More rioting today. I’m praying it will end soon.
Had a very good day, despite only getting 2 hours sleep. Was able to walk a little bit, and was really happy to be able to walk to the toilet and back 🙂 Found my crutches aren’t stable enough to use though, so will be looking into alternatives.
Had my care review. My social worker is off sick, but didn’t tell us, so favourite carer phoned up to find out where he was. Before that, she’d washed dishes and things in the kitchen. This was all on her day off 😛 The review went well- she said it may be possible to only have one carer in the evenings, which would be much easier for me. I trust her, so hopefully my problems will be lessened soon.
I also went and rejoined Slimming World last night. It went well- I found the meeting a lot easier to deal with than last time. I was also able to use the same details as last time, so I ended up with a weight loss of 1 stone 11.5lbs 😛 They’ve changed the system a bit since I was last there, but it should be pretty easy to get back into the system. I’m lucky in that it takes a lot of work for me to put weight on now that my body is used to the medication I’m on, but it’s stayed the same for a little bit so hopefully this will mean I can lose some and get back down to my comfortable weight 🙂
Stayed up most of the night watching the riots on telly. It’s sad.