2020 In Review

Happy New Year? I’m hoping this year is better for you all. Izzy is back at work, but Sammie is off college, starting remote learning on Wednesday. My friend Sophie is still ventilated in intensive care, but not as bad as at her worst. I wish there was more I could do than pray.

Like for most people, last year did not go as we expected or hoped. There were some very bad parts, but it wasn’t a complete disaster. Time for my yearly review.

1. What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before?
Experienced a global pandemic? I’m struggling to think of anything positive for this question.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s Goals, and will you make more for next year? 
I managed 2 of 6, but there were unforseen circumstances. I’ll be making more this year in a separate post.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
I don’t think so. If I’ve forgotten any, I’m sorry.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
I was no longer close to hir, but Mel Bagg’s death hit me hard. It shouldn’t have happened. I’m hoping there won’t be any this year.

5. Where did you visit?
I went all the way to the ramp to watch fireworks for 15 minutes on New Year’s Eve. Other than that I didn’t even leave my bedroom. This was mostly due to The Event.

6. What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020
The Covid-19 vaccine so we no longer have to hide from the world as much. For us and for everyone else.

7. What will you most remember from 2020 and why
The Event, as the global pandemic affected anything else. There’s a chance I might remember the US election, but The Event is definitely the main one.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? 
Not getting Covid-19. This is mostly because we isolated ourselves from the world, but I’ll still call it a success.

9. What was your biggest failure? 
This is a hard one, as all the things I didn’t achieve were at least partially due to The Event. I’ll go with sorting out my twitter followers, as that was the least affected by it. I’ve also still got Christmas presents to sort out.

10. Did you suffer any new illness or injury?
I had an increase in migraines in December which wasn’t fun, but on the plus side I’ve not had a cold since February. Isolating has one plus side πŸ˜›

11. What was the best thing someone gave you?
The hug Sammie gave me just before Christmas. It was our only hug all year and even though the PPE made it awkward, it was amazing.

12. Who impressed you this year?
Izzy. She started a full time job, just before having to provide all my care since March without help or a break. It’s not been easy for either of us but we’re both alive and doing about as well as possible. She also came out as trans which in our transphobic society took a ton of courage.

Sammie has also impressed me with how well she’s been coping with The Event, asking for extra help at college when she needed it and being honest when she’s been struggling. I’m so proud of her.

13. What made you appalled and/or depressed?
People (and the government) not taking the pandemic seriously enough. Those spreading fake news that resulted in people not doing what they needed to, resulting in lots more people being ill and dying than there should have. Also the increase in transphobia, especially in the mainstream media.

14. Other than food, bills and disability stuff, where did most of your money go?
Does tips to takeaway delivery people count as food or separate? We’ve relied a lot on takeaways this year and as they’re risking getting ill, I increased how much we tipped for delivery. Other than that I’ve been buying more from small businesses as I can to try and help and because they have cool stuff like penguins and cats and small robots.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Sammie’s visits, the new World of Warcraft expansion (Shadowlands), vaccine development, penguins and Bilbo the cat.

16. What big events will you remember most from 2020
Mostly The Event. And that most other events being cancelled due to it.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
Sadder. I think it’s obvious why (hint: it’s mostly due to The Event). Could be worse though.
b) healthier or more ill?
Probably about the same. Not been able to go out but have been able to go on my computer more and watch more media instead.
c) richer or poorer?
Izzy got a full time job and our Universal Credit claim (and my PIP renewal) went through without a problem so our income went up, plus not having the carers or the cleaner in our outgoings went down so we’re financially doing much better despite a massive increase in takeaway consumption. We’re very lucky Izzy got a job she can do from home.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
I’d liked to have spent more time out of my bedroom, but The Event is both directly and indirectly to blame for me not being able to do so (can’t go outside as dangerous, can’t have someone come in to help declutter the living room because not safe). Izzy was too overwhelmed to help me shower but had bed baths instead.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Having migraines, waking Izzy up in the middle of the night, and dropping things off my bed so Izzy had to go hunting for them under there.

20. How did you spend Christmas?
Found out first thing Sophie was in an induced coma due to Covid-19, so it was hard to celebrate. Slept quite a bit, watched some films with Izzy, ate a lot of snacks, messaged Sammie, and watched EllenFromNowOn’s Geoguessr stream. We video chatted with Sammie on her birthday (Boxing Day) which was good. Izzy made the pork roast we got on the 28th, which was lovely despite the lack of her roast potatoes. I’m hoping to get them this year instead.

