing Is Good

Woke up this morning not being able to breathe. Blocked nose from my cold, and for some reason I had to consciously make myself breathe through my mouth. Weird. So I’ve been more tired and bleh today. Also had a bad headache which ibuprofen is helping with but that’s made my digestive system complain madly (I thought I’d eaten recently enough, but obviously not). Also needed cyclizine for nausea which means I’ll be sleeping soon most likely.

Bad stuff over with. I’ve been taking it easy today, which is good. Johan had a driving lesson which he said went well. While he was out I talked to Esther for a bit which was awesome. As it’s the 5th of November there’s fireworks tonight, so I’ve got earplugs in so I’ll be okay. Johan is considering going to the organised display. I’m thinking of asking him to put my blind up so if there are any on this side I might be able to see them, though the trees might be in the way. I love fireworks, especially if I don’t have to deal with the noise πŸ™‚

The penguins are helping me cope with my evil tummy, and the warmth is comforting. I’m so glad I have a non drug way of dealing with pain and spasms. One day I hope I won’t need them for that purpose. Penguins are awesome.

Doctor Who?

New penguin bedding. Is blue with several baby Emperor penguins on it. Poseidon is sitting on top showing that he's the biggest and fattest.
New penguin bedding. Is blue with several baby Emperor penguins on it. Poseidon is sitting on top showing that he’s the biggest and fattest.

Today I woke up at about 2.30pm (missing the morning carer, who came late herself) but I’ve had a busy for me day since then. I watched some YouTube videos with Johan and Esther (Humans and Households) then watched the first Season 8 Doctor Who episode. I am very confuzzled by it, but I’m glad I waited until I was with it enough to manage it.

Just as the episode was finishing, my evening carer arrived. I had my top changed as mine was damp (this stupid cold making me sweaty) then she changed my bedding into the new ones I’d got with the food shop. I’d been looking for penguin bedding for years but never managed to find any that were affordable. This year there’s loads available, so I might even get a second set from somewhere πŸ™‚

In the food shop (which arrived today) I ordered cookie and cream spread to try, but it’s been substituted for bourbon cream spread. I’m looking forward to trying it πŸ™‚ I also got sushi and some prepared fruit which I had for my tea.

I got onto my computer around ten to 8 and was able to say goodnight to Sammie before she went off. Since then I’ve mostly been messing around looking for penguin stuff (there’s so much now!) and chatting to Johan. I also tried Hatoful Boyfriend (the premier pigeon dating simulator) and got very confuzzled, not least in how to turn the volume down without using the Windows mixer. I think I’ll try it again another day.

I’m starting to get tired now so will have to come off my computer when I’ve finished this post, but I’m really happy I’ve managed to get on it πŸ˜€ Today has been a good day.

Computers Are Awesome

Today I’ve been well enough to go on my computer! It’s so much easier to do things on here than on my tablet, especially things that require a lot of typing or using websites that aren’t optimised for tablets. I’ve done a shop with Johan’s and Esther’s help Β and I played Terraria and a bit of Minecraft with Sammie when she got home from school, which was awesome. She had an awesome half term and is still loving her computer so that is good πŸ™‚ There’s still no sign of this payback from going to hospital so it is looking like I’ve got away with it πŸ™‚

I’m currently waiting to hear that Android 5.0 Lollipop has been released for the Nexus 10. I’m currently using Paranoid Android, but there’s a few issues so going back to stock will be a good idea anyway, and Lollipop looks pretty enough that I should get away without my purple themes. There’s not much on there that I desperately need to transfer, other than my games. If it turns out I hate it I can always go back to using Paranoid Android.

Since I’m on my computer and therefore adding photos to my blog is easier (I know how to do it from the mobile app but it uses extra spoons) I’m going to add the photos to go with the other blog posts recently. Terrible editing because used spoons talking to Sammie and stuff.

Ambulance Selfie
This one was taken in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Ambulance selfies are the best!
Lying in bed in hospital just after my appointment. It was nice being in a different bed, not so nice I'd just had blood taken.
Lying in bed in hospital just after my appointment. It was nice being in a different bed, not so nice I’d just had blood taken.
I got into my Penguin Onesie for Halloween. Might have only been for half an hour but I looked more like a penguin!
I got into my Penguin Onesie for Halloween. Might have only been for half an hour but I looked more like a penguin!



Grumpy Grumpypants

This morning I was woken up by a firework going off around 8am. I wasn’t happy, and I’ve been a bit grumpy all day.

Yesterday I read an ebook, which was good. Independent Study by Joelle Charbonneau, which is the second book in The Testing trilogy. I enjoyed it, though it wasn’t quite as good as the first book. It took me all day, but I’m freshly happy to have managed it at all.

I’m still waiting for the payback from the hospital appointment. If I’m still about the same tomorrow, I think I’ll have gotten away with it, which would be awesome. Unfortunately waking up after not enough sleep and this stupid cold meant I’ve not been able to go on my computer today (I wasn’t well enough the few days before my appointment either). I need to do a food shop so I hope I can get on it soon as it’s much easier on there than my tablet.

Johan got an iPhone 6 and so gave me his Sony Xperia Z1 as I wanted a 4G phone for unlimited tethering (that contract isn’t available anymore so I didn’t want to change it to get a new phone). I like it and I can manage non-typing things on it pretty well. Typing is hard but doable as it has a larger screen than my old iPhone 4S (which I have to Johan for his other sim so he’s now using Apple products most of the time). I do like how fast the Z1 is compared to my Nexus 10, but that might be because I’m not running tons of junk on it yet πŸ˜›

The battery life of my Nexus 10 is noticeably deteriorating, and even with the magnetic charger it goes down as I’m using it (it used to go up), and I almost always have it on the lowest brightness setting. Once Christmas is over I might have to look into a new tablet, but I’m not sure what one I’ll get yet. I was thinking about getting an iPad as some of the apps are better, but I’m pretty invested in Android at this point and I like being able to customise it. The Nexus 9 is a possibility, but I’m not sure if losing the inch of screen size will make it harder to use (as a 7 inch was too small). I’ll have to see what’s available after Christmas.

Today I’ve not done much really. Talked a bit to Johan, then to Esther (friend/flatmate) when Johan went to Nando’s. That was really nice, and I’m glad I was able to do so. I had a wrap for breakfast (Johan bought it for me in Tesco yesterday) and risotto for tea, and my digestive system has hated me for both. They were both nommy though and all food triggers my digestive system so I might as well eat what I like. I’m very grateful for cyclizine even if it does sedate me πŸ˜›

I was wanting to write something for Autistics Speaking Day today (even though it was yesterday) but that requires more brainpower than this type of brain dump post so I’ll have to skip it this year. I’m hoping to be able to read the other blog posts written for it soon.

If all goes well I’ll have a nice long sleep tonight and I’ll be less of a grumpy grumpypants tomorrow πŸ™‚