Week 37 Review

Danni is smiling at the camera. They are wearing a black t-shirt saying Ninja Cheer Squad. The Ninja and Squad are in bright pink, the Cheer is in bright blue. They are wearing a penguin neck cushion.
Happy Ninja Danni

Being on my computer makes me happy, even if I’ve not been well enough or awake at the right times to be able to get changed all week.

Most of the week has been the same as others recently – playing WoW on my computer when well enough, reading Twitter and Reddit when not, talking to Sammie when my awake/with it times line up with when she’s available. This is all good.

I did get payback from Sunday, but though unwelcome, it wasn’t unexpected so we were prepared. Needed antiemetic to deal with the cleaner being here (normally can cope with the cleaning products we get but payback made it worse than normal) and I did quite a bit of sleeping. 

Was having a good day on Thursday, when a different carer to who I had on the rota turned up before my 15 minute notification (so as I still had headphones in I didn’t realise she was there until she was almost in my bedroom) and though I told her I wasn’t coping, she refused to leave when I asked her to. Had a massive panic attack afterwards that left me completely drained. Johan sorted me out when he got home with meds and stuff and I went to sleep earlier than I would normally. We need to put in a complaint about not telling us about changes to the rota as I really need to know in advance (the carer was told a couple of days earlier so it wasn’t an emergency replacement).

Friday was mixed. Woke up because I did something to my left hip – it clunked audibly, sending a shooting pain down my leg and then I wasn’t able to move it for several hours afterwards. My right hip is meant to be the dodgy one. Made it fun when Johan needed to sort me out that morning, as usually I can roll over myself but it turns out I need to be able to move my leg to roll over properly. He hunted out my heating pad so I could use that on my hip and by the afternoon I could move it again and the pain was more bearable. No idea what I did but I’d rather not repeat it.

Saturday was pretty awesome. Was talking to Sammie while on my computer, and while talking about various things, I discovered the Ig Informal Lectures was going on at the time. We missed the first hour, but what we did see was funny and informative. My favourite was probably using voodoo dolls to restore justice against abusive bosses.

I stayed up all night (because what’s a sleeping pattern again) but had to wake Johan up earlyish Sunday morning because I’d got my left leg stuck and couldn’t move it. It made a massive clunk when he unstuck it, but though the unsticking was really painful the relief to get it out of that position quickly took over. I’m guessing this is related to what I did on Friday so I have to be careful not to get it stuck again. I slept most of the day, waking up for a few hours about half 10 that evening and spending some of that time chatting to Johan. I had planned on having a wash and changing my top with the evening carers but not being awake stopped that. Hopefully I’ll get it done soon.