21. What did you love in 2020?
Other than the obvious (family, friends, penguins, cats), seeing how many people and communities pulled together to deal with The Event was brilliant.

22. How many trips out?
One. I spent 15 minutes on the ramp on New Year’s Eve to watch the fireworks over Newcastle. That was also the only time I left my bedroom, and I only got out of bed otherwise for sheet changes. I’m hoping once things calm down and we’re vaccinated I can get out again.

23. What was your favourite TV programme?
Toss up between Star Trek Discovery and Hilda. Very different programmes but I loved them both. I also really enjoyed Steven Universe Future, and it probably would have been top if there were more of it. Last year I also watched Formula 1 with Izzy, which was a lot of fun.

24. Do you dislike anyone or anything now that you didn’t dislike this time last year?
There’s a certain virus that I’m not happy with that I didn’t know about in 2019. Most of the people I dislike are those who have been spreading the false news about the virus resulting in people not taking it seriously, refusing to wear masks when they can, and so on.

25. What was the best book you read?
Small Robots by Thomas Heasman-Hunt (based on the Twitter account @SmolRobots). A book about kind, awesome robots was exactly what I needed last year, and Sammie loved it as well.

26. What was your greatest media discovery?
Probably Hilda. I had to wait until I was emotionally ready for it, and kept taking breaks to process it, but it was awesome.

27. What did you want and get?
A festive bake from Greggs. A hug from Sammie on Christmas Eve. World of Warcraft Shadowlands. Penguins.

28. What did you want and not get?
A shower. Trips out. Izzy’s potatoes. A miracle cure.

29. What was your favourite film of this year?
Steven Universe the Movie. A great continuation of the telly programme. I may have cried.

30. What did you do on your birthday?
Um, I can’t remember. I think I slept most of it as I wasn’t well. It was during the period where I wasn’t keeping up with my diary as I was too overwhelmed.

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
The Event not occurring.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020?
Same as previous years. I did get a super fluffy purple bed jacket that Izzy cut up the back for me to wear over my t-shirts/nighties when cold, and she did the same to my new penguin Christmas sweatshirt. I think I only wore something on my bottom half once, when going out on New Year’s Eve (I wore fleecy pyjama bottoms over my compression socks).

33. What kept you sane?
I’m not entirely sure I was sane πŸ˜› Really though, Izzy, Sammie, friends, Bilbo and penguins.

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
No-one new last year.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
Probably Black Lives Matter. It shouldn’t be controversial, but racism.

36. Who do you miss?
Pretty much everyone except Izzy. Other people still exist, yes?

37. Who was the best new person you met?
Due to The Event, I didn’t meet anyone new last year except a nurse. She was nice, but I can’t even remember her name.

38. What was the best thing you ate?
Since Izzy didn’t make her potatoes, probably eggs. I love eggs.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020?
All those people who said it must be really nice to stay at home all the time, can’t deal with staying at home all the time. Also viruses can shut down the world.

40. A quote that sums up your year:
Stay home, stay safe.

2017 in Review

Every year since I started this blog, I’ve done an end of year survey. I’m going to keep almost the same questions as last year, but if there are any I can’t answer two years in a row then I’ll change them next time.

1. What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?
Went to Sammie’s school play. It was the first school event of hers I made it to, so a very big deal.

I also joined Running Ninjas, which is a running club. It turns out you don’t actually need to be able to run (or even get out of bed) to be a member. It’s the group Johan is part of and I love seeing how everyone is doing.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s Goals, and will you make more for next year?
I managed some of them, but not all. Going to have a separate post with specifics.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes. Laura’s baba is gorgeous!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
As last year, no-one I was very close to, but some people I knew, and others I admired but was too ill to contact. And our upstairs neighbour, who was physically close.

5. Where did you visit?
South Tyneside Hospital for getting teeth sorted. Gateshead and Newcastle. Sammie’s middle school for her school play. Care home. I also went and watched the Great North Run on the Felling Bypass.

6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
Better health. More showers please.

7. What will you most remember from 2017 and why?
Getting new, much nicer neighbours. The old neighbour being murdered. Seeing Sammie’s school play. Going to the Great North Run and seeing Mo Farah, Aly Dixon and Johan running really really fast!

