
I’m currently experiencing a bit of a relapse, though I am doing a bit better than I was. Last week my sister came around to help out and tidy up a bit, and we had a bit of a chat, which meant I overdid it a bit. I also caught a cold, and my body didn’t react too well. I was completely intolerant to any light or noise, any touch was completely unbearable (it felt like my duvet and pyjamas were trying to murder me), I was in massive amounts of pain that my painkillers were not touching (normally tramadol takes the edge off it) and I didn’t have the energy to move, so I was relying on Johan to roll me over, which also caused more pain. I also had to use a bed pan as I was too ill to manage even the commode- even being propped up in bed made me feel more dizzy, sick and ill.

I am doing a bit better now. I can manage low levels of light while wearing my sunglasses (I tried having the main light on but it was too much). I can roll over in bed by myself, and use the touchscreen on my tablet which is how I’m writing this. I can tolerate some noise. I still can’t cope with being propped up for more than a few seconds so am still using the bed pan. I can’t sleep properly because I keep waking up in massive amounts of pain. I can’t chew so Johan is feeding me soft foods like jelly and yoghurt. I can talk now, though only can whisper. I spend most if my time resting as everything, even tiny things, leaves me completely exhausted.

I am grateful though. I’m grateful that I’ve improved enough to roll over by myself, even if it is painful and exhausting. I’m grateful that I have Johan to look after me. I’m grateful that I have my tablet computer, so I can communicate with the outside world through twitter. I’m grateful to my GP, who asks how I’m doing during Johan’s appointment and is going to phone him tomorrow to talk about me. He also prescribed me calcichew, which I can suck and taste like sweets.

I hope this is just a short relapse. I hope that by Christmas I will be able to sit up in bed, can feed myself solid foods and no longer have to use the horrible bed pan. If I can’t, I’ll ask Johan if I can postpone Christmas dinner until I can eat it.

This is the worst I’ve ever been. It’s scared both me and Johan. I am hopeful though. In good news I’ve been put on urgent priority for an adapted property. The direct payments are being sorted out and Johan is going to get help to manage them. Gateshead Carers Association have been amazing- helping Johan with contacting everyone and being there for him (and me). Things are being sorted. Now I just need my health to improve.

It’s taken me a few days to write this- started it on Monday and it’s now Thursday. Johan is happily playing World of Warcraft and I’m going to get some rest then go on Twitter.

Teeth Removal

Today I had three teeth removed under a general anaesthetic. Considering everything, I think it went well.

The appointment letter said to be there for 8am. I woke up at 5am, as the last time I could drink something was 6am and it can sometimes take me a while to get fluid into me. It also gave me time to wake up. I woke Johan up about 6am, after I’d taken my meds, and we both got ready to go. I even got dressed in comfy clothes, but wore my new fluffy purple slippers :p

At about 7am Johan phoned the ward to check there was a bed for me and to tell them that I’d be arriving by ambulance so basically we had no say in when I’d arrive. I’d taken some cyclizine as I’d felt nauseous and didn’t want to vomit (as they would be likely to cancel it if I were sick) so felt quite tired and just rested while waiting.

At 9.30am the ambulance hadn’t shown up, so Johan phoned the ambulance people to confirm they were taking me. One was on its way and it arrived 15 minutes later. This time it was proper stretcher transport, not the accidental one I got last week, so I couldn’t take my wheelchair. This meant Johan and I got confused as I tried to make my own way out of the flat as normal, but then had to manage to walk a few steps to get on the stretcher outside the front door. The ambulance men did hold me up and support me with that, but it was very painful and I felt really ill and dizzy, so it was a bad idea (I offered to crawl as it was only a short distance, but they said that would be undignified). Once on the stretcher I was mostly okay, though we did forget my ear defenders as they were on my wheelchair. I did have my sunglasses on though so that was something.