  • Overall mood – Mostly good and awesome, except Thursday which was bad. High symptoms most of the week cos payback and hip playing up, but Saturday was more normal.
  • Average daily sleep – 10 hours 28 minutes
  • Longest sleep – 19 hours 4 minutes, from Tuesday morning to Wednesday morning (Johan woke me up for painkillers)
  • Clothes changed – 0 (Still a Ninja)
  • Wipe wash – 0
  • Water wash – 0
  • Hair wash – 0
  • Books read – 0
  • TV watched  – 0
  • Streams watched – Argick on Twitch speedrunning Sonic games (watched with Johan)
  • Youtube watched – Jessica Kellgren-Fozard on the question Are You Better Yet? (Answer is always no, funnily enough). Also Mr Puzzle.
  • Music listened to – Daughter of the Sea. So much.
  • Podcasts listened to – Episode 52, 53 and 54 of Welcome to Night Vale
  • Blog posts written – 0 (because I kept forgetting)
  • Penguins cuddled – Indeed
  • Johan hand holds – Yes, even when he wanted to leave 😛
  • Johan hugs – Not yet, but lots of nose boops.
  • Time on Twitter – 17 hours 15 minutes (average 2 hour 27 minutes a day)
  • Time on Reddit – 15 hours 14 minutes (average 2 hours 10 minutes a day)
  • Time on Facebook – 2 hours 18 minutes (average 19 minutes a day)
  • Time on Mastodon – 2 hours 24 minutes (average 19 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • Remembered Mastodon was a thing. I’m @Dannilion@toot.cat
    •  First time I spent longer on Twitter than Reddit in a while. I blame @IAmMrJ and his awesome ratty posts 😛
    • Google said they’re retiring Inbox so I’ve swapped back to GMail. There are enough shared features I can manage, but I’ll probably be adding a ton of extra filters that I didn’t previously have.
    • Panic attacks are not fun, especially ones that last hours.
    • My heating pad helps so much when no-one is around to heat penguins.
    • Johan and Sammie are the best family anyone could ever ask for.
  • Games played – 5
    • Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
    • Cross Stitch
    • Neko Atsume
    • Godville
    • World of Warcraft
  • AC: Pocket Camp Level – 124
  • Godville Heroine Level – 59 (17% done)
  • Godville wood for ark – 41.2%
  • Godville savings – 1 million, 778 thousand
  • Cross stitch completed – 1
  • Most played game – Animal Crossing Pocket Camp (11 hours 7 minutes, average 1 hour 35 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • Got to revered with all the Battle for Azeroth reputations in WoW, which means I now have faster mount speed as I had met all the other requirements. This is good.
    • Tortollen are the best. They were the last rep I needed at revered.
    • 🐢 A 🐢 TURTLE 🐢 MADE 🐢 IT 🐢 TO 🐢 THE 🐢 WATER 🐢
    • Decided I’m gonna work on crafting every tailoring item I can for transmog purposes. This is going to take a while, especially as I’m wanting to start with Mooncloth Robes.
    • In Godville, Penguina got an achievement for 50 deaths.
    • Penguina also got a new pet heffalump. His name is Dino.
    • There’s now a Splatoon 2 crossover event in Animal Crossing. The main one I’m concentrating on is a collection quest for clams. Luckily this isn’t too stressful.
    • Still obsessed with WoW. I’m now dreaming about it.

Week 36 Review

Danni is smiling in bed. They're wearing a black t-shirt with Ninja Cheer visible, in pink and blue.
Running Ninja Cheer Squad

Overall a decent week, though not everything went to plan. The photo was meant to be taken outside, but that never happened.

I’m still mostly playing World of Warcraft when up to it. This week I mostly worked on world quests, missions, reputation and archaeology. The release of Warfronts meant I’m no longer struggling for war resources.

At the beginning of the week, I slept enough to go into tramadol withdrawal. That was definitely not fun, and I would not suggest it. Have new agreement with Johan that he’ll wake me up to give me painkillers before he goes to bed if I’ve not had them that afternoon. I can manage about 16 hours before getting withdrawal symptoms, which doesn’t work when you sleep more than 19 (normally pain wakes me up earlier, but this was a crash from hormonal stuff). Once it was sorted I was mostly okay, and the hormonal stuff and cramps went back to normal, which I was happy about.

Sunday was the Great North Run. As I had big plans, I started super rest mode on Friday, which meant no going on my computer. Saturday I got ready, with hair and body washed (shampoo caps and bath in bed wipes are awesome) and changed into my Ninja Cheer Squad top. 

During the night, I had an accident that required waking Johan up at 4am, needing my Ninja top rewashing and bedding sorting. That was definitely not the plan. Johan washed my top as soon as it was 7am (as we didn’t want to break the noise rules) and chucked it into the dryer.

I’d booked two carers who were due to arrive at 8.30am, so I could be hoisted and then taken to go watch the Great North Run (due to the hills I knew that one carer wouldn’t be able to manage alone, as most aren’t as strong as Johan or as mad as the carer from last year). Sammie arrived at that time, but I’d forgotten the carers could be late. Luckily a nice neighbour let her in (Johan had deliberately left the flat door unlocked when we realised this might happen). At 8.45am one carer turned up, and told me that the second had called in sick and there were no replacements available. This meant that I couldn’t go out, which sucked, especially as there were so many people I wanted to see in the race, including Johan.

We ended up watching the race on the telly, while talking to Sammie and the nice carer who arrived (I’m pretty certain she’s autistic – she wouldn’t be surprised, and we both found her really easy to talk to). I spotted a few Running Ninjas (running group Johan and I are members of on Facebook) but not Johan. Sammie ended up sitting/lying on my bed next to me, and I let the carer sit in my wheelchair so we were all comfy. We had sweets and pop and it was good, even if not if what originally planned. My normal lunch time carer also turned up, as the agency had not taken her off the rota when adding the other two. She made ham sandwiches for both but with the other carer being here there wasn’t exactly much for her to do. 