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Going to Sammie’s school to see her play. It was the furthest I’d travelled in at least 6 years, possibly more.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Probably not having a single bath while in the care home. That’s because I was using all my energy on bedding changes as they weren’t checking on me enough. Also only getting standard daily living PIP with no mobility because I can walk and don’t need care apparently (tribunal is in February). Having to give up loom knitting as my hands wouldn’t cooperate.

10. Did you suffer any new illness or injury?
I caught a cold while recovering from going out to see the Great North Run. Then another, and then another. So I’m doing worse both physically and cognitively than in 2016. It sucks.

11. What was the best thing someone gave you?
Penguin fairy lights from Jen. Little abstract paintings from Mathsie. Penguin pillow/handwarmer from Sammie. Purple sparkly crystal thing from Johan. Crochet penguin from Tony and his wife. And I’d had more. I’ve been completely spoilt this year.

12. Who impressed you this year?
Johan with the progress he made with his running, including two full marathons and lots of half marathons. Sammie with how much she cares about her friends and for seeking help when the situation was too big to handle alone. Everyone who survived despite how terrible a year it was.

13. What made you appalled and/or depressed?
I might not have liked my old upstairs neighbour, but he didn’t deserve being murdered the way he was. Politics in general. The DWP both in general and for the PIP decision they made (they acknowledged I can’t sit up or stand, but say I can walk. And I don’t need carers, just aids and adaptations. They still haven’t explained how that works with me being almost completely bedbound). TERFs. Bigots.

14. Other than food, bills and disability stuff, where did most of your money go?
Technically disability stuff, but I bought a new tablet which is awesome. Also Philips Hue lights and a Google Home Mini, so I can do funky stuff with my lights and control them via my tablet or voice. Sammie’s computer took most of my savings, so need to build them up again πŸ˜› Was worth it for how much she’s enjoying it.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Sammie’s school play! Great North Run! Friends doing awesome things! Johan getting better at running and getting medals! Penguins! Cats, especially Bilbo, Tilly and Erica! Ratties! Bunnies! Animals in general! Space!

16. What big events will you remember most from 2017?
Trump. The lack of of plans for Brexit.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
About the same.
b) healthier or more ill?
More ill. A cold really knocks me around – three in a row and some days it’s an achievement just to wake up.
c) richer or poorer?
Poorer. Standard daily living PIP is much less than higher/higher DLA. Johan now gets more PIP than me. If it weren’t for that, we’d probably be struggling much more.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Getting out of bed. Showers, bed baths and hair washes, as been too ill most of the time, especially since September. Communicating with friends.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Being anxious. Panicking. Hallucinating (I suspect due to not sleeping well). Feeling ill.

20. How did you spend Christmas?
Opened presents, slept, had Christmas Dinner Johan made in the afternoon (roast duck, and his roast potatoes were even better this year). Watched the Doctor Who Christmas special with Johan. Video chatted with Sammie. It was a good day.

This year our tree had lights (it’s a fibre optic tree as our old one broke), decorations and a penguin on the top! Then 10 minutes later the penguin fell off. Need to think of penguin securing methods for next year.

21. What did you love in 2017?
Other than Johan, Sammie, and family, seeing friends and people I like achieving their goals. Also cute animals, including penguins 🐧

22. How many trips out?
A few in the first half of the year. After coming back from the care home at the beginning of August I only just recovered enough to watch the Great North Run, and then I caught colds so I’ve been completely bedbound since then.

23. What was your favourite TV programme?
Steven Universe. I managed to catch up with season 3. I’m looking forward to watching season 4 as soon as I’m well enough.

24. Do you dislike anyone or anything now that you didn’t dislike this time last year?
Most people who are awful now were already awful. My PIP assessor and decision maker though I dislike for their blatantly wrong decision.

25. What was the best book you read?
Hard one. I liked The Girl who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of her Own Making, and Feeder. I can’t remember enough of any of the books I read to decide on a favourite.

26. What was your greatest media discovery?
I didn’t watch any films this year, see any new TV shows, or listen to any new music. Do video games count? I liked watching Johan play Vostok Inc., but as he’s the QA guy he knows the game very very well. When I can hold a controller I’m wanting to play myself.

