Happy New Year! 2015 In Review

Happy New Year!

Belated Merry Christmas and Happy Newtonmas πŸ™‚ I had a good Christmas, followed by a short crash but luckily we got things sorted quickly enough it only lasted a few days and I’m back to nearly Danni-normal again πŸ™‚

This month has been up and down a bit, saw the community dentist the second time I tried (first time couldn’t get on the bus because the driver wouldn’t let me on because of prams) and have been referred for my teeth to be sorted out under a general anaesthetic as no other option for me. I went to Enchanted Parks as well and that was awesome. So many pretty lights and displays! Mostly been in bed otherwise but did get up when Sammie came to pick up her presents and talk πŸ™‚ I knew then that no matter what happened it was going to be an awesome Christmas.

On Christmas Day itself I watched a church service on the telly, opened many presents (thank you everyone who sent me cards and presents), had roast hog for dinner, along with Johan’s homemade roast potatoes which were the nicest potatoes I’ve ever had even though it was his first time, and watched the Doctor Who Christmas special which was awesome. A great day. I also spoke to Sammie on both Christmas Day and her 12th birthday which was the best. Totally worth the payback afterwards πŸ˜€

Anyway, every year I fill out a silly survey about the year that just happened. I’ve just watched the new year come in and I’m gonna do it now while I remember πŸ™‚

1. What did you do in 2015 that you’d never done before?
Get a hoist! Meant I could get into my wheelchair and go into Gateshead and Newcastle for the first time in a few years. Also started making things with loom bands.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s Resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I managed 2 of 4, and most of my goals (including the 50 books read this year). I’ll make more in the next few days. I’m happy with how I did overall, as a couple were ambitious (and relied on other things happening that didn’t).

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes! More babies this year so a Facebook feed full of cuteness!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Yes πŸ™ My good friend Ron died a few months ago, and my grandma died earlier this month. I was too ill to go to their funerals πŸ™

5. What countries did you visit?
I stayed in the UK, but did go into Gateshead and Newcastle for non-medical reasons! That was awesome!

6. What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?
I need that shower chair still πŸ˜›

7. What dates from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
My memory is terrible for dates, so I’ll remember events (Sammie visiting, Ron and my Grandma dying, going out) but not exactly when they happened.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Going into Newcastle, being in my chair for several hours with the only payback being needing to sleep more. More of that please πŸ™‚

9. What was your biggest failure?
My health and my memory.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Mostly just ME stuff. Got a rough diagnosis of POTS (too ill for a tilt table test) but I’ve had the symptoms of that since I was 12. Nothing new so that’s good I guess πŸ™‚

11. What was the best thing someone bought you?
Like I said last year, I appreciate everything that people bought for me. So many penguins and ponies πŸ˜€ One of my Christmas presents from Sammie is a heart shaped cushion with her on it. I think she’s abseiling but I might be wrong there πŸ˜›

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Same answers as last year: Johan and Sammie πŸ˜› I think Esther has also done really well this year as well.

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and/or depressed?
Still the government. Things are getting harder and harder for my friends because of them, and I don’t know how to help πŸ™

14. Where did most of your money go?
Same as last year: food, bills, disability stuff. I did buy a new cooker which was much needed.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
This answer will be obvious to anyone who knows me: Sammie and penguins πŸ˜€ I can add going out to that list this year πŸ˜€

16. What songs will always remind of 2015?
Although I’ve listened to some music this year, I’ve not really listened to anything recent so I don’t think I’ve got a song that would remind me of this year πŸ˜›

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
Mostly happier πŸ™‚ Had a few sad periods but I think overall being able to go out has boosted my mood loads, as has being in pretty regular contact with Sammie.
b) fatter or skinnier?
Fatter πŸ˜› As I was underweight, this is a good thing. I’m still not where I need to be but eating has been a bit easier this year. Still malnourished but continuing to work on that.
c) richer or poorer?
About the same.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Going out πŸ˜› Glad I managed it though.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Relapsing, though I did so less than 2014. Being anxious.