After the Great North Run coverage finished, and the carer had left (I’d booked her until 2pm) Sammie and I had lots of cuddles and watched some Doctor Who, and we also chatted a lot. It was awesome and something I hope to repeat at some point, though maybe not under the same circumstances. She left after my afternoon carer finished and I went to sleep as I’d been awake a long time by that point.

Johan did really well in the Great North Run, with a course personal best of 1 hour 29 minutes 32 seconds, coming 484th 486th 485th out of 43582 (I think they’ve stopped changing his position now :P). I also tracked a few Ninjas and friends, and they all finished in really good times. I’m super impressed.

  • Overall mood – Good and awesome, with high symptoms until the weekend. Had extra meds on Sunday which helped (was originally so I could go out, but instead let me have lots of cuddles).
  • Average daily sleep – 9 hours 26 minutes
  • Longest sleep – 19 hours 38 minutes, from Monday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon
  • Clothes changed – 4 (accidents happen)
  • Wipe wash – 3
  • Water wash – 1
  • Hair wash – 1 (shampoo cap)
  • Books read – 0
  • TV watched  – Great North Run and Doctor Who with Sammie
  • Streams watched – 0
  • Youtube watched – yes, with Johan (though I didn’t note down what)
  • Music listened to – Daughter of the Sea. A few hundred times. I’m slightly obsessed 😛
  • Podcasts listened to – Episode 51 of Welcome to Night Vale
  • Blog posts written – 1
  • Penguins cuddled – Always
  • Johan hand holds – Plenty
  • Johan hugs – Nope, but lots from Sammie 😀
  • Time on Twitter – 7 hours 54 minutes (average 1 hour 7 minutes a day)
  • Time on Reddit – 17 hours 35 minutes (average 2 hours 30 minutes a day)
  • Time on Facebook – 3 hours (average 25 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • I am disappointed that I couldn’t go out, especially as Sammie came over to join me. At least we spent time together.
    • Johan has a reputation for being very fast in Running Ninjas, who were really nice about my plans to go cheer (and also disappointed that it didn’t happen). That they’ll let someone who can’t even walk join shows how inclusive they are 🙂 
    • Have an agreement that when the Ninjas are next at our local park for park run I’ll be going down to watch if I’m well enough. Sammie has also expressed interest in doing so (depending on if she can get there and stuff). I don’t know when that’ll be.
    • Johan is still super awesome. Sammie is also super awesome. I’m incredibly lucky 🙂

Game Stuff

  • Games played – 5
    • Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
    • Cross Stitch
    • Neko Atsume
    • Godville
    • World of Warcraft
  • AC: Pocket Camp Level – 124
  • Godville Heroine Level – 58 (94% done)
  • Godville wood for ark – 40%
  • Godville savings – 1 million, 723 thousand
  • Cross stitch completed – 1
  • Most played game – Animal Crossing (17 hours, average 2 hours 25 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • Finished the second half of the Bumbledrops event in a couple of days, and the extra stuff a day later. Was easy with as many active friends as I have.
    • Really enjoying doing older content as well as new in World of Warcraft, depending on my mood. Archaeology is fun as well. I think this will be the main game I play for a while.
    • I’m hoping they’ll release new content for Neko Atsume soon. I’m only logging in once or twice a day right now to feed the cats and enter the daily password, as I’ve got all the mementos and such.
    • I bought Two Point Hospital for Johan. At some point I’ll buy it for me as well, but right now I’m too busy with WoW 😛

Week 35 Review

A box with a picture of a woman wearing an eye mask with ear muffs, titled Hibermate, saying, "Luxury Eye Mask with Ear Muffs for Sleeping", 

Below in smaller letters, "The world's first soft ear muffs for sleeping. Generation 6"

There is a sticker saying navy blue.
The only photo I took this week. My new eye mask!

