Blog Updated

I think I’ve sorted how I want the blog to look, for now anyway. Eventually I want to have a header image, but until then I’m happy with how it looks now. I’ve updated a couple of the pages, changed the theme (the new one, Suffusion, is veryΒ customisable), updated my links and otherwise done some general housecleaning. If you think I’ve forgotten an important link, please let me know.

Otherwise, I am clean! Yesterday (Monday) morning Johan washed my hair and gave me a bed bath, then I got into a clean nightie. It has made me feel so much better and more human. I slept all day again (I need to fix my sleeping pattern but it’s not massively urgent yet) and when I woke up Johan brushed my hair for me so it’s all nice and smooth. Since then I’ve been working on getting my blog sorted.

Still not really well enough to get out of bed, but I’m sitting up in it a bit more now. For the rest of the night (until I fall asleep) I’ll probably be on twitter and reading blogs. I read a lot more blogs than those in my links (I have over 100 on my reader) so that’ll keep me entertained. If I run out of blog posts to catch up on, I have 27 links in my Read It Later/Pocket thing so they will keep me going. In the worst case scenario, there’s always TV Tropes πŸ˜›

Tomorrow I plan to have sausages (cider and apple) and Thai rice for tea (I likes them :P). Having a meal planned out before we’ve even slept yet is very unusual, but the sausages are in the freezer so need defrosting first (well were- Johan’s put them in the fridge now).

I bought a new tube for my Hydrant when I got my wheelchair cushion, and it’s got a different type of valve to it. Took us ages to figure out how to use it, but now we have I like it because it locks so doesn’t leak. Means Katie won’t have juice all over her in the middle of the night again πŸ˜›

Johan was very productive while I was asleep. Posted a parcel, bought some snacks from the cheap shop, went into Newcastle and spoke to the bank, and still managed to fit in playing some Eve πŸ˜› Since I woke up he’s been chatting to me (and brushing my hair as mentioned earlier), watched some Torchwood, sorted me out (painkillers, food, drink, commode) and now is off to bed as he’s been up too long. He seems happier than he was so that makes me happy πŸ™‚

Updating Blog

I am updating my blog. This will mean the theme is changing. It may take a while before I settle on exactly what I want, so don’t be surprised if there’s lots of changes or if it looks broken at times. I’ll also be updating the pages as well πŸ™‚

I Want a Bath

I think I’m over the worst of the relapse. It never got as bad as in December, in that for some of the day at least I could tolerate small amounts of sound and some light with sunglasses on, and never stopped drinking, but I still was very ill and my arch nemesis the bed pan was brought back into action when trying to use the commode made me much worse.

There are some residual effects. Because I was moving much less than is normal for me (not that I move much anyway, but during the relapse I was only moving every 3-4 hours to adjust position as that was all I could manage) I got severe constipation. When I started moving again, so did my digestive system and the pain involved was immense, as it aggravated my hemorrhoids and I think I may have torn the skin as well. Luckily we had some Orajel in and that helped (I checked online that it was okay to be used that way). I think for next time I’m going to ask the doctor for some laxatives to be taken during a relapse so it never gets to that point (it was the same after the December relapse). Johan went to my doctors appointment on Friday and the doctor is going to ask the CFS Clinic about stronger painkillers for relapses, as I can’t have oramorph and tramadol just isn’t strong enough (for my normal levels of pain tramadol is my wonder drug- takes the edge off it so I’m able to do stuff and concentrate on things other than pain).

I’m still not great. On Friday evening I was able to go on my computer for a bit so played World of Warcraft, which made me very happy πŸ˜€ Unfortunately since then I’ve been stuck in bed again, as just been really weak and bleh. Luckily double tramadol is enough for my pain now so that is good. My sleep is also all over the place so that’s making things awkward for Johan.

The biggest thing I want now is a bath. Of course, at this new flat we don’t have one, and there’s still another 5 weeks to go until the shower is usable. I haven’t had a proper wash for nearly 3 weeks now, and my hair is also very greasy. I’ve been meaning to have one since Friday (which was the first day I was well enough to be able to tolerate one) but with me sleeping all day and Johan having brain explosions we’ve not got around to it yet.

