This week has been pretty good overall. I’ve been on a huge high from going in the living room last week. Thursday was Johan’s 29th birthday, and though I’ve not managed to sort his presents out properly yet I think he had a good day. On Friday we got a takeaway to celebrate and I had a yorkshire pudding wrap with pulled pork in the middle. It was very nommy.
The only downside is I tried to do a food shop on Tuesday and I got so overwhelmed my brain broke. For a few days afterwards I couldn’t really make decisions without a lot of help, and felt really out of it and foggy. I think I’m getting over it now. I keep forgetting that cognitive stuff can be just as exhausting and blehness making as physical stuff. It didn’t stop me being happy but it did make me need a lot more rest and help than I otherwise might have done. I think next time it might be better for Johan to do it (as that happened despite having a shopping list – not being able to find out what we already have in makes it a lot harder, but even trying to work out what was better value was too hard).
On Monday I read Fahrenheit 451. I’m not sure I really understood it but it was good. I’d like to read it again at some point when my brain works a bit better. Since then I’ve been reading stuff on the SCP Foundation website (and on the SCP subreddit). It doesn’t matter that I can’t understand a lot of it, but it was good for when by brain was broken (even if I did keep reading the same ones over and over again because I forgot I’d already read it until I got near the end).
Sammie got hit by the Malwarebytes update problemΒ yesterday. Unfortunately I was half asleep when trying to help her (I woke up to roll over and have a drink and noticed the chat) so didn’t get her to check the task manager which would have revealed this. I guess resetting Windows 10 isn’t the worst thing in the world. Luckily she was able to backup everything she wanted to keep, and she was glad to hear this morning that it wasn’t her fault.
I bought a new electric throw/blanket as the one I wanted was finally available on Amazon. I have one I got a few years ago but the material felt horrible and even putting a duvet cover on it didn’t help much. This one is fleecy and though it’s an ugly brown it works and is small and light enough for me to use by myself. I just need to figure out how to stop knocking the buttons on the controller in my sleep as they’re very sensitive. I also got new penguin towels which are cute. I’m hoping they don’t go missing as much as the other towels we have.
- Overall mood – Awesome
- Average daily sleep – 7 hours 56 minutes (of 9 hours 48 minutes)
- Longest sleep – 10 hours from Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday morning (of 13 hours 47 minutes)
- Clothes changed – 1 (Zen penguins guide to hoppiness, due to accident as was too ill really)
- Wipe wash – 0 (only had underarms done when changing top – too ill for anything else)
- Water wash – 0
- Hair wash – 1, with shampoo cap.
- Books read – 1 (Fahrenheit 451Β by Ray Bradbury)
- TV watched – 0
- YouTube videos watched – 2 – Corgi in an elevator and Newsthump card game.
- Music listened to – Steven Universe songs, Moonlight Shadow.
- Blog posts written (including this) – 1
- Penguins cuddled – plenty π§π§π§
- Johan hand holds – tons
- Johan hugs – 1 on his birthday π
- Time on Twitter – 3 hours 56 minutes (average 34 minutes a day)
- Time on Reddit – 25 hours 54 minutes (average 3 hours 48 minutes a day)
- Time on Facebook – 51 minutes (average 7 minutes a day)
- Other –
- Johan is now 29!
- Johan ran to Scotland this morning. It was 10 kilometres from Carlisle to Gretna Green.
- We only needed 1 extra care call for Johan going to Scotland. Knowing the care agency will respond in an emergency makes a massive difference.
- Electric blanket is awesome! It doesn’t completely replace heaty penguins and hot water bottle, but it does mean I don’t need them heating as often.
Game stuff
- Games played – 5
- Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
- Cross Stitch
- Neko Atsume
- Godville
- DragonVale
- AC: Pocket Camp Level – 67
- Godville Heroine Level – 48 (5% done)
- Godville wood for ark – 4.1%
- Godville savings – 220 thousand
- Cross stitch completed – 3
- Most played game – Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp (16 hours 6 minutes, average 2 hours 21 minutes a day)
- Other –
- Managed to finish the second half of the butterfly event in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp with about an hour left to go. I was incredibly lucky and had some very generous friends in game.
- Much preferring the Winter Sports Event. I got one of everything within two days, including getting the Snow Park amenity to level 2. I’ve just finished building my eighth mini skate rink and any extra snowflakes from now on will go on more tiaras.
- DragonVale released an update with extra levels an islands to get. Break postponed until I get them all.