You’ll never guess what I got up to this week. It definitely didn’t involve a massive multiplayer online role playing game that I’m a bit obsessed with, honest 😛

Yeah, another WoW week. Last week I did the Jaina storyline, but had stop before the end as to finish it you needed to go into a mythic only dungeon (which is the hardest standard difficulty level). On Tuesday some people in my guild talked me into healing said mythic dungeon, so I managed to get to the end but also learnt I’m really not well enough to heal mythics. If it hadn’t been a guild group I would have been kicked really early on as I kept dying and wiping the group as I just didn’t have the concentration needed to heal and remember the mechanics at the same time.

It did mean I completed the Jaina storyline completely though. Will put the last spoilers below in a spoiler thingy, but I got very emotional again finishing it.

End of Jaina Questline In between the constant deaths and wipes, our group of adventurers fought against Lady Priscilla Ashbane’s most powerful allies, including the Irontide pirates in the Siege of Boralus dungeon. As the name suggests, we’re fighting to retake the city back from her. As it’s pirate themed, there’s a lot of gun fire and cannons, and a sea monster.

Once you’ve defeated them all, you speak to Jaina which spawns a cinematic, where Lady Ashvane’s ships are heading towards the shore. Katherine Proudmoore gives Jaina the Kul Tiras pendant that her father used to have, and using it and her magic she was able to call the Kul Tiran fleet home from the mist (where they’d been hidden for reasons). Lady Ashvane is surrounded, and she surrenders.

Afterwards you go to Unity Square and watch as Katherine declares Jaina the new Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, and the other houses pledge their allegiance to her and the Alliance. Lady Katherine remains the leader of the Proudmoore Admirality and Tiragarde Sound, but Jaina is now in charge.

We also find out that Taelia is the daughter of Bolvar Fordragon, who was a great hero of the Alliance. Not sure she wants to know he’s now the Lich King though…
After the Siege of Boralus

Once I completed the questline, I mostly concentrated on doing side quests and working on my reputations, especially the war campaign. I also went back and cleared Firelands on 25 heroic as it’s trivial content now, and it’s annoying me that I don’t have the reputation at exalted. I got lucky and won the mount from Alysrazor which made me happy. I also managed to complete the achievement Ready for War which was the end of another, less emotional storyline (though petable baby dinosaurs were involved afterwards).

I didn’t go on my computer everyday though. Thursday and Friday I ended up feeling rather rotten, and became really moody (and not as a response to anything). Based on the cramping pain I then got, we’re pretty sure that it was hormones, which was reassuring as it meant we knew it would be temporary. I had to ask Johan to send the carers away Friday night as I just couldn’t cope and was worried if they touched me then I’d end up hitting them. Panic attacks, paranoia and hallucinations are not fun. (I’m feeling better now.) Once it calmed down a bit I was able to go back on puter and play WoW as a distraction, which helped. I also listened to the song Daughter of the Sea from Warbringers: Jaina, the story of how Jaina became a traitor (from the Kul Tiran point of view), on repeat a lot. The first video is the animated story version, the second is just the song.

Beware, beware, the daughter of the sea…
  • Overall mood – Mix of awesome, good and poor on Friday. High symptoms because of hormones and weather changes. 
  • Average daily sleep – 10 hours 43 minutes
  • Longest sleep – 17 hours 49 minutes, from Sunday morning to Sunday night.
  • Clothes changed – 0
  • Wipe wash – 0
  • Water wash – 0
  • Hair wash – 0
  • Books read – 0
  • TV watched  – 0
  • Streams watched – 0
  • Youtube watched – Jessica Kellgren-Fozard (I actually looked up how to spell her name this time)
  • Music listened to – Warbringers: Jaina (about 50 times) and A Turtle Made It To The Water! (about 15 times)
  • Podcasts listened to – Episodes 46 to 50 of Welcome to Night Vale
  • Blog posts written – 0
  • Penguins cuddled – Definitely
  • Johan hand holds – Indeed
  • Johan hugs – Nope, too ill
  • Time on Twitter – 10 hours 18 minutes (average 1 hour 28 minutes a day)
  • Time on Reddit – 19 hours 32 minutes (average 2 hours 47 minutes a day)
  • Time on Facebook – 1 hour 7 minutes (average 9 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • I am so grateful I don’t go through the hormonal premenstrual stuff monthly now. I don’t think either of us could cope.
    • I found out how to see what percentage of my time I spend on things. For this week, it was 45% sleeping, 17% on social media, 15% on World of Warcraft, 6% on other games (mostly Animal Crossing) and the rest was most other stuff. Only problem is my tracker can’t deal properly when I’m doing two things at once (such as on World of Warcraft on my computer and twitter on my tablet).
    • I had been planning on changing my clothes and having a wash at the weekend. That didn’t happen.
    • I’m so glad I had Johan while I wasn’t coping. He helps a lot. 
    • My new eye mask is awesome. I’m hoping to do a full review at some point, but that might be a while.

