
I didn’t make it to college today. I think the last few days/weeks finally caught up with me, because this morning I couldn’t wake up. When I did, I sent an email to my lecturer, read TV Tropes for about 20 minutes and then slept again for several more hours. I’m still really tired, and I’m taking it easy, just watching stuff and reading simple things (like TV Tropes… yup, I’m still stuck there). I’m also in a lot of pain, but that’s not new.

Johan bought Call of Duty: Black Ops last night (he went to a midnight release with Colin). I was fast asleep, so have no idea what time he got back. He was also very tired this morning.

Tomorrow I have Computing in the morning, and watching Enrichment in the afternoon. I’ll be taking my laptop to use during the time between Computing and lunch, and I might install Kudos 2 on there.

The Test That Was

Had my Computing test today. I didn’t answer everything 🙁 I also think I got some of the answers wrong. I just hope I got a few marks. It was the only lesson I had today, as I’ve dropped Problem Solving and I couldn’t go to Enterprise as I had an appointment with my psychiatrist.

The appointment went fine. As expected, I’ve been discharged. I’m doing much better mentally, so that’s fine. She thought I’d hurt my leg because I arrived in a wheelchair (I waddled my way into the consulting room, as the doors are a bit narrow and I go in by myself). I explained it was ME, we talked about random stuff, and then agreed that I didn’t need to see her any more. I know how to access the services again if I need to, but for now I don’t.

On the way back, the first bus that arrived had a broken ramp. A man in a high-visibility jacket flagged down the bus trying to overtake, and reassured us that if that ramp didn’t work that he’d sort us out. The driver of the second bus (the ramp worked fine) joked that we always cause him trouble (we’ve had him as a driver a few times now). When we were leaving the bus, he asked us when we got all pally with the owner. Turns out the guy in the jacket was the owner of Go North East. I guess that helps explain why he was so helpful 🙂

I’ve been sucked into TV Tropes website again, so blog posts will continue to be short until I figure a way out…


Just a quick post tonight as I’m in Zul’Gurub in World of Warcraft, grinding for rep. I’m currently at ~32% of the way through revered, and my aim is to get to 999/1000 exalted before the Cataclysm hits and the instance goes away. I’m being assisted by some awesome guildies, Vitani and Triggira, who are passing all the coins and bijous on to me. Thank you 😀 Johan’s also come along on Sarontir to help with getting through the instance.

Today I overdid it. I was already having a bad day pain-wise, but decided to go to the Tyneside LUG anyway. I managed to stay for a little bit, but had to leave early (after arriving late) because I was just too tired and the noise was overwhelming. I enjoyed it though, and it was nice to see everyone again.

This evening I have been in WoW. We went and did Black Temple, which was fun, and of course now we’re in Zul’Gurub. I’m glad to have a game that’s interesting, and that allows me to socialise in a way that’s suited to me. I’ve also got a bit tipsy tonight, which has helped with the pain a bit (I’m not sure whether the alcohol reduced the pain or made me care less about it, but it’s helping). Tonight I should sleep well.

Remember, Remember the 5th of November…

V for Vendetta TV Speech

I couldn’t find an embeddable version of this clip from V for Vendetta, but it’s an excellent clip from an excellent film, and I suggest you watch it.

Today is the 5th of November, which means for those of us in the UK, it’s Guy Fawkes Night. This is celebrated by bonfires (for burning the “Guy”) and fireworks (gunpowder was used in the plot to blow up parliament). Johan and I went to a local organised display, and I enjoyed it very much. The fireworks were very pretty, we both listened to music to help cope with the noise of them, and though my wheelchair got a bit stuck in the mud we managed it well. I’m very glad I went 🙂

Also today, I received my next batch of DVDs from LoveFilm. I’m looking forward to watching them, as it includes Adam and My Name Is Khan, which are meant to be good films about autism. The other two are The Hangover and The Proposal, which are comedies. I will remember The Hangover as it was the film Johan, my brother Martin and I watched just after deciding to get married. Considering what the film is about, we both are amused by it.

Tomorrow is the first Saturday of the month, so I’m going to make a big effort to go to the Tyneside LUG meeting. I’m not feeling too bad at the moment for me, so I’m hoping I’ll be okay to go.

Pain Hurts

Good news: I have a plan for Wednesdays at Interface. I’ve also dropped a couple of lessons to try and make things a bit easier. I also didn’t fail today’s test (though the proper one is on Monday).

Today has been a day of total exhaustion- falling asleep for a few minutes several times an hour, even nodding off once in my Computing class for a couple of minutes. At the same time, I’m really agitated and using up energy I don’t have moving. Tomorrow is Bonfire Night, so I need to find my earplugs so I can go to the organised display nearby. It’ll be the first time I’ve been to something like that in my wheelchair, so should be interesting. Other than that, I have revision for the test on Monday and lots of emails and letters to write. Pretty boring, really.