20. How do you plan to spend Christmas?
Christmas was spent talking to Sammie, watching telly and eating the amazing roast dinner Johan made me πŸ™‚ Next year, I hope to have the entire tree decorated (this year only managed lights and star, last year it was missing the lights).

21. Did you fall in love in 2015?
The babies! So cute! Especially Amy who came to see me πŸ™‚

22. How many one night stands?
None. Didn’t even try standing this year πŸ˜›

23. What was your favourite TV programme?
Doctor Who, Great British Bake Off and Steven Universe πŸ™‚

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Nope. Still don’t actually hate anyone. I dislike the government, but that’s different.

25. What was the best book you read?
What If? by Randall Munroe. Thank you Sammie for prodding me to actually read it πŸ™‚

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Google Play Music. They are pretty good at guessing what I want to listen to (though they do get it really wrong sometimes).

27. What did you want and get?
A hoist! Freedom at last! Also spoke to Sammie loads and got to see her. Some support for Johan.

28. What did you want and not get?
A shower chair. Apart from two baths in the care home, I’ve not been clean all year.

29. What was your favourite film of this year?
I’m torn between Big Hero 6 and Inside Out.

30. What did you do on your birthday?
Sleep mostly πŸ™‚ I think I spoke to Sammie as well. Opened lots of amazing presents (including a penguin balloon to walk!).

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Being able to get properly clean at home.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015?
Tops, leggings and pyjamas. Penguins were also involved πŸ™‚

33. What kept you sane?
This never really changes πŸ™‚ Sammie, Johan, penguins, and friends.

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I can’t think of any.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
The welfare cuts again. Sanctions in particular are getting really bad.

36. Who do you miss?
I really miss talking to Ron. It’s not been the same being on Twitter since. He would have been so proud of Johan’s potatoes. I also miss seeing my friends and family, but talking online helps.

37. Who was the best new person you met?
Probably Marga and Amy. Amy is adorabubble!

38. What was the best thing you ate?
Johan’s roast potatoes. No contest.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2015?
It will take several explanations before people will accept sitting upright is a bad idea. Especially nurses and care assistants.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Here’s a penguin, there’s a penguin and another little penguin. Fuzzy penguin, funny penguin, penguin, penguin duck. (Not actually a song, but I’ve sung it. The duck mentioned belongs to Amy.)

Hell’s Kitchen

Working on my anxiety about the carers. Luckily was two nice ones so was able to get stuff done. Had to ask Johan to come home at lunchtime which is annoying but luckily he was able to get out early and make me more comfortable.

Have been watching stuff on Netflix today. Finished watching The Hunger Games: Catching Fire which I’d started a few months ago but had to stop. I prefer the book but it was still a good film.

Was making a very long fishtail chain (ended up being 1000 bands and over 10 feet long) so put Hell’s Kitchen on as something in the background. It’s the US one and it is not a very good competition format but it’s hilarious as a reality entertainment show. Made Johan jealous as he wanted to watch it while he was raiding πŸ˜› He’s now watching it with me while I’m writing this. It’s funny though the amount of undercooked chicken, salmon and pork is scary πŸ˜›

Tomorrow I’m going to be doing most of my Christmas and birthday shopping. I have a plan and hopefully my body will let me keep to it. If not it’s not the end of the world and it can be done later. I also might be going out for a hot drink with my sisters in the evening if we’re all well enough. Physically I’m doing okay other than pain and my digestive system hating me which is a good sign.

Penguins are amazing and people are really nice to me and I don’t really understand why but it makes me happy and keeps me going when my brain is being nasty to me. Hopefully my brain will stop being mean to me.

Adventures in Penguin Shopping

Went out today! First went into Gateshead and got my head shaved at a barbershop (they initially said they couldn’t do me until Johan explained what I wanted). I now have basically no hair and it feels weird but it’ll be nice to not have to worry about washing it for a while.