Game Stuff

  • Games played – 5
    • Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
    • Cross Stitch
    • Neko Atsume
    • Godville
    • World of Warcraft
  • AC: Pocket Camp Level – 120
  • Godville Heroine Level – 58 (69% done)
  • Godville wood for ark – 39.5%
  • Godville savings – 1 million, 686 thousand
  • Cross stitch completed – 2
  • Most played game – Animal Crossing Pocket Camp (17 hours 2 minutes, average 2 hours 26 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • New bug catching event in Animal Crossing, this time Bumbledrops.
    • Finished the first part of the bug event in just over a day, thanks to very active friends.
    • Remembered that cross stitch is good, especially when listening to podcasts.
    • WoW is still favourite game.

Week 34 Review

Danni is in bed wearing a blue t-shirt with Diablo 3 on the front with rainbows and unicorns, a penguin neck cushion, and a maroon scarf on their head. They have a computer keyboard resting on their tummy and is smiling.
I remembered how to take a photo while on my computer!

Shortish post for this week as I made very few notes about it, I’m a week late, and my memory is bad. What I do remember is I spent most of my awake time playing World of Warcraft. 

In World of Warcraft, other than doing world quests and a bit of archeology, I mostly concentrated on the Jaina questline. This is one of the most emotional storylines I’ve ever played through, and I cried. As it’s long and there are major spoilers for an important Alliance questline below, I’ve put them in a couple of spoiler thingies (the first video is from the beginning of the main questline, the second is from near the end, the furthest part I got to this week).

Start of Jaina Questline Stuff When you initially go to Kul Tiras (some human islands) as an adventurer to ask them to rejoin the Alliance, Lord Admiral Katherine Proudmoore (ruler of Kul Tiras) declares that Jaina Proudmoore (her daughter, also the most powerful human mage on Azeroth) is a traitor at the insistence of Lady Priscilla Ashbane (Katherine’s best friend), and throws you both into jail. Cool people (Taelia Fordragon and Flynn Fairwind) break you out, but Jaina is sent by Priscilla to Fate’s End, where no-one has ever come back from.

It turns out that Lady Ashbane is plotting to usurp Katherine and take over as ruler of Kul Tiras. With help, you discover the plot and are able to show Katherine that Priscilla is a traitor. Priscilla gets away, but Katherine apologises for throwing you in jail and agrees to talk to the Alliance leaders.

King Genn Greymane of Gilneas is able to convince Katherine that he would do anything to see his dead son again, and so you set off to Fate’s End to try and rescue Jaina.

Emotional Jaina Questline StuffFate’s End is connected to Thros, also known as the Blighted Lands, ruled by Gorak Tul, who is not nice. Lots of quests and a dungeon later, you get there with Katherine Proudmoore and look for Jaina. You find visions of Jaina as a child, as she runs away saying it’s all her fault. When you catch up to her, Katherine tries to tell her she’s alright, but Jaina yells, “No! You can’t help me! No one can help me!” and splits into three. Katherine explains Jaina as a child used to run away and hide when frightened or upset, but she was always able to find her.

The illusions have three events where Jaina feels she is to blame for other people’s deaths, as she tried to find peace with the Horde. After fighting some monsters, you reach Jaina and a cutscene plays where Katherine struggles to cope with Jaina’s guilt, but is able to bring her around.

