Fixing the power cut yesterday left a huge hole in the ground outside our flat, and the barriers blocked the ramp which is the only way I can get in and out (the other entrance has steps). The workers yesterday said that it would be sorted today.
They did sort out a bit of a gap this morning, but though it was big enough to walk through, it wasn’t big enough for a standard wheelchair, never mind my long one. This was a problem. As the workers had disappeared by the time my care worker got here, she couldn’t ask them how long it would be, so I asked on Twitter.
A nice person told me where to look up dug up holes (one.network) and it said the hole outside my flat would be fixed by the 20th. Now I don’t go out very often, but not being able to get out safely if needed makes me very anxious. I also just want to be able to if I happen to be well enough one day. I did not want to be trapped until Wednesday.
I sent a tweet to Northern Powergrid asking them what I was meant to do. They responded saying they’d send contractors to see if they could fix my access and though they couldn’t say when, it would be as soon as possible. At about 8.30pm we heard workpeople outside again, and they’d shifted enough stuff that Johan thinks we should be able to get me through. Result! I feel a lot better knowing I can get out if I want or need to. Happy Danni.
I thought that would be the end of the hole related events for today, but I was wrong. Shortly after the workers had left, a couple of people decided to go through the barriers, resulting in one of them walking into the hole. Johan looked out of the window to see what on earth was going on, and saw one of them trying to pull the other out of the hole. When they noticed him watching they weren’t happy to be watched, but I found it hilarious. As it’s been raining on and off all day the hole is half full of water but I’m not sure I’d want to bath in it. Maybe next time they’ll walk around the barriers instead.
Other than the hole stuff, today has been a bit of a mixed bag. I still feel rubbish from the flu jab and noise and stuff from yesterday. This morning Sammie wasn’t well so she didn’t make it to school, so I sent her some art supplies and chocolate via Prime Now. Being able to do that is awesome. I’m trying to start planning Christmas things but my brain is a bit bleh from everything, so maybe that can wait a little bit. I’ve at least figured out Sammie’s main present.
Tomorrow Johan has Parkrun but otherwise doesn’t have anything planned, so I’m hoping to spend some time with him if I’m awake. I think I might also listen to another episode of the Bilbcast as it’s awesome. I need to teach Sammie how to listen to podcasts on her phone so she can listen too. Bilbo is good.