Having a wash for most people isn’t a big task, but for me it’s one of the harder things to do. It’s one of the areas that autism and dyspraxia makes things harder than it would be if I only had M.E. Because I’m touch sensitive, being washed is very overwhelming, so I can only do it lying down (that’s been the case for about a year now, even when I was able to go out and about). Luckily my smell sensitivity isn’t as bad as it can be, so I when I am washed I use some things with nice smells, such as my cherry almond shampoo (reminds me of bakewell tart) and coconut body wash. When we had a bath I used to lie down in it using the reclining bath seat, have my hair washed (either by a carer before we sacked them or by Johan) then I’d soak in the water to clean most of me, using body wash on my face and selected other areas. As I wasn’t trying to wash everywhere directly, I was able to do the washing my body bit myself most of the time which gave me some independence.

Now we don’t have a bath, I have to wash in bed (there’s nowhere in the bathroom for me to lie down yet). We have a bed shampoo thing, so Johan washes my hair in that and tries not to knock the bucket over and soak everything on my floor πŸ˜› After he’s washed my hair (I’m currently using a 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner to make things easier) he washes my body. I normally do my face but the effort of that is normally me completely exhausted, so Johan washes the rest of my body. Some days I’m not well enough for all of it to be done, so he concentrates on the smelliest areas. Then I rest. Of course I’ve missed out the bit where Johan has to fetch everything and bring it into my bedroom, which sometimes makes his head explode. It’s a massive task and I try and have my hair washed every week or so (with a full body wash) but sometimes my illness gets in the way.

Because of the problems Johan is having, we’re getting carers in again. We’re giving up on direct payments for now as neither of us are able to manage the paperwork yet, so we’re going back to commissioned care. As we’ve moved to a more central area, there are more agencies covering where we live so it will be easier to change if things don’t go well, but the old care company don’t operate in this area so we’re hopeful. This time we’ll be able to tell them what doesn’t work for us and how they can help us from the beginning, so that should make things easier as well.

We’re also going to be having council cleaners to come in and help, which we’ll pay for ourselves. This will be a massive help for Johan as he’s just overwhelmed with everything at the moment. Our social worker had forgotten that we’d asked for this already but we’ve told him again so hopefully that will happen soon. I think if Johan knows that we’ll be having someone come in every week to do the bulk of the cleaning it will take the pressure off and he’ll be able to do some of the easier things himself.

Things aren’t brilliant but they could be worse. Of course I’m aware that just being eligible for carers makes me very lucky, though it’s because I’m severely disabled and if Johan breaks down again I’ll have to go into a care home, which is more expensive for social services and which we don’t want (my current care needs are classed as substantial).

Now I just need to improve. First step, having that wash (hopefully today), then maybe soon I’ll be able to go into the living room again. I have some orphans to take around Azeroth πŸ™‚

Beds and Bathrooms

I am in relapse. Every day I am doing worse. Currently unable to get out of bed other than to use the commode (which is next to the bed). I can manage 2 pillows under my head, but can’t be propped up any more than that. And I’m sleeping a lot more than I do normally. Pain is unbearable even with full dose of painkillers and I feel very ill.

It’s not as bad as it could be (see December) but it’s not great. I’m light sensitive but not exceptionally so, so can manage with low level lighting and normal glasses, and sunglasses if the light is brighter. My ear defenders are on and off depending on what upstairs are doing (they’ve recently moved in so are still building furniture and decorating). My blind won’t be put up until I improve a bit because of the noise so I’ve asked Johan to find the old curtains to put them up. I can still have Johan hold my hand. My speech was gone this morning but came back this afternoon. I can just about manage, though may need to see the doctor if it gets much worse.

The OT came out about the bathroom this morning. They’re rearranging the whole lot, boxing the pump in so it’ll be a lot quieter (the new lady agrees it’s far too loud, so that’s everyone so far :P), giving me a new shower with Danni-friendly controls (the OT showed it to me and let me play, and even with my current levels of weakness I could use them so will be awesome with my normal level of strength), the toilet will be moved back so I can lean on the cistern and the sink is going to be moved so there will be a bit more room in there.

The bad part was I was too ill to have my assessment for a shower seat, as the OT needs to see me transfer and I can’t do it today. I also had no voice so it was hard to communicate. The good news is that she’s given me her email address so I can email any questions to her. I think I’m going to ask to make an appointment just for assessment when I improve a bit, so she stops coming out when I’m stuck in bed. She’s also going to see about loosening the door a little bit so it doesn’t close quite as fast so we can get out easier. She can’t do anything about the communal door, but I’ve got my own ideas for that (a door stop that we only use when trying to get me through it).

Knackered now after typing this so I think I’ll have another nap. Hopefully I’ll be better soon. If I don’t respond to people on Twitter, Facebook or elsewhere, or disappear for a bit, this is why.