I felt okay and we were a bit hungry so decided to go into Newcastle for food. We went to Wagamama as I’d never been there before and Johan likes it. I had dumplings which were very nice. Getting the Metro was difficult as it was as everyone was travelling to see the Newcastle football match, but we managed to get me on.

We went to Grainger Market next, where Johan failed to find any games in the retro gaming shop and I found a penguin cupcake in French Oven. I’m still full from lunch so will have to eat it later. Next was Geek Retreat which was very crowded. I think I’ll go back when there’s less people as it was hard to see what was there, but I had a nice hot chocolate.

Looked in Forbidden Planet and then Travelling Man. I couldn’t find anything I wanted in Forbidden Planet but bought Pandemic from Travelling Man as I’ve been interested in it for a while and we were wanting a game that works well with two players. Getting around these small shops is hard in my tank πŸ˜›

We were starting to think about home, but the Newcastle match had just finished and I knew the Metro would be packed. I also had misplaced my gloves and as the temperature was now below freezing asked to go to Primark to buy some more. On the way Johan looked in PC World for a keyboard (he couldn’t find the one be wanted) and I got confused by the pile of monitors in the middle of the aisle in a shop which is otherwise easy to get around (though the displays are too high for a wheelchair user).

In Primark I found some really big penguin thermal socks, and then two different pairs of penguin gloves. We looked at the warm slippers but couldn’t find any in my size. While doing so I managed to knock the penguin cushion under my legs so I couldn’t feel it, and thought I’d dropped it. We ended up backtracking and Johan asked the staff before he checked and found it. Near the counter I spied a multipack of normal penguin socks, so bought them as well. While helping me sort things out Johan found the gloves I’d already been wearing under the Trabasack but I’d bought penguin stuff so it was worth it. I was very tired by now so we went home.

It’s been a really good day. I probably overdid it but it’ll have been worth it. The most exhausting thing wasn’t being in my chair and it, but trying to communicate as I had no voice and typing was difficult while moving. I think if I go out when I can’t speak again I should take a Bluetooth keyboard as it’ll make typing much easier.

Tomorrow if I feel okay I want to go on my computer as I’ve not been on since fixing my tablet and I think it’s been over a week since I was on to do fun stuff. I also need to start finalising my Christmas shopping lists. Before then though I think I need to sleep πŸ˜›

Zombified Danni

Had a very long sleep- from just after 8pm last night to 9.40am this morning. Unfortunately I’ve been feeling rather zombified and boaty today, so not been able to do much. What doesn’t help is my index finger on my left hand is sore from holding in the power button on my tablet yesterday. I’ve also been in more pain than is normal for me which is making me a tad grumpy.

Had two decent carers today. Yay! We got a phone call from the agency (Communication! Yay!) saying it would be a new carer and she’d be here about 10.30am as the one I was meant to have had called in sick, then the carer arrived just after 10am so we were a bit confused but it was okay. Had bacon for breakfast as Johan had dropped the last two duck eggs πŸ˜›

Spent most of the day reading articles online and blog posts, with a bit of tablet game playing as well. Luckily I’d backed up all my apps before changing the rom on my tablet so I didn’t lose any progress πŸ™‚

Ow. Someone just slammed the communal door and the noise has made me lose my voice πŸ™ Boo. Hopefully it’ll come back soon. Also made me nauseous but I’m hoping not to need cyclizine because I’m zombie enough.

The evening carer was one of my favourite ones from this agency. She made me salmon and chips for tea and helped me get into pyjamas and stuff. Was good. She’s meant to be coming on Friday evening so I was able to warn her I might not be in as seeing Becca. I hope the zombiness is gone by then.

I probably shouldn’t have started reading The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer yesterday. I thought it was one of my young adult dystopian books, not one about someone with mental illness. What I’ve read is good but maybe I’ll save finishing it for when I’m a bit less anxious and panicky. I read Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson HaddixΒ before that which I’d been wanting to read for years. That was good and I’m wanting to continue the series.

Brains. Grr. Argh.