27. What did you want and get?
I got to see Sammie’s school play, which was amazing. I also got to see the Great North Run, which I’d been wanting to go to since I moved here (the route goes past about 15 minutes away).

28. What did you want and not get?
Baths in the care home. More showers. Despite many hints, no flowers from Johan πŸ˜› I also had to give up my World of Warcraft subscription as I was too ill to play.

29. What was your favourite film of this year?
I’ve not seen any films this year, as have been too ill. I’m hoping to change that next year.

30. What did you do on your birthday?
Spoke to Sammie on video chat! Got awesome presents! Played with a light up balloon! Had cake a few days later.

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Not relapsing. It sucks.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017?
Comfy, purple, penguin and cut up fleecy pyjama tops. Being able to put my fleece on and off by myself makes me happy, even if it does look weird and untidy.

33. What kept you sane?
The usual (Johan, Sammie, friends, penguins). Twitter. Pictures and videos of cute animals. Chocolate.

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I can’t think of anyone. I do fancy a few people, but they’re not public figures.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
Brexit and Trump. It seems every time I look it’s gotten worse.

36. Who do you miss?
Other than Sammie, Johan and my friends when I can’t talk to them, I’ve really missed Ron this year, especially when I’ve been feeling worse.

37. Who was the best new person you met?
Online, probably Ellen (and Bilbo), though it’s very one sided (I follow them, but I have had a note when buying things). The only notable person I can think of who I met offline was Sammie’s favourite teacher at middle school. Some of the care workers from the new care agency are also awesome.

38. What was the best thing you ate?
Johan’s potatoes were even better this year. So them.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017?
Do things you want when you can, as there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to do them in the future. Also, Tories are evil.

40. A quote that sums up your year:
β€œBraaaaains.” – me in zombie brain fog mode. Which is most of the time.

Happy New Year! 2015 In Review

Happy New Year!

Belated Merry Christmas and Happy Newtonmas πŸ™‚ I had a good Christmas, followed by a short crash but luckily we got things sorted quickly enough it only lasted a few days and I’m back to nearly Danni-normal again πŸ™‚

This month has been up and down a bit, saw the community dentist the second time I tried (first time couldn’t get on the bus because the driver wouldn’t let me on because of prams) and have been referred for my teeth to be sorted out under a general anaesthetic as no other option for me. I went to Enchanted Parks as well and that was awesome. So many pretty lights and displays! Mostly been in bed otherwise but did get up when Sammie came to pick up her presents and talk πŸ™‚ I knew then that no matter what happened it was going to be an awesome Christmas.

On Christmas Day itself I watched a church service on the telly, opened many presents (thank you everyone who sent me cards and presents), had roast hog for dinner, along with Johan’s homemade roast potatoes which were the nicest potatoes I’ve ever had even though it was his first time, and watched the Doctor Who Christmas special which was awesome. A great day. I also spoke to Sammie on both Christmas Day and her 12th birthday which was the best. Totally worth the payback afterwards πŸ˜€

Anyway, every year I fill out a silly survey about the year that just happened. I’ve just watched the new year come in and I’m gonna do it now while I remember πŸ™‚

1. What did you do in 2015 that you’d never done before?
Get a hoist! Meant I could get into my wheelchair and go into Gateshead and Newcastle for the first time in a few years. Also started making things with loom bands.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s Resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I managed 2 of 4, and most of my goals (including the 50 books read this year). I’ll make more in the next few days. I’m happy with how I did overall, as a couple were ambitious (and relied on other things happening that didn’t).

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes! More babies this year so a Facebook feed full of cuteness!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Yes πŸ™ My good friend Ron died a few months ago, and my grandma died earlier this month. I was too ill to go to their funerals πŸ™

5. What countries did you visit?
I stayed in the UK, but did go into Gateshead and Newcastle for non-medical reasons! That was awesome!

6. What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?
I need that shower chair still πŸ˜›

7. What dates from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
My memory is terrible for dates, so I’ll remember events (Sammie visiting, Ron and my Grandma dying, going out) but not exactly when they happened.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Going into Newcastle, being in my chair for several hours with the only payback being needing to sleep more. More of that please πŸ™‚

9. What was your biggest failure?
My health and my memory.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Mostly just ME stuff. Got a rough diagnosis of POTS (too ill for a tilt table test) but I’ve had the symptoms of that since I was 12. Nothing new so that’s good I guess πŸ™‚

11. What was the best thing someone bought you?
Like I said last year, I appreciate everything that people bought for me. So many penguins and ponies πŸ˜€ One of my Christmas presents from Sammie is a heart shaped cushion with her on it. I think she’s abseiling but I might be wrong there πŸ˜›

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Same answers as last year: Johan and Sammie πŸ˜› I think Esther has also done really well this year as well.

