Understanding Others

Understanding other people is something I’ve had to work on for a long time, since I first realised that others weren’t just like me. It’s still something I struggle with, but so long as I’m aware of it I normally do okay.

My default position is that I am average human being (or penguin). I know that in reality I’m pretty far away from average, but it’s an automatic thing. The easiest part for me to understand is that others have different interests, as my own have changed as I’ve gone through life. When I was little I wasn’t obsessed with penguins, but wanted to learn everything about different subjects (such as living in Victorian times). I’m still interested in that type of history, but it’s no longer all consuming as it was then. It’s easy for me to understand that I might not like watching soaps but that others are, and my need to know everything means I’m genuinely interested in what others like and want to talk about, even if I’m not particularly interested in doing said thing (like watching soaps).

It gets more complicated when it comes to life experiences. My childhood was pretty different from the average British kid growing up in the 90s. Although I shared a lot of the same cultural heritage (watching most of the same TV shows and reading the same books), I had domestic violence, homelessness, living with alcoholic and mentally ill parents and other stuff that most people didn’t experience. Add to that being autistic so the way I think is different and my perceptions of life and events are processed differently and it’s no surprise I was seen as weird and odd, though I didn’t realise it until I was 8 (and didn’t know why until I was about 20). I’m still learning that average British person of my age probably knows of Noel’s House Party and Gladiators like I do, but doesn’t know the fear that you might have to leave home unexpectedly or that the scariest thing in the world is adults screaming at each other.

Once I’ve thought logically, I know think people are not like me unless they show they are. What I think or feel in a certain situation is probably going to be different from how I feel, and therefore respond. It’s a conscious process though, as by default I think they will be like me. Johan is very similar to me in personality and thinking style, so in most cases how I will think, feel or respond in a situation is often the same as how he’ll respond, and because I know him very well I also know when he’ll respond differently. My sister Meggy (who isn’t autistic) had a similar upbringing (though with more foster care than I had) but is closer to neurotypical than I am. We often respond in completely different ways to the same situation because of this, and that’s okay. It just means I find it harder to predict how she’s going to respond, though as she’s my sister and I know her pretty well I have a better idea than for a stranger. My other siblings (Becca and Martin) are somewhere in between, as is Sammie.

My autistic and neurodivergent friends are all over the place. Some are very similar to me in many ways, some are basically the complete opposite (they can be just as far away from average, but in the other direction- like I might respond to something by withdrawing into myself and becoming silent, but they’d respond by shouting and being loud). Many of my autistic friends are similar in some ways and different in others. I have friends who absolutely love and crave really loud music, whereas I cannot tolerate it. In general I do better understanding those whose neurotype is close to mine, which includes people with learning disabilities and things like dyslexia or ADHD as well as autism (and some autistic people I struggle with as theirs isn’t like mine). I do have neurotypical friends (and some of them aren’t disabled in other ways) and I have difficulty understanding them, but I’ve put extra effort into trying as they make up most of the population and I don’t want to get it wrong.

Difference is good and I love it, but it does make understanding how people will react to stuff difficult. On a more individual level, I also don’t always know what topics are appropriate for different people- I’m getting better at it but unless I’m told someone doesn’t want to talk about something then I’m not necessarily going to pick up on any non-verbal cues to shut up (though I can read autistic and other neurodivergent body language much better than neurotypical body language in general). Some of the difficulty is because of my childhood (what was normal for me wasn’t the norm for others) but most is just because of how I think differently. The difference in processing things is a factor as well- generally I pick up on sounds, smells and other sensory input much more than others, and it doesn’t take much for it to become overwhelming. That’s got worse since I became ill, but it was there beforehand as well. As a kid I couldn’t figure out why I was getting overwhelmed (so didn’t think to do things like cover my ears or wear sunglasses) and it made my tolerance for things much worse so I’d become aggressive (mostly verbally). I also would have massive meltdowns without knowing what they were. When I was a teen I stopped taking it out on others and turned it more on myself, and shutdowns became more common than the meltdowns did. I don’t hit people who touch me unexpectedly now, though still don’t like it. I’m more likely to bite myself when overwhelmed by panic or in overload.

One thing I wish though is that understanding other people wasn’t all placed on me. I’m expected to act as if I’m neurotypical, and many neurotypical people react badly if I don’t. I’m expected to just understand social situations and body language that isn’t natural to me, yet others aren’t expected to understand me, even if I try and help by explaining what I’m thinking or experiencing. My communication difficulties (which are mostly hidden as my speech is normally fluent) are dismissed as I can appear normal, and it makes life more difficult than it should be. It’s especially upsetting to me that some people who are paid to help me refuse to try and understand my needs, yet I’m expected to understand theirs. It’s scary and makes me afraid to even try. When they do make the effort it’s really good, I just wish it were the norm.