When we arrived at the hospital they took me up to the ward and I managed to shuffle onto the bed from the stretcher. One of the things I am still able to do is very short bursts of activity to enable transfers, which always surprises people as I do them quickly to try and prevent getting stuck (I’ve tried doing them slowly before and I normally end up getting too tired halfway so need help). Johan gave the nurses a list of things to try and help them understand me a bit better, and they mostly followed it, which was awesome. Before they left the ambulance men told me off for trying to get out of the flat by myself and told me that I really need to use the carry chair next time. That’s me told :p

It was only about 15 minutes of people going through what was going to happen and stuff before they were ready for me. I tried to confirm as much as possible, but I was feeling pretty exhausted by this point so I’m not sure how much I said made sense. I’d already agreed to it all when I could think though so I wasn’t worried. They brought a trolley for me, I did my shuffle over, and they took me down to the theatre. They went through things again, then took me through to be put to sleep. I warned them I’d panic when they put the cannula in (and they kept telling me the needle was out when I was complaining that the cannula itself was hurting). They then gave me some painkiller that I think also makes you drowsy (fentynl or something- I’ll look it up tomorrow :p) and I can’t remember after that.

When I woke up I was in massive amounts of pain. Surprisingly it wasn’t my mouth that was bothering me, but my arms and legs were agony and I also had a horrendeous headache. It turned out they’d given me paracetamol, which explained the headache (note to self- make sure all medical people know never to give me paracetamol) and I suspect my arms and legs were hurting because they were in a bad position and I wasn’t really able to move them. Johan says they were worried by the amount of pain I was in (I may have screamed a few times- I can’t control it that well when I’m tired) but they didn’t show it to me, nor did they show me they were concerned about my full body violent shakiness (I’d put it on the sheet that it happens when my body is overwhelmed).

They took me back to the ward and when I was able to gave me tramadol, which took a few goes to swallow as I was finding it hard to control my mouth. I was on a drip and had to finish the glass of water before they’d take me off it, but the straw it had was really awkward for me. I was struggling to think so wasn’t able to ask Johan to get my hydrant out, which would have been a lot easier for me. I felt absolutely rubbish as there was too much light and noise, and though I had my eye mask I didn’t have my ear defenders so everything was just too much, and was making the pain worse. The tramadol didn’t do anything, so I had some ibuprofen (got Johan to give me some of the liquid stuff I’d brought in rather than trying to swallow any tablets) which helped a bit with the headache and the mouth pain, though did nothing for the arms and legs. I told Johan that I wanted to go home since I’d be more comfortable there, and he and the nurses agreed that was the best idea.

The doctor came to check on me, and his touching me made my voice disappear (he’d obviously not read my sheet). Luckily by that point the noise had died down as everyone else had left so I was able to tolerate the light with sunglasses on, so I got Johan to get my Transformer out so I could type. A nurse came and told me lots of things I can’t remember now, but are on a piece of paper she gave me so I’ll get Johan to be in charge of that. They phoned for the ambulance and a little bit later the same ambulance guys came.

The journey home was uneventful- Johan was talking to one of the ambulance guys and I was able to type a couple of things to join in when I could (we were talking about computers and things). This time they insisted I’d have the carry chair, and I wasn’t going to argue as I knew it was the best idea. I again did a quick shuffle (note to self- explain to new people that quick shuffles are easier for me than doing things slowly for transfers) and I held on to my penguin while they wrapped me in my blanket and strapped me in. They got me to my bed and I collapsed onto it, and I was glad to be home.

So that’s been most of today. Since I got home I’ve done some very basic stuff on my Transformer, had a few soft things to eat (jelly, Milkybar chocolate dessert thing, a prawn cracker and a bit of trifle), had some Mountain Dew to drink, taken more painkillers which actually helped once I took the double dose my GP allows me, and lay in bed. Colin also came over to ask Johan to print some stuff for him, so I was able to whisper to him a bit (my voice came back after a bit of resting, but whispering is a lot easier on my throat). I also had a meltdown when Johan went to the shop and instead of coming into the living room when he came back he disappeared into the kitchen, which made me panic. That was not good.