Dead Drive

As I write this, my blog is not working. On Sunday night as I was typing up another blog post (which I may or may not post- some of it is no longer relevant) the server this blog is hosted on suddenly died. Some quick diagnostics showed that the main hard drive was dead (at least we think so- fsck on that drive would cause a kernel panic, which is not normal behaviour). Due to various issues it took until Tuesday to get a new drive in and the operating system installed. As my emails go through the server, we set up a temporary account so that my normal email forwarding would work again. Luckily it seems I’ve not lost many- most of the important ones from Monday and Tuesday seem to have come through, along with lots of unimportant ones from Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

All the accounts on the server had been backed up on the 14th (the weekly backup), and I have a database backup for my blog from the 15th. Once the backup drive is reconnected all the accounts will be restored, and that will mean my blog should work again and I’ll be able to post this. That should happen later today (Wednesday). It’s very frustrating, especially since I’m no longer well enough to sort it out like I used to, which would have sped things up a bit (Colin working is one of the reasons it took a while to sort out).

Normally my email system makes me happy. Everything is backed up on the server, then it gets forwarded to GMail. So long as the server is working, this means I have two copies of all my emails, which means that should I lose access to my GMail account it won’t be anything more than a minor inconvenience. I may need to rethink it after this though. I don’t mind massively my blog being down for a few days, but I’m going to start keeping my own backups on my computer so if something like this happens again I’d be able to move it quickly if needed (which would also solve the email problem as I could set up the forwarding again from wherever I move it).

Apart from the server playing up so I was without access to my emails for a couple of days and my blog for three, I’ve been doing not brilliantly. I think I’m relapsing a bit. Monday I slept for 20 hours, which meant I didn’t eat. Tuesday I saw the nurse, but wasn’t well at all and couldn’t hold my head up, which was very uncomfortable (the harness held my body up so I wasn’t slumped anywhere near as much as I would have been otherwise). I’ve also been in a lot of pain- at midnight I took two tramadol (I can normally manage with one) but I’m still in too much pain to sleep, despite being sleepy enough. I managed to go on the computer for a bit on Tuesday evening to sort things out, do a Tesco shop and manage a couple of easy quests in World of Warcraft, but it was a bad idea really as I’m paying for it now. Before that I’d not been out of bed since Friday night, other than to see the nurse. I’m mostly bedbound again.

So, seeing the nurse. We’re about 10-15 minutes pushing distance (took about 10 minutes to get there, 15 minutes back) from the doctors surgery, and my head was floppy the entire time, which was very annoying and uncomfortable. It turns out the appointment was an hour later than Johan thought, and by the time I got there I was feeling really ill. The nurse was able to squeeze us in though so I didn’t have to go back. We went in and it was fine. She noticed my penguins and told me see had been to New Zealand and seen some there (good move- talking about penguins automatically makes me calmer) and then we went through some of the registration questions (Johan had told her about me at his appointment so I didn’t have to answer all of them). She told Johan off for not taking in his urine sample (he’d forgotten) but it was in such a nice way he didn’t feel bad. I told her my height and weight as they don’t have the facilities to do them if you can’t stand there, and she didn’t ask to take my blood pressure or anything probably because she could see it would have been too much for me. She told me if I needed a home visit at any time that is no problem (she knew from me having to cancel last week that sometimes I’m too ill to get to the surgery) and also said she’d ask about a wheelchair assessment for me. We likes her a lot πŸ™‚ It definitely feels like a community doctors, where everyone knows everyone (the nurse said that she was glad I’d made it in because now she could put a face to a name and she never forgets anyone) and I was spoken to in a very warm, nice way that wasn’t patronising. When we got home Johan hauled me onto the bed as I wasn’t well enough to get myself on it (not paralysed for once, just far too weak and uncoordinated) and I rested for a few hours.

Johan also went out to get a blackout blind for my bedroom. If I am starting to relapse, then this will be important to keep my room dark and try and reduce the amount of symptoms I’m getting (I’ve had periods where I’ve had to wear sunglasses in bed already). It will also help as my sleeping pattern is completely broken so sometimes I can’t sleep until it’s already light. The blind is purple so will work well in my bedroom πŸ™‚

There is so much I want to do. I want to read. I want to go out more. I want to be able to watch my favourite television shows, not just the ones that don’t overwhelm me or don’t require my concentration. I want to be able to tidy my bedroom πŸ˜› Maybe one day.