Merry Christmas!

To all my readers and friends, Merry Christmas! Or if you celebrate something else or nothing at all, I hope you have a wonderful day!

I’ve had an awesome Christmas so far. Yesterday Sammie came over for a bit to pick up her presents, which meant real life hugs and squishes were had 😀 Best present ever!

Today I’ve been completely spoilt with masses of presents, from lots of family and friends. I’ve been unable to get all mine to others sorted in time for Christmas this year, but I’m hoping to get those I’ve missed within the next week or two. My favourite was a gift from Sammie- she made a ornament of us two as penguins, me being purple and her being pink, hugging each other. Me being a purple penguin and her being a pink penguin has been our thing now for many years, so it means a lot to me. She also got me new penguin bedding and a matching cushion which are super cute 😀

Johan had bought me a telly for Christmas a few months ago, but surprised me with a Pingu ball (Hafu Pingu rather than telly Pingu), and Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle soft toys. My sister Meggy had visited a few days ago and she gave me an amazing super soft penguin which I love to stroke. My other sister Becca gave me some awesome penguin pyjamas and penguin stickers. Esther gave me some penguin fuzzy socks (I love fuzzy socks!) and an awesome penguin Christmas jumper. Other presents included penguin stationery, a loom band penguin and money/gift cards. Very very spoilt Danni 😀

I also saw my brother on Christmas Eve, which was a lovely surprise. I’ve spent most of the day on Skype with Sammie, sometimes playing Minecraft (with her and her friend), sometimes just talking. I’m so grateful that I’m well enough to speak to her, be on my computer, listen to a few Christmas carols and songs and hopefully later have Christmas dinner. I even managed to speak to my mum-in-law on the phone for a minute. Now is time to rest and hopefully I’ll continue to have a good day 😀

How Can I Deal With Frustration?

I’m frustrated. Mostly because of illness/disability stuff. And I don’t know how to deal with it. There are various things I’m frustrated about, but I don’t know how to deal with them without making myself more ill (I can explain the basics okay but going into the details is so draining I can’t just ask someone else to help). The frustration isn’t helping.

The kitchen is a pigsty. Again. I tried to investigate cleaners but I’m not up to contacting them and explaining everything that would need to be explained. The carers are limited in what they can do, and it’s back to the point they basically can’t do anything. Johan can’t do it due to executive functioning issues, and can’t ask anyone else to do it (or let me ask someone else to do it if I have a good day) due to anxiety issues. Esther has similar executive functioning issues to Johan and it isn’t fair to expect her to do it all anyway. So I’m stuck. I’m sure nice people would offer to call people for me but it took me 2 years to get a 2 page document to give to the carers written and printed so it’s highly unlikely I’ll be able to provide them with the information they need anytime soon. I want to just go in there and do it myself but that’s impossible from bed.

My bedroom needs tidying. I don’t have enough storage space for everything in here. Now I can ask the carers to help with this, but at the moment when they come I’m either asleep or feeling horrendous, and I don’t feel well enough to cope with the movement/noise until after 10pm. I might need to just suck it up and deal with the payback it’ll cause if they do it while I’m not really well enough as I’m meant to be going to the hospital on the 16th and I’ll need the room for the stretcher. But it takes so much energy dealing with the constant questions about where things go (which I mostly can’t answer because I can’t see if there’s room on the shelves or in the cupboard or anywhere else). Then it takes one day for there to be random stuff on the chair, wipes on the floor, I knock things off the bedside table, random bowls or plates to be left in here, toothpaste not taken back to the bathroom. No one is to blame but I can’t fix it, and I’m not well enough to ask anyone else.

I need to sort getting the sofa, broken wheelchair and boxes of electronics taken by the council. I nearly got the first part of this this done but needed to know how many boxes of stuff there are as they’ll only take what’s listed. Johan said he’d let me know but never did. The second part requires Johan to pay for them to be taken which I’m scared he won’t be able to do when it needs doing. At the moment there’s no way to automatically pay online, and I’d need the council to tell me how much it’ll be because there’s nothing on the price list for boxes of broken electronics and computer parts. With Johan not doing well we’re stuck and it means I can’t buy the daybed and they might refuse to put my hoist in there (and in here if my bedroom is still a mess).

We’ve heard nothing about Johan’s support. The last we got was a letter with a provisional budget and his statement of needs but it’s been silence since then. Neither of us are in a fit state to be chasing it up. The support for him would, in combination with my care being rearranged to work with it, solve most of the problems we’re having, as some of it is to communicate with other people for us. I basically can’t read letters on paper now without massive effort (the words fade in and out and the letters keep switching around – it’s better on a screen with larger text as they stay put more) and made myself stupidly weak just trying to read the DLA form that was meant to be in months ago. I want to fix things but I can’t.