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and/or depressed?
Still the government. Things are getting harder and harder for my friends because of them, and I don’t know how to help πŸ™

14. Where did most of your money go?
Same as last year: food, bills, disability stuff. I did buy a new cooker which was much needed.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
This answer will be obvious to anyone who knows me: Sammie and penguins πŸ˜€ I can add going out to that list this year πŸ˜€

16. What songs will always remind of 2015?
Although I’ve listened to some music this year, I’ve not really listened to anything recent so I don’t think I’ve got a song that would remind me of this year πŸ˜›

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
Mostly happier πŸ™‚ Had a few sad periods but I think overall being able to go out has boosted my mood loads, as has being in pretty regular contact with Sammie.
b) fatter or skinnier?
Fatter πŸ˜› As I was underweight, this is a good thing. I’m still not where I need to be but eating has been a bit easier this year. Still malnourished but continuing to work on that.
c) richer or poorer?
About the same.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Going out πŸ˜› Glad I managed it though.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Relapsing, though I did so less than 2014. Being anxious.

20. How do you plan to spend Christmas?
Christmas was spent talking to Sammie, watching telly and eating the amazing roast dinner Johan made me πŸ™‚ Next year, I hope to have the entire tree decorated (this year only managed lights and star, last year it was missing the lights).

21. Did you fall in love in 2015?
The babies! So cute! Especially Amy who came to see me πŸ™‚

22. How many one night stands?
None. Didn’t even try standing this year πŸ˜›

23. What was your favourite TV programme?
Doctor Who, Great British Bake Off and Steven Universe πŸ™‚

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Nope. Still don’t actually hate anyone. I dislike the government, but that’s different.

25. What was the best book you read?
What If? by Randall Munroe. Thank you Sammie for prodding me to actually read it πŸ™‚

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Google Play Music. They are pretty good at guessing what I want to listen to (though they do get it really wrong sometimes).

27. What did you want and get?
A hoist! Freedom at last! Also spoke to Sammie loads and got to see her. Some support for Johan.

28. What did you want and not get?
A shower chair. Apart from two baths in the care home, I’ve not been clean all year.

29. What was your favourite film of this year?
I’m torn between Big Hero 6 and Inside Out.

30. What did you do on your birthday?
Sleep mostly πŸ™‚ I think I spoke to Sammie as well. Opened lots of amazing presents (including a penguin balloon to walk!).

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Being able to get properly clean at home.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015?
Tops, leggings and pyjamas. Penguins were also involved πŸ™‚

33. What kept you sane?
This never really changes πŸ™‚ Sammie, Johan, penguins, and friends.

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I can’t think of any.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
The welfare cuts again. Sanctions in particular are getting really bad.

36. Who do you miss?
I really miss talking to Ron. It’s not been the same being on Twitter since. He would have been so proud of Johan’s potatoes. I also miss seeing my friends and family, but talking online helps.

37. Who was the best new person you met?
Probably Marga and Amy. Amy is adorabubble!

38. What was the best thing you ate?
Johan’s roast potatoes. No contest.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2015?
It will take several explanations before people will accept sitting upright is a bad idea. Especially nurses and care assistants.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Here’s a penguin, there’s a penguin and another little penguin. Fuzzy penguin, funny penguin, penguin, penguin duck. (Not actually a song, but I’ve sung it. The duck mentioned belongs to Amy.)

2014 In Review

A bit later than usual, but I enjoy doing this each year πŸ™‚

1. What did you do in 2014 that you’d never done before?
I was hoisted into bath for the first time while in a care home πŸ™‚ Less never done before and more not done for a while, I managed to stand up and take three steps with my zimmer frame one day I had a lot less dizziness than normal πŸ™‚

2. Did you keep your New Year’s Resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I managed 3 and a bit. That’s not too bad going. I’ve got some new ones for this year I’ll be blogging about πŸ™

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes! A few friends gave birth during 2014 πŸ™‚

4. Did anyone close to you die?
No-one I was very close to died, but two friends from twitter did unexpectedly πŸ™

5. What countries did you visit?
I went all way across the river Tyne to Newcastle for a hospital appointment! It was a massive adventure πŸ˜›

6. What would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014?
Still want that hoist and shower chair πŸ˜› The ability to go out without needing a stretcher would be nice.

