Funny Nurse

The district nurse was out today, for my regular checkup (I’m assessed as high risk for pressure sores, which is why they keep coming). She was awesome. We spent as much time talking about penguins as about my health stuff. She told me that because I’ve lost weight (lying on my hips is getting painful quicker due to less padding, and a couple of carers have noticed) and I’ve got a reduced appetite I’m now at a higher risk of malnutrition, so she’s going to contact the dietician for a review.

I didn’t sleep well at all last night. I kept waking up because my nose was blocked, and I had to wake Johan up at 4.30am for painkillers, which is unusual (I can normally get back to sleep without them, or wait until later if not). I’ve been more drowsy than normal all day, probably because of lack of decent sleep and being bleh. I can’t wait for this cold to disappear.

I think I’ll be sleeping early tonight. Hopefully it’ll go better than last night. Right now I am listening to the music my brain is making up (I’ve got ear plugs in) and since it’s nice music I’m just going to enjoy it. Warlords of Draenor is out 11pm tomorrow, but if I’m still like this I won’t be playing at launch. I’m hoping Johan gets to though 🙂


This is a super-secret backdated post because I was too ill to post on time 😛

My body hates me still. Getting worse was not the plan. But:

  • I am happy my friend got to go to the pub for her burpday (she also has ME and been poorly a few years).
  • I am happy that Sammie is happy, and even if I can’t Skype email exists.
  • I am happy there are medications that can reduce my symptoms down to bearable levels.
  • I am happy that I can still be silly with Johan.
  • I am happy that Johan set up local streaming, so I can watch him playing games without getting out of bed.
  • I am happy that there is nommy food, despite the pain it causes afterwards.
  • I am happy that I have friends even though I’m not always the best friend myself.
  • I am happy because penguins.

So my evil body can’t stop me being happy, as it can’t make all of these untrue.

Need More Penguins

Wearing my Blizzcon t-shirt. Primrose wanted to say hi too.
Wearing my Blizzcon t-shirt. Primrose wanted to say hi too.

Always need more penguins.

Today is the second day of Blizzcon. I’m so happy I’ve been well enough to watch most of it. Yesterday I managed to watch stuff all the way through to the end of the costume contest, which was awesome. Today I started watching stuff when it began again, and if there hadn’t been a little accident with the fire alarm I’d have probably watched it all the way through today. As it is I’m taking a bit of a break now from watching it to kinda rest and to write this. I even put my Blizzcon t-shirt on today (though the awesome picture is on the back so not easily seen when in bed, and the dark grey on black isn’t easy to see in photos).

With the fire alarm that didn’t affect me too badly by itself (a bit of body jerking and becoming non-verbal which I can cope with), but the care call alarm went off (to check we’re okay) and the high pitched noise of that went right through me and made me feel horrendous for a bit. Yup, the care call alarm is worse than a fire alarm. If it weren’t for the fact if there is a fire it could save my life (they know I’m bedbound and will call the fire brigade if there’s actually a fire/we don’t tell them we’re okay if the alarm has gone off) then I’d consider getting rid of it.

My favourite parts of Blizzcon so far have been the World of Warcraft panels, the announcement of Overwatch (first multiplayer shooter game I really want to play) and the Hearthstone expansion Goblins vs Gnomes. I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve seen though other than the technical difficulties 😛 If I weren’t too ill I’d be playing all the Blizzard games I have right now (that’s World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm). As it is I’m hoping I’ll be okay on Thursday to play at least some of the new World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Draenor.

Of the Overwatch stuff we’ve seen so far, Tracer is my favourite character but I really dislike her accent (fake cockney). Surely Blizzard could find a British voice actor for their British character?! The idea behind her character is awesome though. The character I’d most feel comfortable playing from a type perspective will probably be Mercy, as she’s the main healer character. The whole idea is just awesome though and the cinematic they had was amazing, especially with little things like the security guard playing Hearthstone 🙂

I’m hoping tomorrow to catch up on some of the panels and things that I’ve missed, but if I’m not up to it I have a couple of weeks to do so. So many things I want to do and not enough spoons to do them all. I can be excited and happy about them though 🙂

Breathing Is Good

Woke up this morning not being able to breathe. Blocked nose from my cold, and for some reason I had to consciously make myself breathe through my mouth. Weird. So I’ve been more tired and bleh today. Also had a bad headache which ibuprofen is helping with but that’s made my digestive system complain madly (I thought I’d eaten recently enough, but obviously not). Also needed cyclizine for nausea which means I’ll be sleeping soon most likely.

Bad stuff over with. I’ve been taking it easy today, which is good. Johan had a driving lesson which he said went well. While he was out I talked to Esther for a bit which was awesome. As it’s the 5th of November there’s fireworks tonight, so I’ve got earplugs in so I’ll be okay. Johan is considering going to the organised display. I’m thinking of asking him to put my blind up so if there are any on this side I might be able to see them, though the trees might be in the way. I love fireworks, especially if I don’t have to deal with the noise 🙂

The penguins are helping me cope with my evil tummy, and the warmth is comforting. I’m so glad I have a non drug way of dealing with pain and spasms. One day I hope I won’t need them for that purpose. Penguins are awesome.

Doctor Who?

New penguin bedding. Is blue with several baby Emperor penguins on it. Poseidon is sitting on top showing that he's the biggest and fattest.
New penguin bedding. Is blue with several baby Emperor penguins on it. Poseidon is sitting on top showing that he’s the biggest and fattest.

Today I woke up at about 2.30pm (missing the morning carer, who came late herself) but I’ve had a busy for me day since then. I watched some YouTube videos with Johan and Esther (Humans and Households) then watched the first Season 8 Doctor Who episode. I am very confuzzled by it, but I’m glad I waited until I was with it enough to manage it.

Just as the episode was finishing, my evening carer arrived. I had my top changed as mine was damp (this stupid cold making me sweaty) then she changed my bedding into the new ones I’d got with the food shop. I’d been looking for penguin bedding for years but never managed to find any that were affordable. This year there’s loads available, so I might even get a second set from somewhere 🙂

In the food shop (which arrived today) I ordered cookie and cream spread to try, but it’s been substituted for bourbon cream spread. I’m looking forward to trying it 🙂 I also got sushi and some prepared fruit which I had for my tea.

I got onto my computer around ten to 8 and was able to say goodnight to Sammie before she went off. Since then I’ve mostly been messing around looking for penguin stuff (there’s so much now!) and chatting to Johan. I also tried Hatoful Boyfriend (the premier pigeon dating simulator) and got very confuzzled, not least in how to turn the volume down without using the Windows mixer. I think I’ll try it again another day.

I’m starting to get tired now so will have to come off my computer when I’ve finished this post, but I’m really happy I’ve managed to get on it 😀 Today has been a good day.