The cinematic is below, but Arthas was her boyfriend and he eventually became the Lich King (Jaina refused to help him kill living people who were going to turn undead), Daelin (her father), insisted on trying to wipe out the Horde after going to Theramore to find her and Jaina helped them defend themselves, resulting in his death. The final scene is from the beginning of the expansion, where Jaina returns to a home that believes she’s a traitor due to her helping the Horde against her father and the Kul Tiran navy. Katherine is able to change the ending there, and helps Jaina forgive her father, and to forgive herself.

Afterwards, Gorak Tul says you’ll never leave, Jaina and you fight him, and when ready, Jaina teleports all three of you back to Boralus… where Taelia comes running in to say there are ships on the horizon and they’re flying Ashvane colours. Looks like the family reunion has to be put off for a bit.

Cinematic at the end of this part of Jaina’s questline.

Jaina’s guilt and feeling she is to blame for everything felt incredibly familiar to me, as that’s how I was when I had severe depression. Even before the events of the questline, it is obvious she has PTSD (as shown in the first cinematic). I had to pause several times while playing through the questline as it brought up some bad memories that I try to keep buried. It’s also why this blog post is nearly 2 weeks late – I need to process the emotions before I could blog about them.

Other than WoW, I mostly spent time on my tablet and slept. I also bought a new monitor, as after Johan swapped them over the oldest one was so heavy it was pulling the overbed table over. Got a cheap 1080p one to replace it and I can now move the overbed table without it tipping, which is good. Johan bought it from the local computer shop and also got a new keyboard there as the backlight on his was dying. Another week where so long as I didn’t move or be touched, I was mostly okay (other than digestive system playing up).

  • Overall mood – Mostly awesome, a couple of good. High symptoms some days due to digestive ebils.
  • Average daily sleep – 9 hours 28 minutes
  • Longest sleep – 15 hours 3 minutes, from Thursday morning to evening.
  • Clothes changed – 1
  • Wipe wash – 1
  • Water wash – 0
  • Hair wash – 0
  • Books read – 0
  • TV watched  – 0
  • Streams watched – 0
  • Youtube videos watched – Jessica Out of the Closet, Tom Scott, vlogbrothers
  • Music listened to – Battle for Azeroth soundtrack
  • Podcasts listened to – 0
  • Blog posts written – 1
  • Penguins cuddled – Yup
  • Johan hand holds – Yes
  • Johan hugs – Yup! I needed one after that storyline.
  • Time on Twitter – 6 hours 33 minutes (average 56 minutes a day)
  • Time on Reddit – 20 hours 6 minutes (average 2 hour 52 minutes a day)
  • Time on Facebook – 1 hour 56 minutes (average 16 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • I really need to either do these on time or actually write things in my diary, as I can’t exactly rely on my memory 😛 
    • The weekend wasn’t quite as good as that’s when my digestive system played up. I hate taking cyclizine but I hate vomiting more.
    • Being on my computer more meant more video chats with Sammie, which is awesome.
    • Johan makes me watch the Jessica videos with him now, as he loves them as much as I do. She’s awesome, and with Claudia they make an adorable couple <3
  • Games played – 5
    • Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
    • Cross Stitch
    • Neko Atsume
    • Godville
    • World of Warcraft
  • AC: Pocket Camp Level – 120
  • Godville Heroine Level – 58 (36% done)
  • Godville wood for ark – 38.0%
  • Godville savings – 1 million, 612 thousand
  • Cross stitch completed – 0
  • Most played game – World of Warcraft (25 hours 28 minutes, average 3 hours 38 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • World of Warcraft is definitely my obsession at the moment. It’ll calm down at some point but I’m really enjoying it right now.
    • I just want to give Jaina a hug 🙁
    • Continued with the Google flower event and the geodoites in Animal Crossing.
    • Mostly logged into other games just for daily bonus, because WoW.

Week 33 Review

A metal ornament, which is round and has a lion's face and mane on it, representing the Alliance in World of Warcraft.
For the Alliance!

We’ll ignore that the photo was taken a week late and is rubbish 😛

Monday the 13th was our 8th wedding anniversary. As is normal, I spent most of it sleeping, but before I slept I ordered McDonalds breakfast for us both and we had hugs (which are awesome but very painful).