I’m not asking for advice on how to solve the issues I’ve mentioned, just wanted to state some of the things I’m frustrated with. What I am asking is how can I cope with the frustration of things being wrong but not being able to fix them?

Downsides to Being Danni

Yesterday I wrote a blog post, but forgot to publish it before sleeping. Fixed now, but I was a silly sausage.

I’m normally a very happy Danni. Penguins, friends, family, technology, purple, all awesome things that make me happy. There are some things that I don’t like about being me, some coming from being ill, others from being Autistic and Dyspraxic, and some combined to make smaller issues bigger.

One of the main ones is struggling to communicate with friends and family. There are several things that cause this to be an issue. The first is unless prompted, I forget people (and things) exist. Luckily these days there’s friend lists on Facebook and similar, but I’m unable to name all my friends and family without some form of prompt. I love them all dearly, it’s a quirk of my memory that’s been made much worse by being ill. I have to keep reminders around so I never forget who Sammie (my daughter) is. I imagine most people don’t forget their own immediate family, but I do. I find frequent Facebook statuses, tweets and stuff really helpful to remember who people are 🙂

I’m also pretty face blind. I don’t recognise myself in the mirror, and remember other people by hair, clothing style, voice and movement. I do better with photographs, but have thought pictures of my sister were me before. If someone drastically changes their hair style, especially without warning, it can take me a while to get used to their new one. This is less of a problem now I rarely see people face to face but it’s still frustrating.

I struggle to initiate conversation, even with people I really like and know well. Not because I don’t care about them, but because I don’t know what to say. I was getting better at this but then I got ill and it’s bad again. I really appreciate when others start a conversation with me because replying is much easier. Unfortunately since I became really ill I’m not always up to long conversations, but I’m hoping that will improve soon.

I’ve got a type of hearing problem where I can’t hear speech properly when there’s background noise. My actual hearing is better than average (I can hear things most other people can’t) but I can’t filter what I hear so have everything coming through, which is exhausting. I lip read to some extent which helps a bit but in a noisy room I simply can’t hear someone speaking. This is also a major part of why I can’t use the phone – I have no visual clues to help me and the line or background noise makes it nearly impossible to understand what’s being said. When I try it takes so much energy I’m completely exhausted afterwards and have relapsed because of it.

I’m tired now so I’ll leave it there, but understanding these are difficulties I have due to disability rather than being lazy or weak makes it much easier to deal with and means I can concentrate on workarounds to these issues. I’m still awesome, despite my problems 🙂

Need More Penguins

Wearing my Blizzcon t-shirt. Primrose wanted to say hi too.
Wearing my Blizzcon t-shirt. Primrose wanted to say hi too.

Always need more penguins.

Today is the second day of Blizzcon. I’m so happy I’ve been well enough to watch most of it. Yesterday I managed to watch stuff all the way through to the end of the costume contest, which was awesome. Today I started watching stuff when it began again, and if there hadn’t been a little accident with the fire alarm I’d have probably watched it all the way through today. As it is I’m taking a bit of a break now from watching it to kinda rest and to write this. I even put my Blizzcon t-shirt on today (though the awesome picture is on the back so not easily seen when in bed, and the dark grey on black isn’t easy to see in photos).

With the fire alarm that didn’t affect me too badly by itself (a bit of body jerking and becoming non-verbal which I can cope with), but the care call alarm went off (to check we’re okay) and the high pitched noise of that went right through me and made me feel horrendous for a bit. Yup, the care call alarm is worse than a fire alarm. If it weren’t for the fact if there is a fire it could save my life (they know I’m bedbound and will call the fire brigade if there’s actually a fire/we don’t tell them we’re okay if the alarm has gone off) then I’d consider getting rid of it.

My favourite parts of Blizzcon so far have been the World of Warcraft panels, the announcement of Overwatch (first multiplayer shooter game I really want to play) and the Hearthstone expansion Goblins vs Gnomes. I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve seen though other than the technical difficulties 😛 If I weren’t too ill I’d be playing all the Blizzard games I have right now (that’s World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm). As it is I’m hoping I’ll be okay on Thursday to play at least some of the new World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor.

Of the Overwatch stuff we’ve seen so far, Tracer is my favourite character but I really dislike her accent (fake cockney). Surely Blizzard could find a British voice actor for their British character?! The idea behind her character is awesome though. The character I’d most feel comfortable playing from a type perspective will probably be Mercy, as she’s the main healer character. The whole idea is just awesome though and the cinematic they had was amazing, especially with little things like the security guard playing Hearthstone 🙂

I’m hoping tomorrow to catch up on some of the panels and things that I’ve missed, but if I’m not up to it I have a couple of weeks to do so. So many things I want to do and not enough spoons to do them all. I can be excited and happy about them though 🙂