Plan for the next few days is just to take it easy. I’ve got nothing planned from now until Christmas other than Christmas shopping, which I’ll be doing over the next few weeks. That doesn’t require leaving my bed so I’m happy. Johan’s got some stuff to do with the carer’s association but he can do that himself, now he knows they can help and he’s spoken to them before. They’re doing brilliantly at writing to my social worker. I won’t be going out again for the near future, as the only way I can get back in is by ambulance carry chair. That”s quite scary, actually, especially since I don’t have medical priority for the council housing list yet as I’m not ill enough.

I’m happy that the nurses at the ward did such a good job of taking my needs into consideration today. I think the list helped. I’m also grateful to the ambulance men who helped me and were keen to make me as comfortable as possible. You rock 🙂


I am nervous about tomorrow. We’re currently trying to get everything sorted, but there’s still this niggling feeling that I’m going to forget something or that something is going to go wrong.

I know that having teeth removed isn’t exactly major surgery, but with my M.E. being as bad as it is (though it has been slightly improved the last few days) and having a general anaesthetic we’re having to treat it as something major anyway. It’s meant to be day surgery, but we’ve been advised to pack an overnight bag just in case, so we have.

Tomorrow Johan has to phone to check there’s a bed and to tell them as I’m going by ambulance I’m going to be late. I’ve packed as much as I can already, but there’s some stuff I’ll need tonight or in the morning so that will have to wait until then. I’ll need to be up at 5am as I’m not allowed to drink after 6am and I can’t manage to drink loads at once, so will need an hour for it. I’m going to sleep now, I think.

A Long Day

Today has been an interesting day. I woke up about 6.30am, being properly awake by about 7.3oam. This is becoming normal for me, though I do miss being a night owl a bit. Will be good for Friday morning, though. I had to wake Johan up as he’d put his doctors appointment in the calendar for 8.50am and he takes ages to wake up because of his mirtazapine.

Got Johan up (yay cuddles) and he went to the doctors surgery, where he discovered his appointment was for 9.50am, not 8.50am. This caused him to panic, though I helped him calm down with more cuddles. Sent him out again at 9.40am, then got increasingly anxious and panicky while he was gone, worrying about him :p (I’d recently been going to his appointments with him as he found it easier with me there, but I’m too ill to do that now). He was fine, though had a bit of an anxiety attack. We had more cuddles, and things were okay.

The carer’s association people came in the afternoon, and that went okay. Johan got an email from my social worker in the middle of it which made me angry (the agency have been lying to him). Things are hopefully going to improve as the carer’s association people are going to help Johan with stuff and have told him about a digital photography group he can go to, which would be good for him.

This evening we had Chinese, as I was craving won tons (I had won ton soup and crispy won tons :p). I also managed to go into World of Warcraft for the first time in a few days, which was cool. Our friend Bluesapphire  has been made guild master, which is awesome as she was basically running the guild anyway 🙂 Sammie’s Nintendo 3DS also arrived, and I can confirm it is very pink 🙂

Oh, and today I actually managed to get dressed :p In clean pyjamas now. Little things like that make me happy.


Christmas Shopping

This will be a short post as I am super tired and about to sleep.

Today I started my Christmas shopping. I got Sammie a Nintendo 3DS in pink as that’s what she wants. I hope she likes it 🙂 I’ve also started looking at what other presents she wants for both Christmas and her birthday (on Boxing Day). I also was told some of the sweet things she has been saying- one of them made me cry.

I also sent an email to an Amazon seller who wanted more information about an order I’d placed, received my new laptop battery which hopefully will make it run a bit better, and wrote a list of things for the hospital on Friday. I was hoping to get a wash and some clean pyjamas, but that didn’t happen. Maybe tomorrow. I also had lots of cuddles, then discovered that cuddles are exhausting and make me feel ill 🙁

Tomorrow Johan is at the doctors in the morning and the carer’s association people are coming in the afternoon. Hopefully it will be okay.