Project 365: Day 55: 11th August 2011 – Poster


This is the poster above my television. I love it.

Slept forever today 😛 Woke up about 3pm, Went on computer, but was too tired to stay on it for long. Managed to go back on it for a bit later, though.

Didn’t do much though, other than finish reading Malory Towers on my phone, and just messing around in general. Carers were early again, and it was different people than on the schedule, so I panicked. Not happy.

Mostly resting so I can be well enough to go to BarCamp on Saturday 🙂

Project 365: Day 54: 10th August 2011 – Comfy Johan

Comfy Johan

Johan has been sleeping downstairs for a couple of nights. He can make himself rather comfy 😛

Not had quite as good a day today. Walking was nowhere near happening, but that’s okay. Not been too bad considering how long a day I had yesterday.

Slimming World stuff has been interesting. A few of my favourite things are going to have to be occasional treats 😛 Been able to keep on track though 🙂

Had a bath tonight! First time in a week, because of illness. Also watched telly and was reading Twitter. Also reading Malory Towers on my phone, which is nice.

Project 365: Day 53: 9th August 2011 – More Riots

More Riots

More rioting today. I’m praying it will end soon.

Had a very good day, despite only getting 2 hours sleep. Was able to walk a little bit, and was really happy to be able to walk to the toilet and back 🙂 Found my crutches aren’t stable enough to use though, so will be looking into alternatives.

Had my care review. My social worker is off sick, but didn’t tell us, so favourite carer phoned up to find out where he was. Before that, she’d washed dishes and things in the kitchen. This was all on her day off 😛 The review went well- she said it may be possible to only have one carer in the evenings, which would be much easier for me. I trust her, so hopefully my problems will be lessened soon.

I also went and rejoined Slimming World last night. It went well- I found the meeting a lot easier to deal with than last time. I was also able to use the same details as last time, so I ended up with a weight loss of 1 stone 11.5lbs 😛 They’ve changed the system a bit since I was last there, but it should be pretty easy to get back into the system. I’m lucky in that it takes a lot of work for me to put weight on now that my body is used to the medication I’m on, but it’s stayed the same for a little bit so hopefully this will mean I can lose some and get back down to my comfortable weight 🙂

Stayed up most of the night watching the riots on telly. It’s sad.

Project 365: Day 52: 8th August 2011 – Riots


Currently watching the news about the riots in London and Birmingham. I hope everyone is safe, and it gets sorted soon.

Mattress topper is very comfortable 😀 Woke up today when the carer was here. She took me to the toilet and brushed my teeth but I was still too tired to get up and dressed. After I’d rested for a bit went into World of Warcraft, where I overdid it with a dungeon that lasted ages.

Spent most of the afternoon resting in bed, feeling rotten because I’d been sitting up too long. Was able to get up again for a bit in spurts throughout the evening, with rests in between, so I’m doing a bit better. At one point while I was in bed Johan gave me a bed bath and helped me into clean pyjamas, which was lovely 🙂

Scrambled cheesy eggs for tea, which Johan had never cooked before but were perfect 😀

Evening carers were early because their schedules said something different to mine 🙁 Made me really anxious and I couldn’t have them near me when they came back. I have my care review tomorrow where I’m meant to be discussing this, so I’ll make sure to bring it up. I’m also hoping to be well enough to go join Slimming World. We’ll see 🙂

Project 365: Day 51: 7th August 2011 – Mattress Topper

Mattress Topper

Nearly forgot to take a photo today, so this one was taken about 5 minutes before falling asleep 😛

Feeling slightly better today than yesterday, and was able to get out of bed for a bit, though not as long as I can normally. Played a bit of World of Warcraft, and also went into Second Life for a bit. Otherwise spent most of the day resting.

I did send Johan out to buy this memory foam mattress topper and pillow. Since I’ve been spending most of the day in bed, it was starting to get uncomfortable and I was developing sores in certain areas (not full blown pressure sores, just red areas that are a bit sore). I’m hoping that this will help make it a bit more comfortable. It does have to air for 12 hours first though, which is why it’s on the floor and not on my bed.