Brain is Stuck

It is hard for me to write as my brain keeps getting stuck. I hear something and have to repeat it lots and can’t stop it. I am also having problems trying to translate stuff into proper English with proper grammar.

Not sure why I am having a brain stuck day, just that I am. I will sleep soon and see if that helps.

Today I managed to rename my main character in World of Warcraft, from Danní to Danni. This made me happy. Blizzard let me have the name as someone else had used it but only for a level 1 and it had been inactive for a long time. This should make things easier for my guildies and things, and it makes me happy to be able to have my proper name in World of Warcraft 😀

I had jelly and ice cream. My mouth was being silly and forgetting how to chew, but that is not important for jelly and ice cream. It also kept breathing the food in instead of swallowing it, which is making my chest a little bit sore. I am not sure why it is being silly.

Tomorrow is hospital. I hope it is okay.

Sleepy Danni

Still feeling really ill and rubbish after the hospital appointment. Pain levels have been up so taking more tramadol than normal. I’m trying to stay awake until after the carer has come (6pm as it’s meant to be a bath call, though I’m not well enough so will ask for a wash in bed instead) before going to sleep.

Hospital phoned this morning and want me to go back next week. I want to go, but am worried. Will need to plan it very carefully, to make sure I don’t get as ill. The main thing is being allowed to lie down- if they can help with that, I’ll be okay. If not, then I can’t go as I can’t risk a repeat of Wednesday. We’ll see.

Spent most of the day trying to catch up with blogs. Getting there, just a few more days worth to go. I have my laptop on my overbed table as it’s easier to read on here. It also means I can play the Sims Social a bit.

It’s Children in Need tonight, but not sure I’ll manage to see much of it. Johan is going to the MetroCentre and Asda later to buy some cordless phones (as he missed a call twice because he was in a heroic in WoW) and some trousers as he’s got a wedding to go to tomorrow (Colin’s). I’m sad that I can’t go to the wedding, but will celebrate from home. Maybe Johan can buy me a small cake? We’ll see. I’m getting hungry now so going to go demand some food.


Since I can’t be bothered to type it again, here’s what I posted on a forum about yesterday:

Made it to the hospital yesterday in a taxi, but got really ill during the appointment from sitting up and they sent me to A+E. Limbs jerking themselves around, and ended up halfway down my wheelchair held in by the seatbelt around my chest. Not comfy.

Things calmed down once they let me lie down and rest for a bit, then they sent me home sitting up in an ambulance, which was pure torture. Managed it (only scaring the ambulance man a little bit), and the ambulance men carried me upstairs and to my bed, and I slept a few hours afterwards.

Johan and I have agreed I’m not leaving the flat again until I’m back to the functioning level I was at the beginning of September, where I could sit up for a few hours without getting worse, as that’s what is needed if I want to go anywhere. If I lived in a ground floor flat I’d just get a reclining wheelchair and be done with it, but we don’t and we’ve not heard from the housing for a while.

The dentist doctor (I’m sure she has a proper name) came to see me in A+E and said that as I’m too ill for even the assessment the anaesthetist won’t give me a general anaesthetic, so I won’t be able to have my tooth removed (sedation and local anaesthetics don’t work for me). I’ve been trying to put up with it for a year now, so I guess I’ll just be going on lots of antibiotics and begging my doctor for painkillers that work on toothache, since tramadol doesn’t work.

I’m a little upset because I know that if I’d been allowed to be transported lying down, none of this would have happened. It’s just sitting up my body dislikes, and it has its ways of showing this. Hopefully staying at home and resting for the next few weeks/months will help.

That’s mostly it. Today I’ve watched Catreina play Skyrim,  bought Oblivion on Steam, failed to get it working on my laptop, and slept a lot while Johan went to the MetroCentre (he prefers going out when I’m asleep, so if there’s a fire I’ll burn to death :p). On Saturday it is our friend Colin’s wedding, and I’m not well enough to go :'( I’m sending Johan though, and getting him to take lots of photos so I can see what he’s wearing (and also see his family :p). I never thought Colin would be the type to get married (and to have kids, since his fiancée has some) but he has matured a lot since he was throwing mouse mats at lecturers in college a few years ago. His fiancée is lovely though, so I’m hoping they’re very happy together 🙂

Edit: It really helps to press publish, silly Danni.

Tiarna the Mage

Spent a lot of the night being very naughty and instead of resting levelled my mage, Tiarna. She’s currently about 78% of the way through level 84 and I hope to reach the level cap of 85 tonight. Other than that I’ve been sleeping, and sleeping, and a bit more sleeping.

Did receive my book 365 Penguins today though. It’s massive, and the box it came in was even bigger (yes. a book came in a box). I love it though- so many penguins 😀

Don’t seem to be getting any payback from yesterday yet. It may be I’ve got lucky, or it may kick in tomorrow. I’m hoping it’s luck.

Feeling Weird

Slept from 12.30am – 2.30pmish today. Johan was sitting on the windowsill when I woke up, waiting for his graphics card to arrive. It did so just before 6pm.

I’m doing my own, very vague method of activity management. It basically consists of trying to get up and sit in my computer chair every day, no matter how ill I feel. I’ve managed it every day for a while now, and it’s not making me worse, just means I sleep more. I try and get back off before I start feeling even more bleh, but it means I get to play some World of Warcraft everyday. I made my Worgan Mage Elisaveta into a Gnome called Tiarna. She’s so small and cute, and best of all she doesn’t make any annoying sniffing noises 😀

I feel weird. The nausea has been worse today, so I’ve been taking the antisickness tablets, which haven’t helped much. My brain has been all over the place, and the pain has been bad even with the painkillers. I “lost” a few hours after waking up just because I felt too rotten to move.

I’ve ordered some stuff from Amazon to be delivered tomorrow, and done a grocery shop with Sainsburys to be delivered on Wednesday. Nothing too amazing, though we have three different types of roast-style meats to try (they were 3 for £10). They also do pre-prepared sweet potato and butternut squash, so when they arrive I’m getting Johan to make me my orange soup 😀

Did get dressed today, in my favourite Diablo 3 t-shirt and a denim skirt. Johan plaited my hair. It’s very loose as he’s not got the hang of keeping hold of all the hair while plaiting it, but it’s not too bad and he’s learning 🙂