7. What dates from 2014 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
I saw Sammie three times! I can’t remember the exact date of the first two visits (silly memory) but the second was on Christmas Eve so I think I’ll be able to remember that. Speaking to her on Christmas Day and her birthday was awesome too πŸ™‚

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Standing up and walking three steps on the one good day I had all year πŸ˜›

9. What was your biggest failure?
My health again.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
On top normal bedbound ME stuff, I had a pressure sore on my ear that took three months to disappear. That wasn’t fun.

11. What was the best thing someone bought you?
Everything that people bought me was amazing πŸ™‚ My favourite present (after seeing Sammie) was a purple penguin ornament she made me for Christmas πŸ˜€

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Johan was amazing as always. Sammie dealt with a difficult issue in a very mature way and I’m so proud of her for it.

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and/or depressed?
The government trying to screw the lives of sick, disabled and poor people even more than they already have.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Food, bills, disability stuff. Being an adult sucks in some ways.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Sammie :) Talking to Sammie was amazing. Seeing Sammie was amazing. She is an amazing person. (Yes, this is a repeat from last year. Still true.) I also got excited about penguins πŸ˜€

16. What songs will always remind of 2014?
Spread the Hope. You can listen to it or buy it:Β http://spreadthehope.christmas/. It’s for four good charities to help sick children πŸ™‚

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
Happier. Spoke to Sammie loads!
b) fatter or skinnier?
A bit skinnier. This gaining weight business isn’t going so well.
c) richer or poorer?
Hard to tell. Johan got PIP but that’s his income rather than mine.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Having good days πŸ˜›

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Relapsing. Getting pressure sores.

20. How do you plan to spend Christmas?
I spent most of Christmas talking to Sammie. Johan was the one sleeping all day πŸ˜› I had a lovely dinner made by Esther and opened presents and it was good πŸ˜€

21. Did you fall in love in 2014?
I got more penguins I loved πŸ˜› I still very much love Johan and Sammie πŸ™‚

22. How many one night stands?
None. I had a 10 second stand πŸ˜›

23. What was your favourite TV programme?
Doctor Who and Great British Bake Off πŸ™‚

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Still don’t hate anyone. I try to dislike actions rather than people. Like the actions of the government.

25. What was the best book you read?
Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh πŸ™‚

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Why so many questions on music? I need to get well enough to listen to some.

27. What did you want and get?
Lots of contact with Sammie πŸ™‚ I saw her three times and spoke to her loads on Skype (whenever I was well enough to go on the computer during the day, pretty much). I also got a new, bigger telly so I can see things on it properly πŸ™‚

28. What did you want and not get?
My health to improve, and a hoist so I could get out of bed. (Same as last year then. That hoist would be really helpful…)

29. What was your favourite film of this year?
Despicable Me! Frozen was also good, and I liked Divergent (I think they’re the only films I actually watched, at least all the way through).

30. What did you do on your birthday?
Mostly slept. I got a McDonalds for tea, some awesome presents and Sammie sang to me on Skype, so it was a good day even though I was ill πŸ™‚

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Being able to get out of bed and my health improving. I was still very happy though.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2014?
Penguins and pyjamas. Sometimes even penguin pyjamas πŸ˜›

33. What kept you sane?
Penguins, Johan, Sammie and friends πŸ™‚

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I didn’t get any new crushes.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
Welfare reform stuff again. All the different ways the government is screwing over poor and/or disabled people.

36. Who do you miss?
Sammie (though the extra contact makes it easier) and my friends and family.

37. Who was the best new person you met?
I met Sue, a friend from Twitter!

38. What was the best thing you ate?
Hard one. The pork pie from French Oven, the festive dinner at Christmas and the birthday McDonalds are all up there (I’m not a sophisticated eater at all πŸ˜› ).