The launch of the World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth expansion was at 11pm UK time, so once I woke up I went into WoW with Johan in preparation, as I had decided to buy digital version of the expansion so I could play at launch. It ended up activating a few minutes early, and it was a mostly smooth experience for us. I managed to get to level 114 and finish the main storyline in Drustvar before having to give in and get more sleep, mostly fueled by caffeine and crisps. Since we both like WoW, it was a pretty decent anniversary 🙂

Tuesday my Collector’s Edition of the expansion arrived, and I looked at the pictures in the novella book and Johan complained about my Alliance metal ornament thingie having the Horde logo on the back, before he put it under the telly on my Tivo box. I tried taking a photo but as it’s far away, dark and my hands are very shaky it is a bit rubbish.

Most of the week consisted of playing WoW, recovering from playing WoW, and sleeping. On Thursday I had an appointment with the CFS team person, where I was told that important people are saying they have to stop home visits. They’re trying to keep them but if they don’t succeed that was my last appointment. It sucks because I found them really helpful and I think I’d be doing worse without their input. If I had more spoons I’d yell at the important people but I don’t.

Playing WoW has brought up a new issue I have – turning my head for more than a couple of minutes causes pain to shoot up my neck and head on the opposite side. I was getting it while turning my head to see my second monitor, and while the CFS team person was here (which confirmed it’s a problem on both sides). It’s really annoying as being in bed it’s hard to keep looking straight forward all the time. Johan did swap my monitors over so my main one is now in front of me which helped a bit, but it’s still annoying. I’m gonna have to see the doctor about it as it’s new and causing me problems. Hopefully it’s something that can be fixed.

I feel really lucky to be well enough to play so much WoW. Johan is super busy with volunteering and running, and my best times tend to be in the evenings or the middle of the night, so I’m restricted in what I’m able to do when well enough. I really missed it when I couldn’t manage it, and hopefully I’ll be able to continue playing for a long time.

  • Overall mood – Awesome all week. Mostly normal symptoms, and playing WoW really helps distract from the blehness. 
  • Average daily sleep – 9 hours 50 minutes
  • Longest sleep – 19 hours 45 minutes, from Saturday morning to Sunday morning.
  • Clothes changed – 2
  • Wipe wash – 1
  • Water wash – 0
  • Hair wash – 0
  • Books read – 0
  • TV watched  – 0
  • Streams watched – Penguin cam
  • Music listened to – World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth soundtrack
  • Podcasts listened to – Episodes 44 and 45 of Welcome to Night Vale
  • Blog posts written – 1
  • Penguins cuddled – Lots
  • Johan hand holds – Daily
  • Johan hugs – Yes!
  • Time on Twitter – 4 hours 27 minutes (average 38 minutes a day)
  • Time on Reddit – 11 hours 6 minutes (average 1 hour 35 minutes a day)
  • Time on Facebook – 1 hour 10 minutes (average 9 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • Desktop computer tracking is working, though I need to work on making my categories easier to use.
    • Caffeine seems to have an overall positive effect on me, making me more alert and less dizzy. I was expecting to crash afterwards but other than needing a long sleep, I’m mostly Danni-normal.
    • Took a couple of days to do a food shop as My Supermarket couldn’t log into my Morrisons account for some reason, so had to manually do the order again. That was not fun.

Game Stuff

  • Games played – 5
    • Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
    • Cross Stitch
    • Neko Atsume
    • Godville
    • World of Warcraft
  • AC: Pocket Camp Level – 118
  • Godville Heroine Level – 58 (11% done)
  • Godville wood for ark – 37.2%
  • Godville savings – 1 million, 585 thousand
  • Cross stitch completed – 1
  • Most played game – World of Warcraft (34 hours 17 minutes, average 4 hours 53 minutes a day)
  • Other –
    • I love the new WoW expansion. The storylines are great and there’s so much choice in what to do.
    • Johan also loves it. I paid for his expansion and a month’s subscription so we can play together (or at least talk about it together, as we both play healer priests and have different playstyles)
    • Reached level 120 on Friday. Was awesome!
    • Finished the fishing event in Animal Crossing, so they released another flower event. Starting to be a bit overwhelming.
    • Did I mention I like WoW? 😛