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2014?
Don’t get near a horny seal if you’re a penguin.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
If you’re happy and you know it, flap your hands πŸ˜€

2013 In Review

My now annual review quiz of the year πŸ™‚

1. What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?
Get an adjustable bed. It’s made a massive difference to my quality of life.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s Resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I kept three of four well. I’m going to keep working on the fourth this year. I’ve made some more for 2014 (in the previous blog post).

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you visit?
Antarctica via the telly (yes, it’s a continent). Really though, I didn’t go further than about a mile away from home (the local hospital- the care home I stay in is even closer).

6. What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
A hoist and a shower chair so I can get out of bed and get clean πŸ˜› Better health would be nice as well (and if it’s loads better I wouldn’t need the hoist).

7. What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
I can’t remember the date due to brain fog, but I think Β Sammie’s visit will be remembered for a long time πŸ™‚

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Seeing Sammie. Also probably visiting Johan in hospital πŸ™‚

9. What was your biggest failure?
My health.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Overall I had the worst year so far health-wise, and was bed-bound almost the entire time. I had a kidney infection as well that is still causing me problems months later.

11. What was the best thing someone bought you?
I don’t think this question is ever going to be easy. Johan got me a Blu-ray player and Spy in the Huddle to watch on it. Someone got me the softest penguin poncho. Sammie got me Oggy, a toy dog with a heart on saying “Love you… with all my heart!” which was incredibly thoughtful. A friend gave me loads of Christmas presents including a penguin adoption, penguin pyjama bottoms and the cutest little purple penguin. Seriously, I’ve been incredibly spoilt and I know I’ve missed some awesome presents here.

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Johan’s again. My friends who have been there for me.

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and/or depressed?
Tories. Lib Dems. People who spout hatred. Atos. Whoever decided that benefit delays were not a problem (I’m lucky that mine are sorted, but Johan’s PIP claim is still waiting for ATOS to contact him).

14. Where did most of your money go?
Food, bills, disability stuff and care home fees.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Sammie πŸ™‚ Talking to Sammie was amazing. Seeing Sammie was amazing. She is an amazing person.

16. What songs will always remind of 2013?
What does the fox say? And Saturday by Rebecca Black πŸ˜›

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
Happier πŸ™‚
b) fatter or skinnier?
About the same, as unfortunately I lost some of the weight I regained over the year. I’ll get it back though πŸ™‚
c) richer or poorer?
Richer, as although my income hasn’t increased my outgoings have dropped a bit.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Keeping in touch with people. Getting out of bed.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

20. How do you plan to spend Christmas?
I spent most of Christmas sleeping, as I was in the middle of a relapse. I’ve got my Christmas dinner to look forward to and I got some lovely presents though πŸ™‚

21. Did you fall in love in 2013?
I fell more in love with Johan, if that counts? πŸ™‚

22. How many one night stands?

23. What was your favourite TV programme?
Doctor Who, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Penguins of Madagascar πŸ™‚

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Hatred is such a strong term. I still strongly dislike the government but I believe that was the case last year as well.

25. What was the best book you read?
Raffie Island and Queenland from the Portal series by Dee Kirkby for children’s books, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson for adults.

26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I didn’t listen to much music this year, so I can’t think of any.

27. What did you want and get?
To see Sammie πŸ™‚ A Blu-ray player and Spy in the Huddle on Blu-ray. Purple penguins.

28. What did you want and not get?
My health to improve, and a hoist so I could get out of bed.

29. What was your favourite film of this year?
I watched The Hunger Games. That was awesome.

30. What did you do on your birthday?
Slept and had a takeaway. I wasn’t doing brilliantly.

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Being able to get out of bed, being able to communicate more with friends and family. I was still happy though πŸ™‚

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
Purple penguin hat πŸ˜› Also wearing a purple Snuggie a lot over pyjamas.

33. What kept you sane?
Chocolate, penguins, Twitter and friends πŸ™‚

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I don’t think there were any this year.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?
Welfare reform rubbish, including Bedroom Tax, PIP, ESA and other stuff.

36. Who do you miss?
Sammie, my friends.

37. Who was the best new person you met?
I honestly don’t know.

38. What was the best thing you ate?
The chip I had from Johan’s takeaway when I started recovering from my relapse just after Christmas πŸ˜›

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013?
As much as I want to, I can’t save the world or even my friends. I can try and cheer them up a bit, though.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
No songs, instead Poseidon wants his self portrait here πŸ˜›

Poseidon by Po
Poseidon by Po